Roulette World

1033 The siege engine recorded in history

"I'm done with family affairs, and will resume normal updates tomorrow, and there will be fewer in these two days. I'm sorry for the book friends who have been following Roulette. "

The battlefield has not become silent because of death. The so-called respect for life only exists in textbooks and movies.

Real wars are always crueler than imagined, and those who have not experienced them cannot understand.

Huge siege vehicles rumbled to the bottom of the city. These special vehicles that looked as high as a two-story building were completely propelled by manpower. The Tibetan soldiers in the body were also these siege vehicles with eight wheels. source of motivation.

"Crush them!"

Maybe the posthumous people don't know what those unseen monsters are, maybe they don't know what methods the Dawn Temple has yet to show, but they know this kind of siege engine.

Among the countless records about the Dawn Temple, this kind of engineering vehicle has an extremely special status.

A long time ago, when the posthumous people had not declined to the point where they are today, they were still living on the ground, and they were not called posthumous people. They also had their own cities, which were equally large in scale and strong in defense.

In the initial confrontation with the Temple of Dawn, they were also full of confidence and each had their own advantages.

However, when one city after another was breached, and people in countless cities were massacred, the posthumous people declined rapidly.

It is this kind of siege engine that plays a key role in this.

Before, Ye Zhongming and everyone in Genting had heard the legend about this siege weapon, but when they actually saw it, they didn't feel too strongly in their hearts.

But right away, they saw the horror of these giant cars.

The soldiers operating weapons on the city wall heard Ling Kun Wangzun's order, and aimed at the siege vehicles that had come within 200 meters of the city wall under the cover of the air force before, and the giant crossbows started to fire. The crossbow bolts upgraded by Ye Zhongming formed a solid mobile defense wall and pressed towards the siege vehicles.

It is conceivable that once shot by these giant crossbows, these vehicles will be destroyed no matter how strong they are. After all, this is the existence that even the eighth-level Yangos would shy away from.

However, with the firing of crossbow arrows on the city wall, there was also a bang bang bang sound from a notch in the center of the siege vehicle, and large circular nets were shot out. Small, densely arranged, with small metal dots at the nodes.

The huge crossbow wall covered the sky with a huge net, and the two sides collided in the air without any accident.

Slap! Slap! ...

Such voices came one after another, and the giant crossbow easily shot through these giant nets. The Yunding people who had never seen this kind of equipment showed joy on their faces, but in the next second, their expressions changed, because these were penetrated by the crossbow arrows. The big net suddenly tightened, covering the terrorist weapons on the net. That kind of metal node actually has a strong suction!

Due to the large number, the sudden contraction of the large net is very spectacular, but it is obviously not a good thing for the posthumous person.

Because at least 90% of the crossbow bolts shot out were caught by these large nets, and after being wrapped tightly, they fell to the ground and lost their effectiveness. Although the remaining ones were shot between these siege vehicles, the sharp crossbow arrows pierced the body, some were bounced off, and some pierced in, the distance was too far, and the battlefield was noisy, so I couldn't hear anything clearly, but However, it could be seen that some red liquid flowed out from the gap of the siege vehicle.

They did achieve some results, but they were not large, and the number of destroyed siege vehicles did not exceed ten.


Ordering Kun Wangzun to continue, Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes and ordered the magic crystal cannon to prepare at the same time. He planned to see if these things, which had always played a terrifying role in the siege battle, could resist the attack from other forces. An attack on civilization.

The second wave of crossbow bolts encountered the second wave of large nets. Just like the first time, only a small number of crossbow bolts hit the target, and a few hit the joints of the siege vehicle, splashing out a lot of sawdust.

Make the chariot stop, this is considered destroyed.

Some special sounds sounded, it was the sound of the magic crystal weapon.

Five hundred magic crystal cannons of the Potian series let out their roars together.

The energy group streaked across the air in the mountainside, and with contempt for life, rushed in front of these siege vehicles.

The berserk energy tore apart the body of the siege vehicle, as well as the bodies of the Dawn Templar soldiers inside. With one volley, at least hundreds of siege vehicles were destroyed, completely destroyed. .

Cheers erupted from the city.

There are quite a few of these siege vehicles, but it doesn't take much time to destroy hundreds of them at once.


Just before the cheers fell, some posthumous people discovered that those behind the destroyed siege vehicles had changed, and some metal armor plates began to cover them, and some structures such as wooden joints that were originally exposed were completely destroyed. Blocked, between these metal armor pieces, there are metal pipes sticking out one by one, and the purpose is unknown.

Ye Zhongming's eyes were fixed, he didn't even think about what these metal pipes were, and directly ordered to continue the attack.

The magic crystal cannon continued to bombard there, and the sharp arc of energy fell on these metal armor pieces, sending out a lot of sparks.

"This is impossible!"

Xia Lei grabbed the city wall, frowning.

She saw that the magic crystal cannon's attack was blocked.

This is not to say that these chariots covered with metal armor really ignore the attack, the magic crystal energy still caused great damage to them, and some metal armor was cut open, exposing the car body inside.

However, none were destroyed.

Yanggos hovered above the head of the saint, watching this scene with fangs and claws, his eyes were full of ridicule and a bit of disdain.

These metal pieces are not ordinary metal pieces, but soaked in the blood of dragon blood and other powerful monsters. Although the defense power is not as good as one-fifth of its own defense power, it is indeed not a magic crystal cannon. It can be broken.

Of course, when Yanggos thought of this, he didn't know if he remembered the days when he was forced to let blood, and his whole body trembled.

The bombardment on the top of the city didn't stop, the siege vehicles clad in metal armor rumbled forward, the magic crystal energy raged in the formation of vehicles, from time to time the chariots were destroyed, and the people inside were cut into pieces.

But the team kept going.

At the same time, the monsters throwing rocks in the air came back again, which caused the giant crossbows that had not fired to start attacking again, and because the magic crystal cannons were attacking the siege vehicles, those giant bows that had not moved had to be shot again. Set aside a part to make up for the lack of firepower.

Even the few air forces of the posthumous people are ready to go up and fight when necessary.

At this time, the metal pipes of those siege vehicles moved, and small but strange-looking things began to spray out of them. The whole was cone-shaped. During the flight, the front end suddenly opened and turned into a It was umbrella-shaped, and while flying, it began to spin rapidly, spinning so fast that it even made a piercing sound of tearing the air!

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