Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and eighteen special cases of space

"You said, you used a special case of space?!"

Deacon Shui raised his beautiful eyebrows, a little surprised at what his most reliable ally in Wuhuanqian said just now.

"You're a little, too careless."

Deacon Shui was very dissatisfied with Deacon Tong's opening of a special case for the Royal Union, because once this matter got out, it would have a great impact on Wuhuanqian's reputation.

This organization relies on reputation to do business, although there are some dark and dirty activities, but they are all extremely hidden, such as this kind of direct hands-on situation in the space, will never be allowed.

"He knows the Gore tribe." Deacon Tong's words made Deacon Shui's eyes widen instantly.

She also knew about the Gore family from Deacon Tong.

Deacon Shui knew what these three words meant to Deacon Tong, to Wuhuanqian, and even to herself. The reason why she dared to be so tough in the meeting, did not give Deacon Bai face, and ignored her forced marriage was because of Because she knew the Gore clan, knew Deacon Tong who was standing with her, and gained the support of the Gore clan.

But now, the royal union actually knows this name...

Deacon Shui immediately had a headache, and she felt that things had become extremely complicated.

For Yunding, she has a plan. Her intelligence department gave her an extremely urgent and even seriously inclined report, hoping to facilitate the cooperation with Yunding Villa, and cooperate with that man named Ye Zhongming, especially when that person quietly After obtaining two lord's boxes without interest, cooperation became inevitable.

"Since we know the Gore family, there should be forces behind him that we don't know about. I have to agree to him. Yunding is indeed very powerful, but it has to be compared with whom. They... are not as good as those in the sky after all."

Deacon Tong rubbed his forehead, it was obvious that things were out of his control and gave him a headache.

He naturally hated the royal union for disrupting Wuhuanqian's entire plan for personal revenge, but he had to succumb to some factors that he couldn't least at the moment.

"The world is like this, if you complain, you can only complain that people with no background die quickly." Deacon Tong stood up with a smile, but there was a bit of madness in his smile, and that face was somewhat indistinguishable from male to female, so And it looked a little hideous: "It's always been like this, isn't it!"


Ye Zhongming looked at the six red drop-shaped gemstones in his hands with a complicated expression.

He finally figured out what this thing does.

This is an energy storage gemstone.

What is stored inside is the energy of red sea water.

If that's all, Ye Zhongming naturally wouldn't be particularly concerned. After all, although there are not many energy storage containers, they can still be found if you want to.

What makes him happy is that the energy stored in this red gemstone can be converted quickly, and the conversion is two-way.

In other words, the energy stored in it can be released quickly, and after being emptied, it can also be filled quickly.

Although things are small, their reserves are very high.

This is what makes me happy, and what makes me feel helpless.

This kind of thing should only be effective for red sea water, and can only absorb the energy in red sea water. Once it goes out of here, it may lose its effect.

Thinking of the same with those puppets, Ye Zhongming had to sigh, the things in Mingshui Realm really have their own characteristics.

After finishing all the things that should be done, and filling the six red gems with energy, Ye Zhongming chose the second resource point under Gao Yi and Zhao Xiangxue's ghostly eyes.

That place was not the closest to here, and it was even a little far away, but no one asked why.

When passing through a small island, the three met evolutionists for the first time here, but those people obviously didn't want to say hello to Ye Zhongming and the others, but just watched from a distance, neither coming to talk, nor leaving quickly, just on guard The meaning is obvious.

Ye Zhongming looked at these people thoughtfully.

However, this did not delay Ye Zhongming's schedule,

They soon reached the vicinity of the target, only one island remained from there.

The forward steps stopped, Ye Zhongming looked suspiciously at the other side of the island, separated by the dense rainforest, he couldn't see the situation there clearly, but he noticed that there were many people there, heading towards Move fast here.


Although Gao Yi and Zhao Xiangxue are also very strong, they are far behind in terms of perception. The distance between those people has not yet entered the detection range of the two of them.

"There is someone over there, moving towards us at high speed."

The two of them immediately showed vigilant expressions, and their eyes kept scanning over there.

"Follow me." Ye Zhongming said, and immediately changed direction, leading the two of them to a place one kilometer away from where they just landed.

"It's really coming for us." Ye Zhongming narrowed his eyes, feeling that after the three of them changed their location, those people also adjusted their direction accordingly, obviously they were coming for him.

"Want to talk to us?" Zhao Xiangxue guessed.

Ye Zhongming shook his head, waved to his companions, and the three of them ran towards the rainforest, saying as they ran, "If you want to find us, you don't need so many people."

"It's not absolute that evolutionaries in Mingshui Realm can't fight. There is one situation where it is possible, and that is to open the special case of space."

"Then these people..." Zhao Xiangxue's eyes sparkled.

"It belongs to the royal family." Ye Zhongming said calmly.

The only one that can open the special case of space is the five-ring coin, and when the participating forces on the nameplate have not changed, the only one that suddenly increases its troops is the Royal Trade Union.

"It seems that there is going to be a fight."

As they were talking, the three of them had rushed into the rainforest. Ye Zhongming seemingly unintentionally tapped on some trees passing by, and then flew over quickly, circled an arc, and returned to the edge of the rainforest.

At this time, hundreds of evolutionary figures can be vaguely seen in the distance.

Ye Zhongming stood there with an innocent face, looking at the evolutionists who surrounded him slightly at a loss, "You..."

A leading young man came out of the crowd, looked at Ye Zhongming, and then extended his hand with a smile: "Hello, let me introduce myself, Guo Yi, from the Royal Trade Union, go to the resource point in front, who are you?"

Suddenly, Ye Zhongming stretched out his hand: "Then it seems that we have different paths."

The two held hands together in mid-air, and the smile on Guo Yi's face grew wider, "Yes, we are on different paths. I am on the path of life, and you are on the path of death. How can we be on the same path?"

While saying these words, a golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes, like the sun suddenly appearing in the dark night, two golden lights shot at Ye Zhongming instantly.

At this moment, the evolutionaries behind Guo Yi rushed towards Gao Yi and Zhao Xiangxue together!

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