Roulette World

1031 Let the light shine here

"A kind of equipment." Hong Xiang first gave a definition to this thing. Under Xia Lei's white eyes, the Wang Zun continued: "A long-range weapon that can shoot holy light."

"Holy light?"

Ye Zhongming asked suspiciously.

In fact, he doesn't believe in saints, gods, etc. Holy light is probably a kind of light.

"It's a weapon that can only be made by a special profession in the Temple of Dawn. The maker is the light acolyte." Ling Kun took Hong Xiang's words, and the senior management of the posthumous people remembered that if someone spoke to the light acolyte If you know the level of understanding, then it is undoubtedly Ling Kun.

In the history of Lingkun Wangzun's tribe, there were two genocide crises. Those two crises were both related to the monk Guang. The tribes have had large-scale bloody conflicts.

As a result, the posthumous people failed both times. However, the Lingkun tribe has always been a super tribe, and its strength can be said to be the top posthumous people. When fighting against the Lingkun tribe, the posthumous people stared at them and killed them, so they suffered heavy losses, so many inheritances were broken, and they were weak from then on.

"Acolytes of light themselves don't have very strong combat power, but the combat skills they practice are a kind of strange ability that can apply energy in the body to external objects. It is somewhat similar to a maker or making Horcruxes, but it is not exactly the same, because Each Light Acolyte can manufacture a certain amount of equipment, and there is only one attack method, which is this..."

As he said that, Ling Kun Wangzun pointed to the tubes, "Holy light attack."

Patting his partner on the shoulder, Hong Xiang Wangzun continued: "Among the equipment made by the monks of light, the most mature and powerful one is this kind of holy light tube. This kind of weapon fully exerts the power of holy light. And there are almost no disadvantages in terms of weapon portability, recycling and durability.”

Ye Zhongming looked at it, then turned his head and said, "A charged one?"

Several Wang Zun nodded, "Although many of the skills of the monks of light have been lost due to the previous war, there are probably not many people who are willing to become monks of light, but obviously, they are here this time."

"How powerful is it? What's the range?" Mo Ye asked in the Rong's Saint Cloth suit.

"This, I don't know now, but according to the records, those previous ones are as powerful as high-level Horcruxes, and their range is about..." Hong Xiang Wang Zun converted some earth's measurement methods and said: "Five hundred meters."

The Genting people gasped when they heard this. This distance is equivalent to or even surpasses the range of some mainstream rifles on Earth!

And the power is estimated to be far from guns. Once there is no protection between the two parties, this thing is too threatening!

Why are Ye Zhongming and Genting so confident in defending the royal city? It is because both the earth and the roulette technology have a large number of long-range attack methods, which can ensure that the Dawn Temple will suffer a devastating blow when it attacks.

But if they also have obvious fire suppression equipment, then this war will return to a state of evenly matched forces.

Once this happens... To be honest, the posthumous man plus Yunding Villa, facing such a powerful Dawn Temple, the final result is really hard to say.

The appearance of the holy light tube made the people on the city wall feel a little depressed, but they are also people who are used to the scene. Seeing the posture of the Dawn Temple, they knew that the siege was about to start, one after another The order began to be issued, and everyone in the entire Wangcheng moved.

About an hour later, the first two rows of giant siege vehicles made of mixed metal and wood began to rumble forward. After that, there were strong warriors holding huge shields, three phalanx shield warriors On both sides, there are two groups of long-haired monsters with a number of about a thousand. The white hairs are braided into thick braids, flapping on the body as they walk.

No one knows this kind of monster.

Behind them are the most numerous zither crossbows, neatly arranged in three rows, and each row has more than two thousand pieces!

After each crossbow,

There are three warriors standing, one is responsible for carrying and delivering the two-meter-long crossbow bolts, one is responsible for assisting in winding, and the other aims and shoots, with a clear division of labor.

Behind the big killer like the three-row crossbow, there are five square archers. These people are also the only ones in the entire Dawn Temple camp who are not wearing metal armor. They wear neat leather armor. There are three quiveres hanging on each side, which are full of feather arrows. If you look carefully, you will find that each quiver is different. Obviously, these bows and arrows have various uses.

After the long-range troops, there is the melee team. Some less disciplined and not-so-well-equipped troops are at the forefront. There are a lot of siege equipment in their team, obviously the vanguard or death squad. It is necessary to brave the powerful firepower of the posthumous king city to charge and create opportunities for his companions.

Behind them are several monster phalanxes, heavy infantry phalanxes, templar knights phalanxes and trebuchet phalanxes.

The sky is densely packed with Dawn Taoist priests, and there is also a "mixed army" composed of other flying monsters with similar numbers. According to the equipment they wear, they should be troops with different functions.

The saint stood on the back of Yangos, at the end of the entire flying corps. Below her were the Big Three of Dawn and the Dawn Guards, and of course, the power of the gods.

Except for a few reserve teams in the logistics camp outside the mountainside, most of the soldiers in the Dawn Temple were concentrated here.

Those who were shocked by this military appearance were not only the posthumous men on the city wall, but also the Dawn Temple itself.

Rong Zhi Nan Jin left the three giants, stood on a high place and looked at half of the soldiers on his own side, his heart was surging.

"This is the temple, this is holy war!"

Rong Zhi raised his arms and shouted, and all the soldiers in the Dawn Temple followed suit. The sound of holy war pierced into the sky, shaking the entire mountainside.

Some monsters in the posthumous king's city even trembled or became violent because of this!

The three giants looked up at the saint who was riding a giant dragon hovering in the air. This noble woman, who was injured a few days ago and had obviously recovered, squinted her eyes and focused on the posthumous Wangcheng not far away. When her gaze fell on Ye Zhongming, who was surrounded by everyone and wearing a beautiful battle armor, her beautiful eyes were full of murderous intent.

She raised the halberd in her hand and pointed it at the center of the royal city.

"Let the light shine here, let the holy words baptize this place, keep the evils away from here, and destroy them!" The saint shook the famous scepter of glory, and countless rays of light fell from the sky, bathing all the soldiers below.


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