Roulette World

One thousand sixty-seven ruins

The people who went in before also saw this scene, leaning back desperately.

But after all, it is a person who has lived in the last days for more than two years. No one shouts, and no one is hysterical. Everyone is on guard. Once attacked, they will definitely fight back.

Those dark green or scarlet eyes didn't come close, they just watched these newcomers quietly.

"Is there anything to eat?"

A dry and hoarse voice sounded, which relieved the mood of these newcomers a lot.

Even in the last days, the same kind is terrifying, but in such a dark environment, being able to confirm that it is not a mutant life will make people feel a lot more at ease.

Since human beings insist on not eating zombie meat, even now, food is still a big problem for ordinary evolutionaries. If you can't find a suitable target within the time, you will be hungry.

So for human beings, it is natural to be vigilant when you hear someone asking you for food.

As a result, these newcomers would still gather together, and did not relax their guard against these same kind at all, and even raised the steel cones in their hands.

Ye Zhongming stood behind against the stone wall. Although it was extremely dark here, he could still see something clearly.

On the opposite side, these similar people with strange green or bloody red eyes are a group of people wearing tattered clothes, disheveled hair, and stooped bodies. Everyone looks more like a ghost from hell than a higher life with flesh and blood.

It seems that these people have been in these mines for a long time.

At this time, a person opened his mouth and protruded a ball of light, which slowly rose to the midair here, which was his profession or other skills.

The light group suddenly lit up here. Although it was still a little dim, at least it could be seen clearly.

But in the clearer field of vision, the newcomers also saw clearly the appearance of these humans on the opposite side. They were all sucking in air-conditioning, and there was an unstoppable chill in their eyes.

Not to these people, but to yourself.

Because they seem to have seen their own future.

The newcomers looked at these people who seemed to be surrounded by dirt all over their bodies. These 'old people' held the same steel cones in their hands, and some even held two steel cones, but these steel cones were obviously old and Worn, some even fully and broken.

Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows when he saw dark brown marks on some steel cones.

"It's unfortunate for you to be like this." An 'old man' took a look at the person who spoke just now, raised two steel cones in his hand, and turned to these dozens of newcomers: "Where are you eating? Leave half of the water as a gift, otherwise, we will have to kill you and take these things from your hands."

Even though his face was pitch-black, he could still see the hideousness on this person's face.

Ye Zhongming looked back, and the hole that only allowed people to bend down to get in and out had been silently blocked by a boulder.

"Bug-like thing, you are unruly again!"

A voice broke in, breaking the tense situation between the two sides. An old man with loose hair and even though his body was not clean, was at least tidier than the group of people who came earlier, and led a lot of people into it from another direction. The huge stone hall next to this entrance.

And the newcomers found that there was no green or red in the eyes of these people.

Ye Zhongming looked at the 'old people' who were clearly divided into two factions, and suddenly thought of a certain possibility. When he looked at those people with dark green and bright red eyeballs, he felt a little chill.

"Old man, you are not dead yet."

The filthy man holding two steel cones chuckled, but his face was full of murderous intent.

The two groups started to confront each other, one on the left and the other on the right, each with more than two hundred people, while the dozens of newcomers seemed to be alone.

"My team welcomes you to join, we would like to share the situation here with you,

To make it easier for you to live until the day we have a chance to get out. "

The relatively clean old man looked at Ye Zhongming and others and nodded slightly, "My name is Lin Yixun, and these are my children."

"Hey, you pretend to be a good person, and you're not doing the same thing as the outside world, old bastard, they will recognize your face soon."

Lin Yixun shook his head, "It's better than you cannibals."

When the newcomers heard this, they all moved towards Lin Yixun's direction.

The last days are cruel, and such things as cannibalism happen from time to time, but if there are other options, no one is willing to eat the same kind. For such people, evolutionaries usually hate and hate them.

What Ye Zhongming thought of just now was about cannibalism, because the eyes of those who often eat human flesh will change, that is, dark green or scarlet.

