Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and seventy Wang Zhu 12 stars

When Ye Zhongming killed the train station monster, the entire city of colors changed immediately, many colors disappeared, and the entire space became black and white.

All the monster corpses turned back to their previous appearance. If it wasn't for the change in color and the corpses of those evolutionists, it would be as if nothing had happened here.

Because of these changes, Ye Zhongming and others are now in the extremely spacious waiting hall of the railway station. In the center of the hall is a stone platform with rewards on it. Bottom, box with red pattern.

Sauron Cartridges!

Ye Zhongming worked so hard to fight here, he didn't hesitate to cooperate with Wuhuanqian, and he didn't hesitate to conflict with such a powerful force as No Man's Land, all for this thing.

If it was other items, he would not be like this. In order to be able to defeat the no-man's land, he even paid for golden equipment. Now, seeing this box, Ye Zhongming finally felt relieved.

He walked over and took the box off the table.

"Sauron's Magic Box, Wangzhu twelve stars, third star."

Just a name made Ye Zhongming's heart beat violently.

Wangzhu twelve stars? what is this?

Ye Zhongming has been a man for two lifetimes, and he has never heard of this name.

Not only that, this piece of equipment has no level, obviously it is not in the same system as the roulette equipment.

Ye Zhongming feels that the previous equipment such as the Sea Crown is also an excellent equipment. After it is completely unsealed, it is very likely to be the legendary colorful equipment.

That's pretty much the best gear out there.

The appearance of the soul-crushing staff gave Ye Zhongming a new understanding. It is another kind of equipment that may become the top-level equipment, and because of the acceptance of the roulette, it is completely possible for this equipment to continue to develop.

But what are these twelve dzi beads? Judging by the name, it should be a series of equipment, and the Sauron's Box ranks third among them, a very high position.

With strong doubts, Ye Zhongming opened the box, and saw a nine-square grid structure inside, each grid was evenly distributed inside, and looking over, the grid seemed... to be the universe.

Yes, it is full of stars and clouds, and the colorfulness and magnificence of the universe can be fully displayed inside.

This alone is enough to make Ye Zhongming enter a state of excitement.

But there is no equipment that can show such a miraculous state.

"Homogeneous upgrade: Putting substances of the same attribute in the grid of destiny can be upgraded to higher-level substances of the same attribute."

"When upgrading with the same quality, all items need to be placed in the grid of destiny."

"During homogeneous upgrades, there will be no failures, but if the energy requirements of higher-level attributes cannot be met, the final items may remain unchanged."

"When you upgrade with the same quality, you can reach the highest level of the item. If you want to continue to upgrade, you need to unlock the second ability of the ink cartridge!"

"Consume the power of the magic crystal when using it."

This ability is the ability that the mysterious person in the all-kinds store told Ye Zhongming at the beginning. Ye Zhongming was tempted by this alone, and made up his mind to seize this piece of equipment.

The explanation of the Sauron ink cartridge is already very clear, just by imagining it, one can feel the power of this piece of equipment.

Although it has no attack power or defense power, nor can it assist in combat, but in fact, its function is similar to that of the treasure gourd and the gate of sacrifice.

The homogeneous upgrading ability of Sauron's Cube, to put it bluntly, means that you can put nine of the same items in it, consume some magic crystals, and it can turn you into higher-level similar items for you.

As for how many levels are higher, it depends entirely on the total energy contained in the items you put in.

In other words, it is to put all the energy of nine items together into one item, as many levels as it can reach, it is a superimposed effect.

Not as magical as the Yunbao Gourd and the Gate of Sacrifice? Maybe, but from which angle to look at it, although Yunbao Gourd can upgrade equipment to the next level, there are many restrictions.

First of all, it requires a lot of energy and time, and secondly, it is limited by the level of the Yunbao gourd itself. If you want to upgrade the equipment, you must first upgrade the Yunbao gourd.

Although the Gate of Sacrifice has repeatedly surprised Ye Zhongming, in the same way, to obtain equipment from it, one needs to sacrifice other items continuously.

But Sauron's Cube doesn't need it. Although it also needs energy, there is no limit to the level of items that can be upgraded with the same quality, and there is no need to accumulate energy. It is more like a production machine, and it can work when it is powered on.

Another point is that it is against the sky, that is, not only does it not limit the level, but it is also not limited to the type of items.

Similar to this ability, such as Ye Zhongming's homogeneous enhancement, it is only for materials, not for other things.

And what this ability can do, there are many,

For example, put nine low-level water-type natural gemstones in it, and after synthesis... Ye Zhongming thinks that it is at least an intermediate-level one, but if you put nine intermediate-level gemstones in it, then...advanced?

For example, if you put nine standard Fengzhiyue made by Ye Zhongming into it, what level will it be after synthesis?

For example, put some evolution potions in it...

This item is also what Ye Zhongming was most attracted to after he first learned about the ability of Sauron's Box.

His previous adventure routes in the Mingshui Realm were actually collecting things of the same attribute. In the end, he could use Sauron's Box to synthesize them.

The most hopeful thing is the synthesis of evolution medicine.

That's right, Ye Zhongming wants to use Sauron's Magic Box to synthesize a bottle of eight-star evolution potion!

Although the eighth-level life forms have appeared now, and the number is gradually increasing, there are also life forms of this level in the secret realm.

But to be honest, when Ye Zhongming and Yunding go hunting, let alone whether they can succeed, the time spent on the road is a big problem.

We must know that the more advanced life is, the more attention is paid to the concept of territory, and because of its strength, the area of ​​​​the territory will also be large, and the life between the same evolutionary level will be farther away.

Not only the earth is like this, but also the secret realm.

If he wanted to accumulate magic crystals by constantly killing eighth-level beings, Ye Zhongming didn't know when he would be able to get the eight-star evolution potion.

Usually, this is not a big problem, just a little bit.

But now that the enemies on the earth side are looking around, and the secret realm is facing a level 9 powerhouse, Ye Zhongming is eager to improve his strength.

Sauron's Magic Box was his hope.

This is why Ye Zhongming is desperately trying to fight against no man's land.

Between offending a super power and getting a piece of equipment he desperately needed, Ye Zhongming chose the latter without hesitation.

Slowing down the excitement, Ye Zhongming looked at the second ability of Sauron's Box.

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