Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and forty-two frost monster

"Is this another resting point?" Because of the resource point, Ye Zhongming prefers to call this place between two adventure places a resting point.

Naturally, this is not the humanization of Mingshuijie, but a more reasonable design. If the life here is designed, it really wants other life to complete the adventure.

Gan Lan nodded, pointed to the front and said, "Walk a little further, and you will see an ice crystal mine where frost monsters begin to appear. When I reach the place where I can meet the Frost Monster, I can only advance about 20 meters, and I can no longer hide my whereabouts. Once exposed, I will face two Frost Monsters alone and have to retreat."

Although she was telling Ye Zhongming about the situation here, Gan Lan's eyes still fell on the two needle birds above Ye Zhongming's head from time to time... Oh no, they were ice birds. Ye Zhongming had just changed their names.

How this miraculous life came about, Gan Lan still can't figure it out.

"What are the attacks of the Frost Monster?"

Ye Zhongming paid more attention to this.

"I've seen that there are three ways." Gan Lan still spoke very rigorously, and she didn't say anything particularly firm, leaving room for it, so that she could remind Ye Zhongming to wait to better prevent accidents.

"The first one is that they are very fast and have an erratic figure. They don't move often, but once they move, they are extremely fast and very direct. They will rush to you almost instantly, using ice fog condensed The skates attack you."

When he said this, Ye Zhongming thought of the damage on the top of Ganlan's battle armor, which was probably caused by this kind of ice sword.

"This kind of frost monster has no arms, no feet, and all float in the air like a ghost. It has a strong resistance to attacks. At least my attacks falling on them can't cause too much damage. I mean, Including my fire ability."

Gan Lan did not continue to talk about the second attack method, but mentioned one of the characteristics of the Frost Monster. Seeing Ye Zhongming said she knew it, she continued: "Same as the Ice Corridor, the second attack method of the Frost Monster The attack method is to spray ice mist, which is still emitted from both sides of the body. It’s just that it’s different from the holes in the ice corridor. The mist of the frost monster is like a substance, and the temperature is extremely low. There are those damned ice worms in there."

"Is there a length limit?"

According to Gan Lan, this attack method is to spray ice fog, so what if there is a certain distance between the two sides? Or is the target starting to dodge? Will the spray distance of these ice mist be extended accordingly?

"No, but these guys will have a bonus movement speed when spraying ice fog."

Gan Lan repeated it, explaining that the speed of the Frost Monster had left a deep impression on her.

"The third is an ability similar to collective skills."

"Collective skills?" Ye Zhongming asked in surprise, he didn't expect the monsters in Mingshui Realm to have this ability.

"Yeah." Gan Lan said with a bit of lingering fear on his face: "When these frost monsters are hurt and they feel that their lives are in danger, these guys will quickly get into the bodies of other people of the same kind. I'm not sure about being absorbed by my companions."

Ye Zhongming frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Of course, he didn't mean that Gan Lan was wrong, and these frost monsters didn't have any illusion ability.

In this case, what is wrong?

Ye Zhongming regretted it a little. He would have asked that person in detail at that time, so that he would not have limited knowledge of this place now.

"Let's go."

While talking, Ye Zhongming gave up his own thinking. Since he couldn't find inspiration and wanted to understand what he thought was wrong, then keep moving forward, which is what he wanted to do.

"Follow me, try not to shoot, try to hide yourself."

Ganlan's strength is naturally good on the outside. It exceeds the overall average evolution level by two levels, and there are many people under him. Even if it is not the overlord,

It is also a powerful party.

But here, facing countless frost monsters whose strength is only slightly weaker than hers, she is not enough to watch.

Two ice birds circled and flew in the air, because they didn't get Ye Zhongming's order, they could only circle back and forth above the heads of the two of them, naturally unwilling to do so, they chirped twice from time to time, asking their master to let them move freely .

But Ye Zhongming was afraid that they hadn't fully adapted to the body for the time being, and he didn't allow it for fear of accidents.

After walking for a while, I saw the ice crystal mine mentioned by Gan Lan. Clusters of beautiful ice crystals, large and small, were distributed in disorder along the passage of a mine.

Compared to the Ice Corridor, this place is much wider, more like a huge small plain.

Ye Zhongming also quickly saw the appearance of the Frost Monster. Indeed, as Gan Lan said, it was very similar to the lonely soul in white clothes floating in the air in the movie. The difference was that there was no long black hair, only one that looked Very rigid faceless head.

Ye Zhongming didn't attack in a hurry, but stood at a distance and looked at it. He saw that the frost monsters were very sparse at the stage, and the deeper they were, the more they would be.

"These guys should have their own territory like the ice corridor. If you don't go in, they won't attack, but once you step in, all the ice monsters will target you, and they will keep moving over, gathering more and more .”

Looking at these two-meter-high monsters floating one meter above the ground, Gan Lan felt her scalp tingling.

In her heart, she didn't think Ye Zhongming could do anything to these monsters, there were too many of them, and they were not as fragile as ice worms, who could rush over with a dull head.

"wait for me."

After Ye Zhongming said something, he walked over with two ice birds and entered the territory of the ice crystal mine. Immediately, the two closest frost monsters moved towards him.

Ye Zhongming didn't attack right away, but carefully observed the opponent. It should be because they haven't entered the attack state yet. These frost monsters don't move fast, but at a very uniform speed. Because they are floating in the air, they are silent.

Soon, they entered the attacking state, one of them paused suddenly, and then almost teleported to the front of Ye Zhongming. It had no arms, but it condensed two sharp skates at the position of the arms, cutting To Ye Zhongming.

The other one still maintained its previous moving speed, but it also began to spray ice mist on both sides of its body, like a rocket launching. After a few seconds, its moving speed was much faster.

Ye Zhongming raised the earth sand and moon blade in his hand to block the double knives of the first frost monster. The collision of the weapons made a crashing sound, and after that, the ice blade was easily cut off.

Then, the knife light continued to move forward, breaking through the body of the frost monster. The first guy didn't even make a sound, but was cut in two by Ye Zhongming.

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