No one knows exactly why, and no one studies this kind of thing, but it was like this in the previous life, and Ye Zhongming really saw it today.

That person knew that as long as Lin Yixun exposed this matter, these newcomers would definitely repel him and his people. It was impossible to do anything today. Then people retreated from the passage on the other side.

But before leaving, he glanced at Ye Zhongming and the others, and said coldly: "One day, you will fall into my arms, and I will wait for you."

Seeing these people disappear into the depths of the dark passage, the scene suddenly became deserted. Lin Yixun didn't say much, but waved to Ye Zhongming and the others, signaling them to follow, and then led the people ahead.

"What should I do? Follow me or not?"

Someone spoke. Although these newcomers haven't known each other for long, under such circumstances, they still prefer to be with each other.

"Follow, what if you don't follow!"

The person who spoke was the boss of a powerful force, who was also the one who highlighted the bright skill before. Most of his people were here, so his words were immediately responded to. The team followed Lin Yixun and others towards the depths of the mine.

As they went deeper into the mine, the newcomers felt the size of the place, which turned out to be like an underground labyrinth, and all of them were excavated by hand. Many people didn't say anything, but they were horrified in their hearts. How many people and how long will it take to get like this A mine.

Only Ye Zhongming, who has a deep understanding of the power of the evolutionary, knows that digging such a mine is actually not too difficult for the evolutionary.

Ye Zhongming paid close attention to the cave walls on both sides, hoping to find something.

The purpose of his coming here is to see what the stone bead that the water deacon who posted to him is hoping to get, and then infer the real purpose of Mingshui feast.

As for the people here, he really didn't pay much attention to them. He could tell that this old man named Lin Yixun and the man-eating boss just now were both five-star evolutionists, and they did not pose a threat to him.

It's just that he walked all the way, although the light was very dark, only a few torches in the team were on, but he could still see clearly, but he didn't find anything.

Soon, these people turned around and came to a stone hall that was not as small as the hall when they entered the mine, but the area was not small.

It's just that the stone hall is not high, only about one meter high, and tall people need to keep their heads down, which makes people feel very depressed.

"Sit down, Xiao Liang, let people go to the surrounding entrances to watch, and don't be touched by those beasts."

Lin Yixun sat on the ground first, took a sip from his water bottle from the cloth belt at his waist, and then thought about the newcomers who were standing together without sitting down, looking a little nervous.

"Sit down, you are all hard-working people, and everyone will cooperate with each other in the future."

Some other people also spoke one after another, and after calming down the emotions of the newcomers, Lin Yixun continued: "I know you have a lot of doubts, so I will tell you one by one."

Sighing, Lin Yixun said: "In this mine, the person who has stayed the longest has been almost a year. The same is true for the other mines. Those are the first batch of people who were thrown in. It’s not easy to be alive.”

"I stayed here for more than half a year, because the evolutionary level is not bad, and I was elected as the leader by these children. If you are willing to follow me, then you are a member of this big family. If you don't want to, you can also act alone, but I want to remind You guys, the mine is very dangerous, there are also mutated beings here, and there are a lot of them, and their strength is very strong, if you are not careful, you will die. And those black dog people you saw just now are all deadly threats."

"What is a stone bead? What is its function?"

Ye Zhongming spoke suddenly, making everyone focus on his face.

He was really a little impatient to hear this old man trying to win people's hearts. If it weren't for the fact that there are too many people here and the place is narrow, it would be really troublesome to conflict, and he might have pressed the question directly for fear of an accident that would capsize the boat in the gutter.

The old man looked at Ye Zhongming in surprise.

"This is the stone bead." With his eyes, the old man stopped several subordinates who wanted to teach Ye Zhongming a lesson, and took out a gray-white bead the size of a glass ball from his clothes, and threw it directly to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming reached out to take it, and held it in his hand for a closer look.

The feel of the beads is not very smooth, on the contrary, it is a bit rough. Ye Zhongming's strength is already great. When he holds the stone beads in his hand, it feels like it can be crushed with a pinch.

