Roulette World

One thousand and seventy-eight, the top 10 mutated life forms in the country

"Still two in one~~"

Country leaderboard?

The people on the boat subconsciously moved towards this person, obviously extremely interested.

The ranking list could have been the list that most directly reflected the comparison of strengths, and it existed in almost every industry during peacetime. In the business world, what are the top ten brands, five giants, and three high mountains? In the entertainment industry, what are the first-line stars and three big men?

Each one will be followed by countless people, especially some convincing lists, which have become authoritative and regarded as industry standards by everyone.

In the apocalypse, the news is blocked, and many people are actually very eager to know what the outside world is like and what position they are in among the survivors.

And this kind of ranking list will undoubtedly give them a benchmark. Although they can't tell them who they are, they can let them know where they are.

Even Ye Zhongming was very interested in this kind of list. It reminded him of the power ranking list when he first arrived in Yingcheng. What did Baifeng Zhao Xingmei and the others fight for that list?

The captain was obviously very satisfied with the topic he brought up that made everyone so excited, but after saying this, he drove the boat on his own and remained silent.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally one person suddenly realized, looked at the captain rather displeased, and said, "Damn, you really want money from the fifth ring, and you want to benefit from this news?"

After hearing this, everyone understood that they didn't want to say it for free.

Some people with a bad temper cursed in a low voice, but they didn't dare to offend him harshly. Some people looked at this person helplessly, while others remained silent, as if they had made up their minds to let others take care of them or not. He would never pay for it himself.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zhongming signaled to Zhao Xiangxue, and the female mage walked over unwillingly, took a third-level magic crystal and put it there.

Logically speaking, a third-level magic crystal on the list that may be known by everyone at any time is already very good, but the captain took a look and shook his head slightly.

Zhao Xiangxue's hand holding the staff tightened.

Although it hasn't been too long since she entered the military service, and it hasn't even been long since she became a six-star evolutionary, she has performed several missions, and she has been extremely successful, because she is the key training object, and her attack is also in line with the ruthless and ruthless That's why he became one of the two vice-captains in a short period of time, assisting the captain Gao Yi to lead the action team.

Her temper is definitely not good.

Just thinking that the boss is right behind him, if he gets into trouble at this time, his identity will be completely exposed.

So Zhao Xiangxue put down another third-level magic crystal, and at the same time warned the man with five rings not to go too far.

The captain laughed, put the two magic crystals skillfully into his pocket, and smiled apologetically to everyone: "Don't blame me, because this list will not be free in the future, and you will also be charged for it. It also lets you familiarize yourself with the rules in advance."

The others sneered collectively, obviously not taking this matter seriously.

The person coughed twice in embarrassment: "There is not only one list, but five."

five? As soon as this number came out, the others immediately forgot about the captain's behavior of accumulating money just now, and asked which five it was.

"National Comprehensive Strength Rankings, National Equipment Rankings, National Mutated Life Rankings, National War Beast Rankings, and the most watched one, National Regional Personal Combat Power Rankings."

The captain was no longer sure, and simply said which five lists it was.

"So much? Is it reliable?"

Someone asked such a question.

Indeed, what is the most important thing about the leaderboard? authoritative!

And how to ensure authority? Just right!

The apocalypse is not the age of the Internet. News that happens on one side of the earth may be known to the other side tens of seconds later. Now let alone the whole world, it is the same region. What may happen will be known to others only a few days later.

No wonder it was questioned.

But the captain was obviously very confident in the list announced by his organization, and he said proudly: "Don't worry about this, we have joined forces with those organizations. I dare not say that there are absolutely no omissions in the accuracy of the list, but it can definitely It really reflects most of the situations. In fact, you don’t need to worry too much about this issue. Those previous world rankings must be all correct?”

This is true. Even in the Internet age, some data errors cannot be avoided, and it is even more impossible now.

"Let me talk about our enemies first."

The captain's face was serious, and so were the others, because the theme of the end of the world was the confrontation between humans and mutant life, and everyone wanted to know how strong our opponents had become.

