Roulette World

One thousand and twenty-one white jade centaur

It is the first time Ye Zhongming has this feeling when the book is used.

The excitement of thinking of the answer just now disappeared without a trace.

If you don't know the star map, you don't know the position of the constellations. No matter how clever Ye Zhongming is, he can't solve this problem.

But he realized that since he knew where the problem was, it was nothing more than one word, find it!

How to find it? Ye Zhongming decided to use the most stupid method.

He started to walk back, walked to the first palace that he encountered, Mosca, then changed direction and walked towards the other side.

His method is to use the constellation Musca as a dot and draw a circle around it!

It was stupid, but it would keep him from falling in either direction, and if the centaur was nearby, it would be sure to find it this way.

Facts proved that Ye Zhongming was right, after searching in this way, the second palace he came across was Centaur!

It's so easy to confirm, it's the same as the pattern on the past life folder.

After adjusting his breathing, he walked up the steps and soon came to the gate of the palace.

Whether my guess is right or not depends on whether I can push open the gate of this palace.

He pressed his hands on it, and everything was answered.

Nothing happened.

Ye Zhongming took a deep breath and pushed open the palace door.

In the next second, he saw the monster standing in the center of the hall inside, a centaur monster.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming took the first step into the hall, and the sculpture-like centaur monster also opened its eyes.

The two sides looked at each other at this moment.

Ye Zhongming was calm on the surface, but he was a little shocked in his heart. This centaur should be an extremely special mutant life, but no matter how special it is, it is still a mutant life, not an evolutionary, but why is it so calm? Looking at Ye Zhongming's eyes, the indifference makes one's heart palpitate.

Is it because it is a half-human monster?

Ye Zhongming slowly pulled out the dancing sand, and the enhanced fire sand field immediately appeared around him. The light red sand was spinning violently within a radius of five meters, rubbing against the air and making a slight whimpering sound.

The temperature is also rising at the same time, and all enemies who enter the fire battlefield will receive continuous fire damage.

On Ye Zhongming's body, the black halo shield appeared, and the earth elf added a black earth armor casually, which instantly raised his defense to a terrifying level.

It's not over yet, some sand began to flow out from under Ye Zhongming's feet, which is the storage space in the blood-treading boots, since the bloodline has been improved, the sand has been put there specially.

When needed, Ye Zhongming would not hesitate to stimulate blood.

The centaur still didn't move during this process, and finally swung the white jade spear in his hand when he saw the sand. After that, the front hoof suddenly raised, then fell, and stomped hard on the ground .


A roar came out of the centaur's mouth, and the whole ground shook accordingly, and the sound echoed in the space.

Ye Zhongming's head was dizzy, and he immediately knew that the monster's attack had just begun.

The centaur over there dropped its front hooves and made a sound from its mouth, and immediately began to charge. The four huge white jade hooves trampled quickly and evenly on the ground of the palace.

During the rapid charge, the spear in his hand was raised high, and the top of the spear tip was bright, and it swung back with its thick arms.

Anyone can see that as it advances, the spear will swing accordingly until it stabs at Ye Zhongming.

It's a pity that Ye Zhongming has never been to the special roulette space in his previous life, so he naturally has no way of knowing what kind of monster it is. If he knows, he will recognize it. ability of a horse.

"Cry of the Wild!"

"The Spear of One Reach!"

The former can not only make the target temporarily stunned, but also increase the various physical attributes of the centaur, which is tantamount to a temporary strengthening.

And the Spear of One Going is a powerful attack ability,

Use the kinetic energy bonus brought by the charge, and the light attribute of the white jade spear itself to cause damage.

Although the centaur doesn't have a magic crystal, it can be seen from the moment it makes a move that its strength is not inferior to the seventh-level life, and even close to the eighth-level.

Ye Zhongming soon woke up from the dizziness, only to find that the centaur and its spear were already very close to him.

If it were someone else, perhaps the white jade spear had pierced into the body at this time, but Ye Zhongming was different, because there was a battlefield of fire around him.

Moreover, it is a fire battlefield that has been upgraded by a level!

The chaotic level reincarnation folder was clamped on the blue dancing sand, and a skill was randomly upgraded, which was applied to the fire sand field.

In the current fire battlefield, the reduction effect on enemies entering it is very obvious.

Perhaps, this obviousness is only reflected in the fact that the attack time has changed from one second to one and a half seconds, but this instant is enough to do many things.

Ye Zhongming was actually caught off guard today, and he didn't expect that this seemingly cold guy would have this kind of mental attack ability. If there is no fire battlefield, Ye Zhongming may be killed by this blow. Accepted.

But now, in this little time, Ye Zhongming reacted.

His body moved, and he sprinted, and Ye Zhongming dodged the blow that the centaur was bound to hit.

A huge centaur with a shiny spear on its body brushed past Ye Zhongming.

Then, Ye Zhongming kicked and swung his knife.

The kicking movement was extremely small, the centaur was reduced, and with its rushing inertia, it was impossible to dodge at all. Because of this, its body was shaken for a while, and there was a crackling sound, which should be Baiyu Cracks appeared on his legs.

The centaur, which could have rushed over directly, was stopped in place by Ye Zhongming's kick.

It also stopped within the attack range of Ye Zhongming Wusha, and then the knife light fell.

Normally, when Ye Zhongming uses a knife, he naturally uses Wusha's Burning Light skill, which can send out a knife light to split everything in front of him.

But this time, Ran Ruimang did appear and slashed out, because Ye Zhongming's own basic attributes were powerful and even more powerful.

But the most important thing is that after burning the sharp light, a semicircular cover appeared, and the cover happened to cover the body of the centaur, and inside the cover, a butterfly-shaped light blade appeared, and in an instant it started ravages.

If those who are familiar with Ye Zhongming must know that after sprinting and kicking, Ye Zhongming did not use any skills, and burning sharp light is the ability of the blue dance sand, then what is this mask?

The Rebirth Clip not only upgraded the Fire Sand Field for Wusha, but also gave it a brand new skill.

"Light Butterfly strangles!"

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