Roulette World

One thousand and eighty-two

After paying the fee of five third-level magic crystals for each person, Ye Zhongming and the three entered the Mingshui Realm,

For this kind of place that obviously belongs to the secondary space, no matter who enters for the first time, they will be on guard.

When passing through that gel-like gate, the body has the illusion of being separated from the soul.

But after entering, there is a sense of prosperity immediately.

Maybe it's because of the name Mingshuijie. The space is very bright. When you look up, you can see the water-like light rippling in the sky. There is a pleasant faint fragrance in the space, and I don't know what it is coming from.

The ground is light blue crystals, and when stepping on it hard, some metallic sounds can be heard.

The surrounding space is very wide, and there are various colors of light intertwined, making it impossible for everyone to see the situation in these lights clearly. The colors are still changing slowly, with a vague pattern.

Some people with keen perception feel that the space is fixed by certain rules, which can hardly be changed by manpower.

Ye Zhongming looked around, guessing and testing here.

In front of the entrance on the left, there is a gorgeous white jade area, which looks like a garden, and many evolutionaries come in and out.

And in the front right, there are rows of silver metal dining tables and shelves, on which are placed all kinds of exquisite food. In the habit of large-scale high-end banquets in peacetime, in addition to these foods, you can even see some vegetables and desserts, and beside them, there are at least dozens of famous Chinese and foreign wines.

Some evolutionaries are picking food, but they eat very well. It seems that after entering here, they have been isolated from the apocalypse outside, and their temperament has changed.

At this time, a group of people came from behind, there were hundreds of people, all of them were well equipped, and they were all at the white level on average. Four or five of them were obviously the leaders, and their bodies were even more shiny with green light. A blue-level wristband.

Beside the leaders, he was accompanied by a person with five rings of money. Ye Zhongming didn't know this person, but he knew the badge on his chest. It was the same style as the Liu Chengyu who had traded with him at the beginning. Obviously This person's status is not low, he should be a close confidant of a certain deacon.

The people he accompanied were naturally a certain big force.

What attracted the attention of Ye Zhongming and the others was definitely not because of their equipment. This level of equipment was at the level of Genting a year ago. What kept the three of them from looking away was that the team was walking towards those colorful lights. go.

When they got close, the man with five rings took out a thin wooden stick more than 20 centimeters long, waved it at the light, and the light immediately opened to the surroundings, revealing the hidden world behind.

After the group entered, the light returned to its original state.

This miraculous scene made many evolutionists who had just entered sigh in admiration. In the last days, there are really too many miraculous things that will happen.

"Evolvers who just came in, please register here, and then get the nameplate. This will be the only voucher for your trip. You will need this nameplate in the follow-up activities, so please take care of it."

A beautiful female voice came from the gate of the small white jade garden on the left front of the entrance. Everyone looked over and saw a beautiful woman in a plain cheongsam smiling at everyone, reminding everyone to go to the small garden to get the sign.

These newcomers went over one after another, Zhao Xiangxue naturally wanted to grab this matter, motioned to Ye Zhongming, and asked what it was called.

"The three of us, let's call it a threesome."

The corner of Zhao Xiangxue's mouth twitched, and she lowered her head to get the sign. She felt helpless for Ye Zhongming's perfunctory behavior.

Soon the nameplate was in hand, it turned out to be three pieces... each piece, two third-level magic crystals.

Everyone feels helpless and disgusted by Wuhuan Qian's behavior of desperately asking for money. Fortunately, these evolutionists are all people with some family background. If they were ordinary people, they would probably have been hollowed out long ago.

Ye Zhongming took a look at the nameplate,

The nameplate is specially made, with the words "three people go one" written on it.

Ye Zhongming felt more and more that Mingshuijie should be an extremely remarkable piece of equipment, and it is possible to rank in the top ten or even the first place in the national equipment list, but Wuhuanqian obviously did not intend to expose their own information to the outside world. .

After getting the nameplate and proving your identity, you can go there to eat the buffet. Maybe it’s because there are more evolutionaries this time, so the food is not as good-looking as before. Even if people with five rings keep reminding them, these people also start After eating and drinking, most of the food and wine on dozens of metal shelves were wiped out.

The three of Ye Zhongming just chose desserts that are not usually available, drank a little wine, and the other foods with the highest level, that is, three-level mutant life, for them who are used to eating food made from water and fire stew pots Say it's not very attractive.

