Roulette World

One thousand and forty-six air shields

"Stop them!"

Standing among the guards, Xia Lei held a pair of knives and saw so many sky knights flying out of the bright Taoist priests attacking her side and rushing towards the city. She immediately guessed what happened and naturally wanted to stop it.

The Guangyao team, which had been in the back team and hadn't made a move for the time being, raised their guns and focused their fire on these sky knights.

When it comes to marksmanship, the Guangyao team has a lot more people than other teams in Genting, and most of the ammunition produced by the newly introduced bullet production line is also supplied to them. Even Ye Zhongming's high-grade bullets are distributed to the Guangyao team. Half, the other half was divided by other teams.

They didn't take any action before, because although the Bright Taoist Corps is focusing on attacking Yunding, firstly, Yunding still has enough power, and secondly, these sky knights have not landed low enough. Xia Lei and Guangyao want to achieve greater results. , waiting for a more suitable time.

But seeing them flying towards the city now, it is impossible for them to succeed.

The fire lines lit up all over the sky, and the bullets cut through the air, emitting the familiar smell of gunpowder smoke. These gray-level firearms and gray-level bullets formed a fire coverage net, which immediately made these sky knights fall one after another.

This forced the sky knight who had swooped down to rise again, and returned fire with a throwing gun, and the castration slowed down.

"Must rush over!"

Wearing silver armor, holding a silver gun, Zai Li rode his purple-headed vulture, leading the guards to the sky above the Taoist priests at some point, which greatly boosted the morale of the whole team.

"The person who used the large holy light technique cannot be allowed to live!"

A resolute order came out of his mouth, but Zai Li's eyes were somewhat confused.

Why, these outsiders have such pure light energy? This should be unique to the Holy Father and the Holy Daughter.

Following Zai Li's order, some members of the guards who followed him took out some metal cylinders with a diameter of 50 centimeters and a height of about 30 centimeters hanging in front of their mounts, and threw them towards the defense line of Yunding, especially the Guangyao team. go down.

These cylinders made a harsh hum when they fell, and after falling for a few seconds, they made a crackling sound, and the shape changed, from a cylindrical shape to a square metal plate.

This change surprised everyone from the earth, and it was undoubtedly a kind of mechanical equipment with exquisite design.

These metal plates began to rotate continuously, and from some of the holes above, some 'ropes' made by the internal tendons of unknown monsters were thrown out. One end of these ropes did not leave these metal plates, and the other end was floating in the air. Those of the same kind that are adjacent to the metal plate will immediately stick together, and the sticking is extremely firm.

In this way, these metal plates transformed from metal tubes form a connected metal net in the sky, and as they fly, the distance between each other becomes smaller and smaller, and finally directly use those The ropes were glued together and became one big side—the shield.

This kind of thing makes the people below a little dumbfounded.

Is it okay?

The appearance of these two large metal plates immediately suppressed Yunding's firepower to the extreme. The bullets hit it with tinkling sounds and a lot of sparks, but lost the terrifying killing effect before.

The Taoist regiment, which was baptized by the bullet rain and only half of them remained, used the cover of these metal plates to rush out of the range of the city wall. Although the members of the Guangyao team continued to attack after they flew away from the protection of these metal plates , causing the sky knights to fall continuously at the end of the team, but still let more than 700 Taoist priests fly out of range and fly in the direction of Park Xiuying.

"Sister Lei?" Many people looked at Xia Lei, with obvious intentions, do you want to rush to help Teacher Park immediately?

But Xia Lei shook her head.

If the Dawn Temple thinks that it can kill the core figures in Yunding with the help of those hundreds of sky knights, then it is thinking too much.

Her gaze, more often in the air,

The metal plate above the head of the Yunding camp is slowly descending at this moment, pressing down against the city wall.


After using the Holy Light of the Setting Sun, Pu Xiuying's face turned pale.

There are too many people on the city wall, and the total amount of mental power consumed by each person is more than Park Xiuying expected.

She took out a pinch of spirit recovery potion from a beautiful kit beside her and drank it, feeling better.

The suddenly reduced mental power is recovering quickly, and the passive recovery speed of soul skills has also been increased. The value of this bottle of potion is no less than that of the four-star evolution potion. Usually, Park Xiuying is definitely reluctant to drink it, but now the situation is special, she must guarantee Plenty of mental power.

The Holy Light of the Setting Sun can not only be effective on the wounded, but also increase the self-healing ability of uninjured soldiers in a short period of time. The effect of this large-scale recovery skill is basically equivalent to sending a reserve team of a thousand people to each position .

The most important thing is to improve morale.

Park Xiuying finished what she did, and knew that she could do nothing about the next thing, but she believed that Ye Zhongming could solve everything.

It's just that she just turned around, but she turned back again, and she saw a group of air knights rushing down here aggressively in the direction of the city wall.

There was no unexpected expression on Pu Xiuying's face, she just sighed slightly, gently pushed the glasses on her face with her fingers, turned around again, walked back calmly, and nodded with the person coming from the opposite side.

It was Sheng Yuan who passed her by.

For this battle, Sheng Yuan, who was in charge of the safety of the two laboratories, was transferred to guard Pu Xiuying's side.

Hundreds of fighters from the Taoist priests approached quickly, even though most of them had been killed by Guangyao's team, when they swooped down, their aura was astonishing.

Followed by Sheng Yuan are the soldiers of the Thousand Guardians. Each of them is very strong, and each of them holds a giant green-level shield in their hands. They are also the only ones besides Xia Bai's team. A team with green gear.


Sheng Yuan let out a loud roar, and the surrounding fighters immediately formed a four-layer defense line. At the same time, they raised the giant shield in their hands, facing the Kenna Sky Knights who rushed down to the sky, and at the same time began to retreat step by step as a whole. The walking speed was the same as that of Park Soo-young, guarding Park Soo-young step by step, while Sheng Yuan was left alone in front.

As the leader of the guardian team, Sheng Yuan also carried a huge shield, but his shield was blue, which was specially made for him by Ye Zhongming after failing many times.

Holding up his huge shield, he looked at the people of the Knights of Light who were getting closer and closer, and suddenly let out a loud roar, and his body immediately began to grow taller and stronger. As A's body swelled, some short hairs grew on that firm face, and even the shape of the head changed a little.

At this time, Sheng Yuan inspired his middle-level Mountain Roar bloodline and turned into a small behemoth with a height of nearly three meters!

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