Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and forty-four B type II

Floating white frost monsters, disappearing corpses, cold underground...

All this made Ye Zhongming and Gan Lan feel cold from the inside out.

They don't think there are ghosts or ghosts, it's just that this unexplainable phenomenon makes them feel uneasy.

And often the consequence of this feeling is death,

They are not afraid of ghosts, only death.

Ye Zhongming quickly glanced around, and after confirming that the corpses had really disappeared without a trace, he turned his head and looked at these countless frost monsters.

Those disappearing corpses, it would be best if they didn't affect them, but if they did...the ones who were still alive in front of them should be killed first.

Ye Zhongming stood the stick of nature in front of him, but this time it was no longer defense, but attack.

Inlaid on it is a fire-type natural gemstone.

Ye Zhongming dealt with this gem after he bought it.

This kind of wasteful behavior is probably only done by "rich people" like Ye Zhongming.

Different from the homogeneous strengthening of materials, Ye Zhongming accidentally discovered that it is also possible to synthesize natural gemstones and mutated plant materials with the same attributes.

Of course, this is an enhancement with a high probability of failure, and it has high requirements on the material, which must be of a single pure and homogeneous nature. If there is any other impurity, it will end in failure.

Because of the material base of the secret realm, Ye Zhongming found a lot of pure plants with a single attribute. He has a lot of water-type and ice-type natural gemstones, and their grades are also high-level, so he basically synthesizes and strengthens them all with other attributes. Gems, the most of which are fire.

After all, other elemental gemstones are still too rare.

This fire gemstone is a rare intermediate fire gemstone. Ye Zhongming handled it twice. He used his own classification to call it B type II fire gemstone. Remodeled twice.

The name is simple, but it represents the level of power. This modified natural gemstone is powerful, and Ye Zhongming has always kept it as a trump card.

It's just that he faces too many monsters today, and the fire attribute just happens to be restrained, so he will take them out.

The type B and II fire gems were installed on the staff of nature, and a warm breath immediately appeared in the space, which was much stronger than the armor on Gan Lan's body, and even the nearest frost monster stopped pause.

Then, as the staff of nature shone, a huge phantom tree appeared above the staff. Although it was translucent, it was filled with raging flames, which raised the already high temperature again.

The two ice birds are now of the ice attribute. Seeing this phantom burning tree, even if it belongs to their own side, they flew back for a while in fear, avoiding it far away.

Gan Lan looked at the same, with inexplicable shock in his eyes.

Seeing Ye Zhongming killing those frost monsters in seconds before, she had already realized the gap between herself and others, but when the wand of nature appeared, she realized that there was a huge gap between them in every aspect.

After the phantom fire tree appeared, it swayed twice, and then the crown of the tree began to gather raging flames, which became more and more prosperous as time went by.

When the light almost illuminated the space, the frost monsters were also approaching.

Huoshu's attack started here.

If it is said that when the fire tree first appeared, there were only branches, and after the burning flame appeared, it grew leaves, then now, the flame is gradually restrained, forming small fireballs one by one, just like bearing fruit generally.

This magical and magnificent scene made Gan Lan look very excited. Although both men and women love beauty, women are more likely to be attracted.

After the fire tree 'fruited', those red balls began to vibrate, and the frequency became faster and faster. With such vibrations, some of these fireballs began to shoot out.

Since the first fireball flew out, the following fireballs have not been interrupted, and a fireball rain has begun. Their targets,

Naturally, those frost monsters.

The first fireball quickly hit the target, the size of a fist was nothing compared to the body of the Frost Monster, but when it hit it, it immediately exploded like a detonation, directly ignited the Frost Monster, and melted in a short time their bodies.

Yes, that is to say, these fireballs have the ability to instantly kill the Frost Monster.

Almost instantly, the fireball killed hundreds of frost monsters, leaving a large space in front of Ye Zhongming.

These melted frost monsters turned into liquid and were frozen on the ground by the temperature here.

Ye Zhongming glanced casually, and found that these places were returning to their previous appearance visible to the naked eye.

He was startled.

For example, after the lake freezes due to the low temperature, pour a basin of water on it. After freezing, it is easy to see the difference. These frost monsters are naturally different from the original ground when they melt and freeze.

But this difference disappeared in a very short time!

This reminded Ye Zhongming of the corpse that had disappeared in the ice crystal mine before.

Could it be the same with those, quickly absorbed by...?

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and only the word absorption was more appropriate. The ground really seemed to be absorbing the body of the Frost Monster.

But now there is no extra time for Ye Zhongming to think. There are too many frost monsters here. Although they have been reduced by hundreds, there are still more coming.

The fire tree lit up the fireball, and the light was much weaker, but it started to burn again, forming hundreds of fireballs.

As these fireballs trembled more and more violently, they also shot out one after another, giving the Frost Monster a second torrential attack.

Then came the third time.

After three times, this middle-level fire gemstone, that is, Type II improved fire gemstone, ran out of energy, flickered and shattered.

Even with Ye Zhongming's wealth, he felt a little distressed.

Natural gemstones are already expensive, plus those purely non-standard materials and a high failure rate, the price of this gemstone is estimated to be comparable to a four-star evolution potion, but he consumed it as a one-off attack.

Fortunately, Ye Zhongming still had some in stock, so he immediately replaced another piece, and the rain of fireballs continued to appear again.

After three times, the energy was exhausted, but nearly a thousand ice monsters were killed.

This kind of killing efficiency has already made Gan Lan in the back dumbfounded.

Ye Zhongming observed the remaining monsters here, and using the most stupid area comparison method to measure, he finally roughly determined the number of frost monsters here.

About ten thousand!

In other words, his attack just now probably only killed one-fifth of them.

But he didn't want to continue to consume this improved fire gem. He put away the stick of nature, took out the remaining two bundles of magic crystal grenades from the space, and threw them out. The raging energy tore apart pieces of frost monsters. It became fragments, but the result of the battle was far worse than before, that is to say, one or two hundred people were killed.

Then, he took out the Soul Crusher Staff.

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