Roulette World

1051 The final attack

Nan Jin and Rong Zhi were all in military attire, and they were already riding on their respective mounts.

Beside them is a saint holding a scepter of glory.

Just now, under the leadership of the saint, some temple priestesses have treated the wounded warrior. However, this is a drop in the bucket compared with the overall number of casualties.

Without him, it is just that during the attack, the wounded soldiers rarely come back, and it is said that most of them can only lie on the battlefield and wait to die.

They are perhaps the ones who hope to win the most, because only when their side wins can they have a chance to survive. If they fail, what awaits them is the enemy's make-up.

As for the captives...

In Blue Rift, this word doesn't really exist, at least for ordinary fighters. Since none of them will be captured, there can be no treatment. Drugs are sometimes worth more than human life here.

"Grave is dead."

Nan Jin's voice was a little low, and the tragedy of the battle was beyond his imagination.

Send masters to sneak into the royal city to kill or entangle the high-level officials of the posthumous coalition forces, and let the sharp knife team quickly capture the city wall. He is also one of the participants in the formulation of this plan.

Just like everyone else, Nan Jin has great confidence in this plan, because the number of masters in the Temple of Dawn is far more than that of the posthumous people, and the posthumous people's own internal struggles have reduced the number of their kings Nearly half, even with the help of those outsiders, it can't stop the advantage of the Dawn Temple in this face-up strategy.

But who would have thought that in a short period of time, two consecutive eighth-level masters disappeared, and even more seventh-level masters died.

Does the posthumous person have any hidden powerful characters?

Especially the death of Ge Lian shocked him even more.

This person had competed with him for the position of head of the Knights of Light back then. If his fighting style was not suitable for cavalry combat, perhaps Nan Jin's position would have been his.

Nan Jin is very aware of the strength of his opponent. Not only does he have holy eyes in his hands, but he also has ten six-level monsters as his assistants. Speaking of the ability to single-handedly fight, Nan Jin may still not be the opponent of Greed.

However, this person died just like that.

Except for Ling Kun and the pool guards, they really couldn't think of anyone who could have such strength and kill Ge Lian in such a short time.

Even if it was Ling Kun or the pool guard, he felt that these two posthumous people of level eight were at most similar to Ge Lian, and they were not counted as pool guards. Among the posthumous Wang Zun, Heibi and He Yan, the former was besieged to death by three people including himself, and the latter also died at the hands of their own people!

How did the posthumous man, who had been severely injured, kill Ge Lian? Was it really done by the pool keeper? But he should be dealt with specially.

"Kanzishan's aura has also disappeared, and Hong Xiang's aura has also disappeared. It's not that we have no results."

The saint paused the scepter on the ground, "Although we have lost a lot, they are going to break into the royal city after all. Accidents are easy to happen. Although they are dead, they are not worthless. The four kings are now one dead and one seriously injured, and there are only two of their high-level officials left. In the case of only Neo and Lingkun, it is impossible for them to guarantee effective command. worth!"

Whether it is worth it or not, everyone has different judgment standards. Nan Jin didn't quite agree with the saint's words in his heart, but he nodded.

"It seems that the city wall has also been blocked. It seems that it is time for us to make a move."

Zai Li has already charged up with the Guangming Taoist group, now it is time for Rong Zhi and Nan Jin to go out.

"Nan Shuai, let me take the lead."

Rong Zhi raised the long knife in his hand, gestured to the saint, and walked out first, behind him were a thousand silent guards in white armor.

These people are the elite of the Temple Guards. They are usually responsible for protecting the safety of the Holy Father and the Holy Maiden. They have the strongest overall combat effectiveness in the entire Dawn Temple.

Among them, several captains were trained by the Holy Father.

Such a team should only make a move at the most critical time.

Is now the time to do it?

This is only the first day of the war, and only half a day of falling sand has been fought!

But since the saint didn't stop, Nan Jin didn't say anything, he adjusted his armor silently, waved his hand to the back, and the cavalry team who had been silent all along followed behind Nan Jin.

These five thousand knights are also the most elite existence of the Bright Knights. Since the Taoist priests and the guards are desperate, Nan Jin has no reason to hold back.

End this war in a day?

Then... let's end it.


On the city wall, Ye Zhongming wiped the blood flowing from his mouth, and pulled out a dagger stabbed in his abdomen. His strong physical fitness made the muscles in the wound tense, and within a few seconds, the blood flow slowed down. up.

Ye Zhongming heaved a sigh of relief seeing the holes and some small cracks on the star equipment.

Around him were the corpses of the vanguard.

After coughing twice to relieve his injured body, Ye Zhongming looked outside the city.

Just now, Ye Zhongming fought alone against the vanguard team of the Temple of Dawn. Although it ended in his victory, Ye Zhongming also paid a certain price in the face of the enemy's crazy attack.

The body suffered serious injuries, the two elves ran out of energy, and had no auxiliary ability before replenishing, and the damaged armor needed to be repaired...

The only aspect that is in a relatively good state is that the mental power is still abundant.

But Ye Zhongming knows that now is not the time to rest. Although the battle on this side has been resolved, on the other side of the city wall, the holy light tube and other troops are still advancing slowly, even though they have been violently attacked. It was about to occupy the 200-meter-long city wall, and the soldiers coming from the ice crystal road were rushing in continuously.

At this time, Ye Zhongming also had to admire the Temple of Dawn. While their troops could put pressure on the city walls everywhere, they could also continuously attack here.

The abundance and high quality of soldiers are really not comparable to the current Yunding Villa or posthumous people.

Of course, after this war, even if the Dawn Temple wins in the end, it will still be hurt. It is estimated that it will not recover within twenty years.

Of course, the reverse is also true. After the battle, the number of posthumous people will be greatly reduced.

Some strange horn sounds came from outside the city, which made the Dawn Temple soldiers who were in the attack state pause for a moment, and then let out a huge roar, which caused the entire mountainside to shake slightly.

"It's the corner of light!"

A posthumous soldier of some age was beside Ye Zhongming. Hearing this voice, he murmured.

Ye Zhongming turned his head in confusion, "What is that?"

The soldier looked at Ye Zhongming dumbly, and said in a low voice: "The horn of light sounds, and God's punishment is coming."

"They, this is the final attack."

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