Ye Zhongming listened carefully. In this regard, Genting really hasn't made any special statistics.

"There are a total of fifty powerful mutant beings on the list. There are too many and I won't list them one by one. I'll just talk about the top ten."

The captain looked at the entrance of the Mingshui Realm that was getting closer, and began to mention the ranking list of mutant life in the country.

"The tenth place is Red Taishan, an eighth-level mutated life! You can tell from the name that this is a mutated giant ape with red hair. It is over 20 meters tall and has infinite strength. Its range of activities is in a province in East China. The famous record is that he killed a powerful group of medium-sized corpses with one guy."

"Ninth place, white rice, eighth grade. It is a mutated Tibetan antelope. It naturally moves in the Tibetan area. It is named because it likes to eat rice the most. It is said that if people who encounter it want to survive, they must have Rice! The most famous feat... the delusional monk was killed by its horn."

Many people have not yet recovered from the shock of the first mutant giant ape, but they have already been shocked by the ninth Baimi.

The paranoid monk is really too famous, no matter in his past life or his present life.

Because this person has been broadcasting his voice, his journey, his evolution process, evolution level and other information to the whole country through the radio in the early days of the end of the world, and he has made them public. The radio evolutionists who were prone to lose motivation knew about this self-proclaimed delusional monk. At that time, almost everyone was amazed at the rapid improvement in his strength.

Everyone believed in his strength, because he would clearly explain the hunting location, harvesting and turning the roulette, just like a bill, so everyone couldn't believe it.

It is simply impossible for a lie to achieve this level of detail.

Later, although there were not many radio stations available, the delusional monk still occasionally sent some news from his range of activities.

It's just that this extremely famous monk suddenly disappeared two months ago, and everyone didn't know where he went, and when he disappeared, his evolutionary level had just reached the seven-star level.

Unexpectedly, the delusional monk was already dead, and was killed by this mutant Tibetan antelope named Baimi.

Everyone suddenly had a new understanding of this list.

"The eighth place, Lie Er. This is a zombie, level eight, a very rare spiritual zombie. Its own power may not be as powerful as those of the same level, but it controls a huge group of corpses. Our Wuhuan Qian is here I have been observing it before making the list, and its subordinates have more than half a million zombies!"

Many people shivered together, all terrified by the figure of half a million.

Ye Zhongming was also very surprised. Although Yunding Mountain Villa was attacked by more than two million mutated beings, it was a gathering of many groups. Among them, several eighth-level leaders later became temporary commanders. A single eighth-level A super life has no half a million younger brothers at all.

No wonder this zombie who has been given a name can be ranked eighth.

"The seventh place, Gangduo. The eighth level, a monster, a monster known for its defensive power. It was once attacked when it fell asleep but never woke up, but those enemies couldn't break through its defense at all. In the end, it could only Returned in vain."

"Sixth place, Shentan Aili, level eight, this is a monster similar to an octopus, but it was born in the lake in the southeast, and its hunting range is over a thousand kilometers!"

"Fifth place, four-eyed civet cat, eighth level, many people have seen this guy, but basically most of the people who have seen it are dead. This is a terrifying killer without a fixed territory, because of its small size and extremely fast speed. Faster, more agile, hidden in the dark, no one can detect its whereabouts."

Speaking of the fifth place, the captain's tone became more and more cautious, as if these lives were around.

"Fourth place, Twin Whisperer, eighth grade."

Hearing this name, Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows. He was surprised to hear Yupo's name on this ranking list.

I just heard the captain continue: "This twin language woman is a bit strange. She first appeared in Yingcheng and then disappeared. She has a mutated black cat pet of the same level as her. Logically speaking, she should be a very terrifying existence, but In fact, many people have seen her, but this mutant zombie rarely kills humans, and..."

Speaking of this, the captain paused before saying: "And she can speak human language."

"how can that be!"

One person said in disbelief that now humans can probably guess that when these mutated life forms evolve to a high level, some extremely special races may speak human language, but an eighth level life form is still a zombie and can speak human language may be too small.

