Roulette World

One thousand and twenty-three hired star elves

"Today and tomorrow will be more and more, it can be regarded as a make-up and a small outbreak, how much more can be written~~"

If Harmandan is not dead, if he enters this space with Ye Zhongming, then he will tell Ye Zhongming that this is the death blow of these constellation guardians.

Every palace, every monster in every palace, after they are about to die or even seriously injured, they will choose to gather all their strength and life into one shot, making it their own fatal blow, and also the opponent's fatal blow. .

At the beginning, when the mother disk of the star did not reproduce so many subordinates, those West Asians did not know how many masters were killed by this dying blow.

Of course, Hamadan might also tell Ye Zhongming... some things that he hadn't figured out before.

For example, why are there eighty-eight constellations in the modern constellation, but there are only fifty reward items on the board here.

Looking at the dead centaur, Ye Zhongming gave the Yunbao gourd the completely destroyed blue battle armor to 'eat', and replaced it with a spare green-level thousand-leaf scale light armor.

In the process of changing his clothes, some light blue light began to appear on the centaur's body, and then, a small elf of the same color appeared in midair.

The earth elf on Ye Zhongming's shoulder left his shoulder for the first time since following him.

Sitting on the small shield, the earth elf flew towards the newly appeared elf, and the light blue elf saw it and quickly floated over.

The two little guys met in the air, as if they were good friends they hadn't seen for many years, and they were extremely intimate, sitting on the small shield and 'talking to each other'.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows. Could it be that because he already has an elemental spirit, will he get any unexpected benefits here?

Seeing two bare-bottomed dolls sitting on the small shield and slapping each other, Ye Zhongming always felt that this picture was a little out of harmony with the serious atmosphere around him.

"Dad, he's hungry."

Ye Zhongming lowered his noble head, because he suffered tens of thousands of critical blows.

Although it has been strictly ordered that the little guy of the element of earth is not allowed to call him father, and he doesn't even let him speak in front of outsiders, Ye Zhongming still feels his heart beating faster when he suddenly said this, and his face is red.

He didn't get any prompts, but Ye Zhongming still took out some good things and gave them to the two little guys. The earth elf took it and gave it to the little friends as if showing off.

Ye Zhongming got a reminder when a small piece of ghost gold was eaten by a star elf along with a bottle of two-star evolution potion.

"The star elf, the only full-capable master of the star element, the current growth rate, newborn. The current state, employment."

The front is the same as when the Earth Spirit became Ye Zhongming's companion, but the back is a little different.


Is this the state of those West Asians who got the Star Spirit before?

At this time, Ye Zhongming regretted a little, before killing Harmandan, he should ask about the situation in detail.

"Star Spirit Instinct 1, Land of Glory. When needed, the Star Spirit will illuminate a space whose size is related to its own growth rate. In this space, its owner will get a speed bonus."

"Star Spirit Instinct 2, space is unimpeded. Star Spirit possesses the instinct of an elf and can travel freely in any space."

"Star Elf Instinct 3, Brilliant Star. The Star Elf will release a small star tree during battle, controlled by the owner, and emit star rays when needed."

"Star Elf Instinct 4, big stomach king. The elf can use the substances it is interested in to accumulate energy in the body. After the energy reaches a certain level, it will enter the next growth stage."

"Star Spirit Instinct 5, (Employment status, being sealed.)"

"Star Spirit Instinct 6, (Employment status, being sealed.)"

"Star Spirit Instinct 7, (Sealing.)"




"Star Spirit Instinct 12,


Compared with the earth elves, the star elves give Ye Zhongming much less surprises, not only because they have two abilities that are the same as the earth elves, but also because they have two more sealed abilities in the employment state .

This almost cuts the role of the Star Spirits in half.

At the same time, new questions emerged.

When he got the Spirit of Earth, Ye Zhongming fought life and death in that space for a long time, passed several levels, not to mention almost dying in it in the end, but it was about the same.

But now, they just came in for a fight, except for the last blow which was a bit dangerous, Ye Zhongming always had the upper hand at other times. After winning, he temporarily got the Star Spirit.

Is this too simple?

Also, how long can this star elf hired by him stay by his side?

None of these hints.

In the space of the soil roulette before, Ye Zhongming got a lot of three-color fertile life soil, but there is nothing here except white jade, let alone star sand.

They are both elemental elves, so the difference is too big.

Ye Zhongming looked at the body of the centaur, and tried to see if those spears could be used as materials, but it turned out that these were just fantasies.

In desperation, he could only walk out, but when he reached the door, Ye Zhongming stopped suddenly.

Turning around and returning to the centaur's body, he took out something from the space.

The gate of sacrifice.

Looking at the energy bar above, Ye Zhongming was very satisfied. He usually pays great attention to the sacrifice of this thing, but because of the equipment such as Yunbao gourd, he divided up a lot of materials.

However, since the last sacrifice, Ye Zhongming has been accumulating the energy of the gate of sacrifice, and now it has reached a very objective level.

Tried to sacrifice the weapons damaged by the centaur, and it succeeded, and the energy increased was quite a lot. Ye Zhongming was very happy, and finally found a way to compensate for his hard work here.

After the three weapons were sacrificed, Ye Zhongming began to dismember the centaur and sacrifice the corpse. Sure enough, this kind of white jade can be sacrificed no matter whether it is the body or the weapon.

After Ye Zhongming finished all this, he even wanted to smash the palace into pieces as a sacrifice, but the result was that...he thought too much.

After leaving the centaur palace and sacrificed the corpses of various monsters in the previous palaces, the energy of the gate of sacrifice increased by a whole line, and now it is only a little bit away from the highest energy that can be accumulated.

Ye Zhongming is looking forward to what the first full energy sacrificial gate will give him.

Since he didn't know the ratio of the time in this space to the outside, and he didn't have other constellations to hunt, Ye Zhongming didn't continue to expand his search range, but returned to the place where he came in, where there was a door waiting Own.

Holding the stick of nature in his hand, Ye Zhongming took a step forward, and then heard some prompts.

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