Roulette World

Chapter 7 Mutated Bedbugs

Seeing the nine-star powerhouse before his rebirth concentrating on dispensing medicine for himself, Ye Zhongming felt a little satisfied.

In past lives, surviving humans have done a lot of research on the roulette wheel and the rewards in it.

As for the roulette itself, human beings are helpless. The operation of this thing has no rules, and it is so strong that even nine-star powerhouses cannot destroy it.

But for the surreal rewards in the roulette, especially the enhanced potions that can make human beings evolve, they know the most. The effect is better.

The reason why Ye Zhongming went to the hospital to buy so many medicines was because he had obtained these formulas by accident, and these medicines were what these formulas needed.

Of course, with his current conditions, he couldn't independently manufacture strengthening potions. He could only improve the existing strengthening potions, and the effect was about 10% stronger than the reward of the roulette.

Don't underestimate this 10%, because it means that you can also become a 1-star evolutionary person by taking the one-star enhancement potion. People who take the improvement potion are one-tenth stronger than those who directly take the roulette reward enhancement potion. In many cases, one tenth can completely determine the outcome of a battle.

Moreover, this does not count the further gap caused by this base difference in the next level of evolution.

So in the previous life, when the improved formula of the evolution potion was invented, many organizations re-trained a group of evolved people. These people were obviously much stronger in the same star. Even after these people entered the five-star evolution, individual A powerful existence can already leapfrog to challenge a star-level person, which caused a great sensation at the time.

Until Ye Zhongming was reborn, because the improved formula was in the hands of a few people, the sales of improved and enhanced potions had become a separate and fixed occupation, and many people and organizations survived by earning the difference between them.

An important income of Ye Zhongming's team is to sell this improved potion, which is why he knows the formula.

Wearing a mask, Mu Xinfei carefully mixed the heparin-based medicines in a fixed ratio amidst the screams from time to time, and on the alcohol stove, while looking at the thermometer, she mixed the medicines together. solution, inject it into the one-star strengthening potion obtained from Roulette.

The hateful man said that the hand must be steady, the temperature must be well controlled, and it must be completed within the specified time, otherwise the potion will explode. The power is not great, but it is enough to disfigure people at close range.

So Concubine Mu Xin was extremely serious, even more serious than she was during the college entrance examination.

Concubine Mu Xin breathed a sigh of relief until everything was completed and the bottle of light green one-star strengthening potion turned into a crystal clear blue.

"Hey!" The future nine-star powerhouse who had finished his work was just about to claim credit for that annoying man, when he found that the man who was just leisurely eating canned food was fast fixing a window with wooden strips. Concubine Mu Xin looked at it. , Those wooden slats and planks are exactly the red sandalwood dining chairs in my home.

Your sister, that's hundreds of thousands of furniture!

But when her eyes moved to Ye Zhongming's face, the man who killed those zombie monsters without blinking his eyes was full of seriousness, his lips were pursed, and beads of sweat could even be seen on his forehead.

Concubine Mu Xin realized that something was wrong, which made her swallow back the words to compensate her furniture.

"What's wrong?" Concubine Mu Xin asked in a low voice as she leaned closer to the man.

Ye Zhongming sealed the gap in the window with wooden strips, let out a sigh of relief, and said softly: "Insects."

insect? Concubine Mu Xin was puzzled, but then she followed Ye Zhongming's gaze and looked out, and saw a dark mass wriggling on a rock under the bright street lights of the neighborhood, and by virtue of the fact that the power had not been cut off, Concubine Mu Xin saw these black bugs clearly, each one was as big as a mouse,

And it looks...why does it look so much like a bedbug?

But the biggest bedbug is no bigger than a fingernail. How can it be like a big mouse?

At this time, there was a sudden explosion in the seven-story buildings in the distance of the community, and the whole ground shook, followed by the sound of a piece of glass falling to the ground, as well as flames and cries.

Perhaps startled by the sudden explosion, these big bedbugs were a little flustered, and the formation that was crowded together was a little loose, revealing the rock under them.


Concubine Mu Xin screamed out, because she found that the body of these big bugs was not a rock at all, but a person!

A dead man who could no longer see his true colors, was covered in blood and flesh, and even showed his gnawed white skeleton!

These bedbugs actually gathered there to eat people!

"To shut up!"

Ye Zhongming glared angrily, and almost covered the woman's mouth.

He's not someone who hasn't seen the world, he's a warrior who has lived his life, so he naturally knows what these bugs are. It's just that he didn't expect that the mutation in the animal and plant world would come so quickly.

Just as humans are infected by viruses and become zombies, animals and plants on the earth have also mutated. The former flowers and trees have become dangerous and terrifying, and the former insects and beasts have become bloodthirsty monsters. In the apocalypse that Ye Zhongming experienced, these mutated animals and plants on the earth are existences that can stand up to the alien monsters that came out of the Jedi! Human beings often appear small and fragile in front of these mutated animals and plants.

These big bedbugs are mutated from small bedbugs, and now they just grow bigger, their feeding habits change, and they become bloodthirsty and aggressive. After a period of time, they will become more and more terrifying. During the last ten years of Ye Zhongming's previous life, these bedbugs have mutated beyond recognition. Individuals can reach the size of a liger and have terrifying abilities. They are not four-star. Evolutionary, it is best to stay far away. If encountering swarms of bedbugs, even a six-star evolutionary like Ye Zhongming would run for his life in a hurry.

"Why are you so fierce..." Concubine Mu Xin was taken aback, she shrank back in fear, feeling aggrieved in her heart, anyone who sees these big bugs eating people should be afraid, she is considered normal Reflects.

But the more she said this, the less confident she became, because she saw in horror that the bedbugs turned to this side one after another because of her scream, and the bloodthirsty compound eyes that had become the size of longan let out bloodthirsty and greedy expressions. The light stared at the two people behind the floor-to-ceiling windows!

Moreover, before the two people could react, the group of dozens of bedbugs rushed towards the villa with a whimper. Obviously, the attraction of the two fresh flesh and blood here is far greater than the dilapidated corpse that was hollowed out by them !

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