"Someone has exchanged things with her." The captain said convincingly, "Many people have seen it. It is said that Yupo's appearance is extremely beautiful. If it is not for the magic crystal on her forehead, she is almost indistinguishable from a human being!"

"No one is attracted to her?" Someone's eyes lit up, obviously thinking that with human wisdom, there should be some way to get this Yupo.

Double eighth level, after getting it, the strength immediately skyrocketed.

"It's not that simple. Yupo is very smart. Although she doesn't kill people very much, it doesn't mean she can't kill people. It's not that no one has tried it, but in the end they just lost their lives. Among those who tried A powerful force, but it was slaughtered overnight, and the fourth place on the list of mutated life in the country is not for nothing."

"Then such a powerful Yupo can only be ranked fourth? The first three..."

The speaker stopped suddenly in the middle of his speech, but everyone knew what he said behind him.

The captain nodded: "Yes, the top three are all mutant beings of level nine."

He took out his water bottle, drank his saliva, and said, "There must be more than these ninth-level life forms on Earth, and there may be more than three in China, but what we found and confirmed are these three."

"Third place, ninth level, human lion!"

"This is a mutated lion in the forest. That's right, it's not in the grassland, but in the forest. Because it can walk like a human, the first person who discovered it called it a human lion, and it hasn't changed since then."

Everyone listened quietly, and so did Ye Zhongming. There was indeed news that there was a ninth-level life in the avoidance service, but they were a little uncertain, and he didn't let his men risk their lives to find the answer.

Because there is no need.

For today's human beings, the ninth-level mutated life is still too powerful. He would rather go to the posthumous king's city to face the ninth-level holy father than face the ninth-level monsters here.

If human beings want to challenge such an existence, at least the core personnel of some major forces must reach eight stars, so that they have the opportunity to join forces to kill a nine-level life.

Everyone waited, but the captain didn't say anything. Someone asked him for money again? The captain shook his head and said no, and the others asked why. He said that it was not easy to confirm that this ninth-level life form was in the southern forest, and wanted to get other information? This really doesn't exist. Those who have seen the ninth-level beings are all dead. To be able to confirm their existence, Wuhuanqian and those institutions paid a great price.

"Second place, Bugua, level nine. A strange bird that can fly in the desert. Its sound is similar to the pronunciation of the word Bugua. It is not clear whether it is a mutant life or a monster. Anyway, it has been seen before. Because it can fly, it ranks ahead of the human lion."

"The last one is the first..."

The captain breathed a sigh of relief: "King Kai, rank nine, a zombie. The real king of corpses walks alone in the most populous city belt, but his combat power is unparalleled, and there is no opponent for him."

Ye Zhongming's body trembled indistinctly, and suddenly asked: "Then why is it ranked first? Just because it used to be us humans?"

The boss of the boat took a look at Ye Zhongming, saw Zhao Xiangxue sitting obediently behind him, and knew that the magic crystal just now should be given by this person, nodded to Ye Zhongming and said: "Of course there is a reason, and it is very sufficient. "

"Because someone saw King Kai enter the shallow sea from a distance, fighting with a ninth-level life in the sea. the final victor."

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out to be the case. It is almost indisputable that a life form at level nine who can defeat the same level is obviously the strongest.

Ye Zhongming lowered his head to conceal the violent fluctuations in his eyes.

It's King Kai! It turned out to be King Kai!

The famous god of death in the previous life is still at the ninth level in this life!

Ye Zhongming wouldn't be so excited if it was just the name of a ninth-level life form. Among Ren Shi and Bu Gua, he had heard of the latter.

But King Kai is different, because Ye Zhongming participated in an operation in his previous life to clean up the periphery of several big forces. He didn't know what they were going to do at all. It took him a long time after the operation to realize that those people were actually hunting hundreds of kilometers away. A ninth-level life, and the hunted life is King Kai!

And through some news afterwards, Ye Zhongming knew a secret that he only thought was novel when he heard it at first, but now thinking about it makes his heart beat faster... a secret.

He knows the weakness of this ninth-level life form!

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