Looking around, Ye Zhongming walked to the side of a torch, and then observed with light, there were some dark lines on the stone beads, which were irregular, and there was no energy contained in them, obviously not materials.

Ye Zhongming was a little puzzled, if it wasn't for the special lines on it, then such stone beads would not be attractive, why would Gong Shangming pay special attention to them? Why can this thing be exchanged for good things from Water Deacon?

"Do you know what is the use of this thing?" This is the second time Ye Zhongming asked.

"If I knew, I might not be trapped here. If I want to survive, I can only use this kind of beads to exchange for food and water every day."

Lin Yixun had a good temper and answered Ye Zhongming's question.

"Has this kind of beads been mined here since the beginning?"


"Are all the beads the same?"

"It is generally the same, but the smoothness is different, and the lines on it are also different. If you can find beads that are close to the smoothness of glass and have regular lines, you can get more food and water. I think it should be Better quality beads."

Ye Zhongming nodded and was not talking. He had been looking into the eyes of the old man just now, and found that his eyes were calm, his voice did not hesitate or tremble, and his heartbeat was not chaotic. 90% of them were not lying.

"But I once heard a message when changing food, but I just don't know if it's true or not. If you're interested, we can talk about it individually."

Ye Zhongming was slightly taken aback, nodded and returned to his seat, sat there and continued to look at Shi Zhu, without giving it back to Lin Yixun at all.

The others looked at the old and the young with a dazed look on their faces.

Lin Yixun straightened his body and continued talking. It was nothing more than some rules here. For example, the stone pillars that were mined should be handed over to him in exchange for food. His explanation was that only in this way can he have a little right to speak. More supplies can be exchanged from outside.

If a person wants to survive, he cannot rely on just a little food and water, but also vegetables and salt, and even some things to relieve the pressure brought by the darkness.

Such as cigarettes, such as spirits, and even drugs.

During this process, the old man will naturally deduct some money, but in return, he will also guarantee safety to a certain extent, and provide information and convenience such as information on the mining site.

"The black dog thinks that I am exploiting everyone like those people outside. I don't deny that I have gained some benefits. I eat more than you and drink more water than you, but I also pay. I try my best Guarantee that you are alive instead of dying. When one day, our strength is enough, I will take everyone out, so please believe me, because we have a common goal, and a good organization guarantees everything fundamental."

Ye Zhongming sneered in his heart when he heard this, he did not deny that what the old man said was logical, and it might be true in fact, but if he said that he had no selfish intentions, he would not believe it, this Lin Yixun must have his own plans.

"Okay, let's talk about this, now is the time for you to make a decision, if you are willing to follow me, stay, if you don't, then please leave."

It is not easy to gain people's trust in the last days. After the old man said this, more than a dozen people left, and they were obviously more willing to believe in themselves.

Ye Zhongming didn't move because he had his own plans.

Soon, the new people were arranged, everyone had a few hours of rest, and then they were about to work.

Ye Zhongming sat against the wall all the time, and when the snoring sounded everywhere, he stood up, jumped over the scattered people on the ground, and walked into a passage, which was Lin Yixun's 'room'.

"You came!"

As soon as he entered, Ye Zhongming saw Lin Yixun sitting there smiling and looking at him, obviously waiting for his arrival.

"How did you see that?"

"One of my professions is that of a visitor."

Ye Zhongming nodded, accepting this statement. The visitor is an auxiliary profession, and can detect and measure some things. It is obvious that the old man has seen his true evolutionary level early on. In my heart, I admire the old man for keeping his face so calm for so long.

"You are here for these stone beads."

"Don't tell me that you lied to me when you said you knew a piece of news, or you will die a miserable death."

"No, it is true, but I want you to promise me one condition."

"Take you out?"

"Alive, take me out."


Hearing the promise, Lin Yixun was obviously relieved, and then adjusted before saying: "This is not a real mine, it's just a passage. The real vein is a...relic below!"

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