Roulette World

One thousand twenty-seven saliva

"To this day, continue every day~"

Ye Zhongming's hand stopped for a while, and he didn't continue until Xia Lei made a dissatisfied sound.

It's just that his brows were wrinkled.

He has known for a long time that Yunding and the posthumous people will eventually face the ninth-level powerhouse in the Dawn Temple, so he has prepared several methods for this.

The reason why he took the risk to find Xingchensha in West Asia was also to give him an extra confidence to deal with this peerless master.

But now, he just came back from West Asia, and the star elves haven't produced star sand yet, so naturally they can't make star equipment. Just from this point of view, Ye Zhongming is not ready.

Also, for some unknown reason, the connection between Ye Zhongming and Hongfa is now intermittent. At first, he thought it was because he was in two spaces, but it was still the same after returning to Wangcheng. This made him a little worried. Could it be that Hongfa? What irresistible existence did Fa encounter on the slope of the undead?

Thinking about the aura exuded by the red hair condensing the soul into a whip and pulling the bones into a seat, Ye Zhongming even felt threatened. Could it be that such a powerful red hair really buried the undead under the hillside as Ah Tao said? Those powerful undead lives awakened?

Maybe the redhead shouldn't have been there in the first place.

The fingertips are soft and smooth to the touch, but there is a bit of confusion in my heart.

The trip to West Asia seemed to have a good result, but only Ye Zhongming knew the dangers involved.

The character and organization of the West Asians prevented the Kingdom of the Holy City from making up their minds to go all out, which gave Genting the upper hand.

In fact, if the ruler had been really ruthless, perhaps the ending would have been completely different, and the Genting team might have fallen into a hard fight and had no chance with the Star Elf.

And in the Star Mother Disk space, although Ye Zhongming blocked Centaur's final death blow, he still had to be thankful that there was only one test, otherwise the next battle would have to be carried out with green equipment, which would undoubtedly lower the defense by a block. The risk factor is greatly increased.

The most dangerous is undoubtedly the brief battle with Gyanendra. If it weren't for Ye Zhongming's many methods, even if he knew how to break the return barrier, he would not be able to get out of trouble. In that space that is almost a domain, he might be slaughtered.

Taking such a big risk, if you don't turn the income into combat power, it's better to stay in the secret realm for a few days to make some equipment.

At the same time, after facing Gyanendra, Ye Zhongming also has a new understanding of the word strong, because he has upgraded to the seven-star evolution, and the arrogance that has been inadvertently produced after the upgrade of skills such as Daqian Soul Refining Technique and the strengthening of blood Psychology fades away.

He knows that even if he is reborn, he is not invincible. Others may have a good foundation, or have superhuman means, or have heaven-defying luck, which will cause these people to be no weaker than Ye Zhongming. Even surpassed Ye Zhongming in some respects.

For example, Gyanendra, for example, although he looks timid in doing things, his majesty the king is actually so powerful that he doesn't know how many stars he holds in his hands.

Because of the presence of these two people, Ye Zhongming even temporarily gave up on Ju Yun's search.

Even the strong on the earth are like this, not to mention the Holy Father of Dawn who has practiced for an unknown number of years in the secret realm.

That ninth-level old man can't be overestimated.

"Yesterday, cheers came from the Dawn Temple. Now they have gathered under the city wall. Their saintess and the evil dragon of Yanggos have arrived. The three main battle groups have also arrived early. Apart from the arrival of the ninth-level holy father, I really can't think of anything else that could make them so happy."

Hearing what Xia Lei said, Ye Zhongming nodded. Indeed, apart from the arrival of the ninth-level powerhouse and the attack on the king's city, there was indeed nothing worthy of a collective shout from the soldiers of the Temple of Dawn.

"Before they attack, I want to build something. You continue to be responsible for the outside. All the materials in Yunding are allocated by you. If there is any way to improve the strength of our fighters, just use it. In addition to keeping enough magic crystal weapons, All magic crystals are also replaced with evolution potions or other various boost potions.


Ye Zhongming decided to give it a go, and naturally he gave up. Xia Lei nodded silently and leaned over.

Like Ye Zhongming, she knew the danger ahead, so she no longer controlled her instincts.

"Hatsune Xia Bai, you two come in!"

The two ignorant women walked in after hearing the loud shout from Xia Lei's head, but they didn't come out for a long time after entering. Occasionally, soldiers passing by would faintly hear some strange voices inside...


Ye Zhongming put on his clothes, showing his strong chest, and fed the ghost gold and other precious materials to the two elemental elves.

Just now, he discovered a situation, that is, two little guys can disappear when hugged together.

This discovery made Ye Zhongming less ostentatious wherever he went in the future.

When they reappeared, there was a small spherical body under the body of the star elf, which looked like a planet, and it should have the same function as the small shield of the earth elf.

The two little things can talk. Although their IQs are not high, they are comparable to children around seven or eight years old. From their mouths, Ye Zhongming knows how the star elves produce star sand.


The earth spirits are drawn out when they are full, and the star spirits are drawn out when they are full and sleep.

Ye Zhongming had no choice but to suspect that the producer of the roulette wheel had some bad taste about the way the elemental elves produced national specialties.

After the two little guys were full, they fell into a deep sleep, and the corners of the star elves' mouths began to have dots of national specialties, but after all, the output was halved, and it would take a while to collect the amount that could be used.

Taking advantage of this spare time, Ye Zhongming thought about it, and planned to really start forging the Moon Sand War Saber.

The materials have been collected completely, and even Ye Zhongming has handled them carefully. Except for the Bright Moon Bloodstone, everything has been carefully homogeneously strengthened.

Before, because there were only three materials, the manufacturing success rate was very low, but now it is different. Ye Zhongming obtained the intermediate ingenuity in West Asia, and the basic success rate has greatly increased.

Before, the 4% success rate plus the 15% of primary ingenuity, the highest is less than 19%. Even if the luck is normal, it can only be done once in five times. In the case of only three materials Next, Ye Zhongming didn't dare to make a move.

But it is different now. Counting the intermediate ingenuity, the success rate is 34%, which is more than one-third. As long as the face is not too dark, then these three materials can basically ensure that Ye Zhongming can get a handful of purple. melee weapon!

Ye Zhongming adjusted his breathing and began to smelt the materials according to the method on the drawing.

At the same time, what he didn't know was that when he entered the manufacturing state, when the materials began to fuse, whether it was in the royal city or the Dawn Temple, all the senior fighters felt their hearts and looked at the place where Ye Zhongming was. direction!

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