Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and forty-seven self-created skills

Daqian's soul refining technique reached the top level because Ye Zhongming was lucky, and it was a gift he got from the three-legged man.

During this process, Ye Zhongming lacked the painstaking practice of people in the secret realm day and night, and did not experience and understand this secret skill from shallow to deep.

To put it bluntly, his mastery of this secret technique is far from the level of those who have also reached the top level through cultivation.

It's just that no matter what kind of combat skills or secret skills, it's almost impossible to cultivate to the top level in the secret realm.

In the past, Ye Zhongming thought it was enough, because the Daqian Soul Refining Technique gave him a larger amount of mental power. As long as he has mental power, he can use various skills and equipment more times.

That is to say, Ye Zhongming regards Daqian Soul Refining Technique more as a method to increase mental power, and it is an auxiliary ability.

Even so, Ye Zhongming's strength has been greatly improved.

Of course, making Horcruxes is another application, but it requires the cooperation of the craftsman profession, just like the birth of the Soul Crushing Bone Rod, the Daqian Soul Refining Technique has indeed played a considerable role, but the profession of Glory Craftsman is also indispensable. If you really want to say which aspect is more effective, I'm afraid Ye Zhongming himself can't tell clearly.

But as Ye Zhongming mastered the top-level Daqian Soul Refining Technique, his understanding of this ability became deeper and deeper. Usually, he would try to guide and practice the aspects that have undergone obvious changes, but all of them Carefully.

After all, he is from the earth, and the earth belongs to the roulette civilization, but the secret realm is not, and the Daqian soul refining technique comes from the secret realm.

He is afraid of conflict with each other. Even if he doesn't show it now, he will have this worry in the future.

Why did Ye Zhongming set up a secret team in the first place? He just hopes to cultivate fighters who have not been "occupied" by the earth's roulette civilization.

It was only later that as he got to know the world, the secret realm, and the reasons for the end of the world, he gradually put away such thoughts.

But this does not mean that the worry will disappear completely, especially for Ye Zhongming himself. He is the person who has gone the farthest in all aspects among the people who "hold two jobs". If there is a problem, it must start from him. , if possible, he naturally doesn't want bad things to happen.

Therefore, Ye Zhongming is usually very cautious when practicing some obvious abilities of the Daqian Soul Refining Technique, which is becoming more and more obvious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is not an exaggeration to think about it step by step.

Naturally, there are results. What Ye Zhongming is most familiar with is naturally the spiritual field. With the arrival of the top level of Daqian Soul Refining Technique, the spiritual field has formed a fixed range. Within this range, no matter what the target is, it must be affected. Ye Zhongming's influence, especially the hostile target, if the mental power is too low, then Ye Zhongming can directly make it lose the ability to resist.

It’s just that Ye Zhongming usually doesn’t open up the spiritual field, or can’t fully open the spiritual field, because it consumes too much mental energy, and he only needs to keep the range of the spiritual field around his body. Even so, Ye Zhongming Zhong Ming hadn't met an opponent who could match him for a long time.

The eighth-level members of the Dawn Temple are not good, nor are the seventh-level presidents of the royal family.

In Ye Zhongming's view, probably only the saint who shot with Yangos can reach his current height.

Of course, facing the holy father, Ye Zhongming still has self-knowledge.

But the current situation forced him to take a risk, because he didn't want to lose the two ice birds with unlimited possibilities.

He aroused the maximum level of spiritual field, and aimed at this monster, launched a kind of ability that Ye Zhongming hadn't fully mastered.

The two spiritual beings, Hongfa and Yupo, both have a bottom-of-the-box trick, which is a mental storm.

Because they are mutated beings, this is their natural ability. Naturally, there is no factor of rejection or unfamiliarity. In Ye Zhongming's cognition, mental storm is already the pinnacle of spiritual skills.

A ninth-level life, whether it is an evolutionary or a mutant life,

If you master the mental storm, with one blow, maybe a hundred miles around will become a piece of Jedi! Maybe the life within a hundred miles will become someone else's slave in an instant!

This is power!

Although the mental storm of the red-haired and Yupo has not yet reached this level, it left a deep impression on Ye Zhongming when they used it before. The scene of destroying or controlling thousands of zombies in the blink of an eye, Even with the current Ye Zhongming, it is very difficult to do it.

Ye Zhongming didn't know whether he could refresh the mental storm when the temporarily disappearing red-haired and Yupo evolved again, but he knew that once this ability could be used again, no matter whether it was red-haired or Yupo, it would be all An extremely dangerous existence, even for Ye Zhongming.

He really didn't have the confidence to compare with these two freaks who didn't know how to grow up in terms of total mental power.

Although there is not much difference in this aspect, there is always some gap between Ye Zhongming's acquired form and others' innate ones, no matter in the starting point or in the process.

Ye Zhongming's ability, which has the same name as some spiritual mutant life skills, is his imitation of the spiritual storm.

He is still unable to fully unleash his spiritual power by centering on himself like the red-haired and Yupo. For the time being, he cannot control the spiritual power aroused by this situation. The ability of the mental field, which he has been able to fully control, can slightly control the mental power coming out of the body.

Although it can't explode in an even and comprehensive way around, it is still possible to exert a mental shock in a certain direction.

Maybe it will still be a little scattered, unable to condense the mental power towards the target, and it is a bit of an area attack, which will waste a lot of mental power.

Perhaps this attack method can only monotonously impact the nerves of the target, trying to destroy them, but cannot control them.

But this can be regarded as a big improvement. As for the distance, because of the previous caution, Ye Zhongming has not used it with all his strength, so he is naturally not clear.

But now, he was afraid that the distance would not be enough, so he jumped into the air, and only then did he arouse the spiritual field with all his strength, and then used the spiritual stab at this monster!

The entire space centered on him, and a terrifying invisible storm erupted. The spiritual power leaked from Ye Zhongming's body instantly filled all the places, like a hood, covering everything here.

And like a real shock wave of mental power, it also bombarded in the direction of the monster at this moment.

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