Roulette World

One thousand sixty-five

On a night like this, when such a voice was suddenly heard during an unseemly transaction, everyone would involuntarily panic.

Probably only someone like Ye Zhongming, who has encountered even rebirth, can maintain a calm mind.

Yan Laowu's eyes are red. Although he is a five-star evolutionary person, he is a respectable person in the eyes of many people in the last days, but he knows that his level is nothing in the eyes of real big shots.

The current business is actually taking advantage of the loopholes that those big shots turn a blind eye to.

But once it is broken, those people probably don't mind punishing it.

In the last days, the word chasten usually means death.

"Fast forward fast forward!"

Yan Laowu rushed to the end of the team in one step, and began to push the crowd into the city gate with both arms forward. What he can do now is to let these people enter quickly, and then leave quickly. Before, disappear!

Normally, there is still time. After all, at the speed of an evolutionary, it doesn't take long to pass through the city gate, maybe a few seconds is enough.

But don't forget that they become evolutionaries because in the last days, there is a roulette wheel. And the sound of the engine does not only represent the means of transportation in the ordinary sense.

A metal monster came under the city wall in just a few seconds.

This is a super-era product with an obvious roulette style. It looks like a ferocious mechanical spider, but it only has four mechanical legs. The bottom of each leg is an all-metal wheel, and above the wheel is a complex mechanical joint. , a knee-like structure, it is obvious that these four legs can not only walk on wheels, but also have a terrifying jumping ability.

Above the four legs, there is an oval metal body a little bigger than a mid-level suv. The front and back cannot be seen, but several sensors and mechanical eyes can be seen protected in some small structures.

In addition to these, the most conspicuous thing is the weapon launch port on the top. There are six or seven of different calibers that can be seen. I don't know what kind of weapon it is.

This time, even the guards guarding the city gate turned pale.

They are very familiar with this 'Land Xing Spider', it belongs to the boss of Mingshui Village, Gong Shangming.

These guards turned a blind eye to the behavior of letting people in without permission, that's because they also benefited, it's okay not to be discovered, once discovered...

Many timid people were already trembling with fright.

Yan Laowu turned around in a daze, and those who hadn't entered also stood there with worried faces. Looking at Yan Laowu's appearance, they knew that today's affairs were complicated.

"Yan Laowu?"

There was a somewhat weird sound from the land spider, which should be due to the microphone.

"Gong, Boss Gong!"

Yan Laowu bent over and almost knelt down.

After such a delay, a team came from behind. Although these teams were all driving peacetime vehicles, they had been modified at a glance. It was not the kind of modification in the traditional sense, but some modification using occupations. The car has changed so much that it can hardly see its original appearance.

Ye Zhongming stood behind the city gate, saw this scene through the gap in the city gate, and knew that Gong Shangming himself or his subordinates must be an excellent reformer. Not necessarily anymore.

With a sound of "magnetism", Lu Xingspider opened a gull-wing door on one side, and a middle-aged man jumped out of it, wearing a very exquisite tight black leather armor, dotted with golden buttons and epaulets. beautiful.

"You think what I'm saying is farting?"

Gong Shangming's voice was not loud, but his words were like a mountain, and Yan Lao Wu's waist was directly pressed down, and this five-star evolutionary unexpectedly fell to his knees with a plop.

"Who is guarding the city gate today?"

Ignoring Yan Lao Wu who was kneeling there, Gong Shangming looked at the city gate instead.

The person who traded with Yan Laowu before walked up to him tremblingly,

He lowered his head, clenched his fists, and said sorry again and again.

At this time, a woman got out of the vehicles following Gong Shangming, and after arriving here, Gong Shangming asked a question.

"Do you know where he lives?"

"I know, he called Dadu, Jianchen's subordinate."

Gong Shangming nodded, without any warning, a metal whip suddenly popped out from his leg armor, very thin but full of elasticity.

The metal whip quickly stabbed at the city gate guard nicknamed Dadulai.

Dadulai raised his eyebrows, and his body stepped back. At the same time, two balls of flames appeared on his hands. He raised his arms and was about to hit Gong Shangming.

Although he was only a four-star evolutionary, facing the six-star Gong Shangming, he dared to resist at a moment of life crisis.

But the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, the sharp tip of the metal whip pierced through his jaw with a puff, pierced through his head instantly, and came out from the top of his head.

The flame in his hand went out, Dadu Ming's body swayed twice and fell to the ground, convulsing and dying.

The metal whip was retracted like a spirit snake, and it was hidden under his leather armor again.

"Search the body, then go to his house to search, if I eat mine, I will spit it out." Gong Shangming took a step forward without even looking at Daduming, and kicked Yan Lao Wu away. After a certain distance, it hit the city wall, and after landing, it began to spurt blood.

"How to deal with these people?" The woman next to Gong Shangming asked, referring to the people who were going to enter Luoshui Village.

"They?" Gong Shangming snorted, "Don't you want to come here to make a fortune, then I will give them a chance to make a fortune."

"Throw them all into the mine. The water deacon needs a lot of stone beads. If we can collect more before the feast of clear water, we can exchange for more benefits."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and his team surrounded them and forced them into the city. Anyone who dared to resist would be killed immediately without discussion.

Only Yan Laowu lay there on his stomach without daring to move, until the woman next to Gong Shangming asked something, then he jumped up excitedly, swearing at the sky while patting his chest.

Ye Zhongming was going to leave, but after hearing the words Deacon Shui and Shi Zhu, he didn't move, and was escorted in one direction with these people.

He felt that his luck was pretty good, and by mistake, it seemed that he was close to the essence of the Mingshui feast in the first place.

In the distance, there was the sound of water. It was a waterfall flowing down from the cliff, which was also the origin of the name of Luoshui Village.

And the mine mentioned by Gong Shangming is just behind that waterfall!

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