About an hour later, there were more and more people at the entrance, and the invited big forces who came one after another had all entered the interior. Those outside were all people from small forces, but only these people had Thousands of them.

To a certain extent, these people represent the group of middle-level evolutionists in most of the country.

Just when many people were a little impatient, the gel-like entrance to the Mingshui Realm behind them suddenly closed, and everyone was trapped inside.

"Everyone, don't panic, the feast of clear water has officially begun."

It was the same beautiful woman in cheongsam just now who signaled for everyone to be quiet, without using any sound reinforcement equipment, but everyone could hear her voice clearly.

Then he said some words of welcome, then changed the subject and got to the point.

"I think all of you are confused and puzzled about what is Mingshui Feast, so let me explain. First of all, this place is called Mingshuijie. Everything that will happen in the future will happen in this space. Although here It is closed, but only temporarily, just to save energy, and the room will be opened for two hours every day in the future, and friends who want to leave can leave at any time. Of course, there is no travel fee for the return trip.”

For this slightly self-deprecating remark, a chuckle was drawn.

"Bright Water Realm is actually a place similar to the Secret Realm, but the difference is that the Secret Realm leads to another world, while the Bright Water Realm is a completely special space. There are many good things here, even if we five We have obtained Huanqian for a while, but we haven’t explored one-tenth of it, and to be honest, we also encountered many difficulties, so we invited everyone to develop this place together.”

"I believe that when everyone sees the true face of Mingshuijie, everyone will fall in love with it, because any item here may be worth a lot outside. Let's say that we, Wuhuanqian, only developed about one-tenth of it. The value of the items obtained is at least equivalent to two bottles of seven-star evolution medicine."

The people below were noisy, obviously shocked by the information revealed by this woman. Seven-star evolutionary, that almost represents the highest evolutionary level of human beings.

"It's not a dream to get rich overnight, it's in the clear water world." The woman's voice was very bewitching, and many people were excited.

Ye Zhongming curled his lips. If this place is really as beautiful as she said, will Wuhuan Qian open Mingshuijie? If 30% of these words are true, then it is not bad.

"Of course, while unlimited opportunities are in front of us, this place is also extremely dangerous, so life and death depend on destiny, everyone should be more careful."

The woman raised her head and said: "One more thing, no matter what you get, we will know that if you want to take away the good things you got, you need to pay us a certain fee... let's treat it as personal income tax, there is no percentage As high as 20%, only 10% is needed.”

The people below were a little dissatisfied, shouting how they wanted more money!

The woman's face gradually turned cold: "Don't you think that our Wuhuan money is for charity? Open here for free for you to pick up things? If it were you, would you be so generous and selfless?"

These words silenced everyone, and from the perspective of Wuhuan Qian, it was indeed the case.

"Don't worry, everyone, we will continue to deal with you in the future, so the valuation of the equipment is absolutely fair. Don't worry about us raising the price wildly. Reputation is the most important thing for us."

"Believe me, what you get will definitely exceed your imagination."

The woman clapped her hands, and finally said: "Everyone has worked hard from afar, let's take a good rest today, and tomorrow the Mingshui feast will officially begin!"

"Please allow me to introduce to you... the entertainment zone of our Mingshuijie! During the time you stay in Mingshuijie, the entertainment zone will always be open to everyone. Inside, only you can't think of it, and we can't do it!"

Following the woman's high-pitched voice, those colored lines slowly moved away on the side of her, revealing a place of feasting and feasting inside. Before entering, the smell that makes the whole body excited has already wafted out.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, before everyone's carnival, we Wuhuanqian prepared a gift for everyone, a gift that is meaningful to everyone."

"That's... the country rankings!"

Before the words were finished, the light suddenly became orderly in the chaotic colors behind the woman, as if like a curtain, some handwriting began to appear slowly on it, and it became more and more clear.

After the screen stopped changing, everyone finally saw clearly that the content displayed on it was exactly the five country rankings that they had heard before but hadn't heard all of!

Ye Zhongming and the two subordinates looked at each other, and they were both wary of Wuhuanqian's various methods.

This force is expanding their influence in every possible way, so... what do they want to do? !

Amid such doubts, Ye Zhongming looked at the huge and clear list in front of him, and his eyes fell on the two lists he hadn't heard before, and his eyes couldn't help but widen.

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