Roulette World

One thousand and twenty-nine star equipment

"I'm sorry to everyone, I was going to blow up today, but suddenly got the news that a relative passed away in the afternoon, and I just came back not long ago, and I'm upset, I can't do more, I owe this explosion first, and make it up in a few days. Alas, I sincerely hope that human beings can overcome cancer as soon as possible. In the later stage, the patient is too painful~~I wish all book friends and family members good health~》

Strictly speaking, the named weapon has no special meaning, it is more like a special identification provided by the roulette system for high-level equipment.

Just like those ferocious mutated beings in the previous life were given names by people, such as Yangos and the like.

Although this kind of naming will not bring any additional benefits, it represents a kind of recognition or respect.

A piece of purple-grade equipment, not many can be given a name. Usually, it is the right of colorful weapons. This is also the reason why Ye Zhongming is excited. This undoubtedly shows that this piece of equipment is very good.

"Earth Sand Moon Blade (Purple)."

"Ability 1, sharpness +72o, toughness +78o."

"Ability 2, moonlight. When swinging the weapon, the saber will produce a sharp moonlight, cutting the target. The length and power of the moonlight are proportional to the force applied by the user. The sharpness will increase by 7o."

"Ability 3, blood-sucking as an alliance. When the local sand moon blade's attack causes damage, the target's injury will continue to increase for a period of time, and the power of the moon will be added by the target's injury, increasing by 1% to 100% Basic attributes ranging from five to five."

"Ability 4, skill memory. When the user activates the skill with the Earth Sand Moon Blade, the sword will remember a related attribute. Every time it is used, it will leave a mark on the sword. The deeper the mark, the more powerful the related attribute skill will be. The greater the bonus is. With 100 branding times as the base value, every increase of 100 times the base value can reach the next level, and the power of each level increases by 12%."

"Ability 5, moonlight field, when using the ground sand moon blade to fight, a moonlight space will be formed around the user, the user's physical fitness will increase slightly, the target enemy will be slowed down and stunned, and will be continuously damaged by the moonlight, the moonlight field The size of the range is within a radius of ten meters from the center of the user, and the range can be expanded, but it needs to consume a lot of mental power, and the maximum range cannot exceed a radius of 50 meters. The additional effect is related to the target's mental power and evolution level."

"Ability 6, sandstorm moonlight tornado, the user can cancel the moonlight field, and turn it into a sandstorm moonlight tornado with varying numbers of powerful power, which will cause double damage of earth and light to the target, and the power is inversely proportional to the number of tornadoes."

Looking at these skills, Ye Zhongming understood why he was given the name by the roulette system.

First of all, it is naturally the strength of the basic ability, whether it is sharp or tough, it has reached a very high level. You must know that this is just the attribute of the sword, and some skills are not counted. Once these are added, the knife is already sharp To the extreme.

Secondly, the previous blade light was replaced by moon light, and now the moon light will appear as long as it is swung, and the attack power of these moon light is more powerful than the blade body itself.

And the newly added blood-sucking alliance can make this knife increase its own combat power while hurting the enemy. If it is changed to a numerical value, it only increases the lowest power by one percent, so the sharpness value of the moonlight has already been increased. It is infinitely close to 8oo. If you increase the maximum 5%, the sharpness value will increase to nearly 84o!

That's the equivalent of another half a notch up.

As for the previously existing skill memory and the moonlight field transformed into the battlefield, it has increased the power and reduced the restrictions, and even the latter has increased the effect of dizziness.

Finally, there is the sandstorm moonlight tornado skill. Although there are not many introductions, it can replace the moonlight field, and its power will naturally not be low. At the same time, this is also a skill that can be used individually or in groups, and can be flexibly used according to the battle situation.

Even if the basic attributes are eliminated, the passive and active abilities of this sword will add up to five, and there are many tactics in battle.

Sure enough, it is a named weapon, and it does have its powerful reason.

Ye Zhongming touched the smooth and sharp blade, feeling the uniform but powerful force on it.

Although he also has equipment such as crystal energy magic bullet gun, but it can't match his main profession so perfectly. Undoubtedly, this earth sand moon blade is his main weapon, and it is also the most suitable weapon for him.

Putting down the saber, Ye Zhongming looked at the remaining materials. Taking advantage of the heat, Ye Zhongming started the third manufacturing.

It just...failed.

Ye Zhongming felt very sorry.

Forging three times in a row exhausted his mind. Ye Zhongming took a break and found that some of the star sand had been collected. He took these and observed carefully. Even if he had seen it before, he was still attracted by this gorgeous color.

In the previous life, the star equipment was more famous than the earth equipment. This does not mean that the former must be better than the latter. Ye Zhongming guessed that it should be related to the character of Chinese people who do not reveal their wealth. They will not easily show the earth equipment to others. Well, the earth equipment is indeed not specific, but the star equipment is said to be very colorful, which is probably one of the reasons why it is more famous.

Ye Zhongming thought about it, and decided to use a battle armor to test the effect of these star sand.

He took the safest way, which is to prepare the armor first, and then go to enchant it. Although this will not be as powerful as the integrally formed equipment, at least if it succeeds, you can get a piece of blue equipment.

Ye Zhongming took off the Thousand Leaf Scale Armor that he was wearing. This is an 'original' that has not been enhanced by Fertile Soil. He followed the method of making the blue armor before, adding the 'mountain' seal to the material. , began to condense.

Soon, the battle armor changed, the original soft green light faded and disappeared, and some blue and purple dots appeared on the surface of the armor. After these dots appeared, they became active, wandering on the surface of the armor, instantly The space turned into its true color and dispersed on the surface of the armor.

Ye Zhongming's luck was good, he succeeded the first time.

Holding this beautiful piece of equipment that has turned blue and exudes destructive starlight, Ye Zhongming looked at the attributes and abilities.

Compared with the Chiba Scale Armor, the basic attributes have been improved a bit, and most of the equipment's abilities have not changed. Naturally, the power has increased, and there is one more ability-Square Armor Shadow.

During the battle, the phantom of the battle armor can be used to deter enemies close to the body, causing impact damage, and it also has a knock-up effect.

What Ye Zhongming liked the most was naturally the name of the equipment, the Chiba Scale Armor of the Stars! There are also additional attributes of star equipment.

"The ring of broken stars, which is an additional attribute of star defense equipment, can form a ring of meteorites around the wearer when needed. It plays a protective role during battle, and can also cause damage to enemies who enter the range. The damage continues to stack. When After all the meteorites in the meteorite ring have attacked the target, the meteorite ring will explode, causing great damage, and the explosion will cause a certain degree of damage to the armor. After repairing, the meteorite ring will enter the cooling time, which lasts for 50 hours."

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