Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and seventy-two road to the monument

Novel: Doomsday Roulette Author: Magic Update Time: 2020-03-13 02:05

After knowing the Tianbei, Ye Zhongming had many guesses in his mind.

The final test of this special space does not sound too dangerous. The word "Tianbei" is more like a proof of knowledge.

But Ye Zhongming had a lot of uneasiness in his heart.

In the last days, just like there are no good people in the strict sense, where is it safe? Genting is impenetrable enough, but isn't it attacked by pink skull bombs?

So despite the many guesses in his mind, when the real answer was about to be revealed, Ye Zhongming inevitably felt nervous.

People around followed Wuhuanqian's deacon and entered one after another. Ganlan Mina and others also came here, and they automatically surrounded Ye Zhongming.

After what happened in the City of Colors, the rest of the Nalan team respected and feared Ye Zhongming. They knew that this was a strong and cruel man. He not only possessed extremely high personal strength, but also had a terrifying His contacts, Wuhuan Qian, have a terrifyingly close connection with him, and he treats enemies and those who affect his interests decisively and ruthlessly. Even Ye Zhongming, a powerful force like No Man's Land, says that if you kill him, you will kill him. This seems to them It's unimaginable.

Such a person is far from being able to compete with them. Of course, they will not fight, and no one wants to live too long.

Then a very real problem was placed in front of them.

Do you continue to do it yourself, or rely on Ye Zhongming.

Everyone's opinion is naturally to take refuge in Yunding Mountain Villa. Everyone is willing to change from a power at the tail end of a national area to become a member of a power with the best treatment.

But are people willing to accept it? Regardless of their leaders Ganlan, Mina and Yunding being old, but who knows, what matters in the last days is not familiarity, but benefits.

With Yunding's strength, they don't need their participation. Nalan's people are not helping in the middle of nowhere, but at best they can be regarded as icing on the cake.

So how do they get on it?

These people can only pin their hopes on the two beautiful bosses.

Women, especially beautiful women, are sometimes a resource in the last days.

What? Ye Zhongming has a woman?

Hehe, whoever wants to hold this kind of thinking probably won't live for a few days.

In the last days, which man does not have many women? This statement is also true in reverse, of course, except for the women of those big bosses.

Even his subordinates are aware of this, so Gan Lan and Mina naturally know it too, but...they have been alone for more than two years in the apocalypse, do they sink because of this? Although Ye Zhongming is not an annoying man, even leaving aside some factors, he is still a rare good in the last days. that enough? Even if they were willing, what about Ye Zhongming's other women? But they know that it seems that every woman next to this man is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but they are all strong on the personal combat power list!

They... are also a big problem.

Under such wild thoughts, the two women followed Ye Zhongming into a huge mysterious space.

Because of the baptism of the adventure land, the number of people here is much less than before, but most of the losses are soldiers brought by various forces, who really died in the adventure land like Wen Huan, the boss of no man's land. Not too much.

It's just that after these people entered this space, they were all silent, even the landlord Wuhuan Qian here.

Because everyone saw an unbelievable scene.

Ye Zhongming remembered the feeling at that time many years later, and he was so shocked that he couldn't describe it accurately at the time.

After thinking about it constantly, he could finally use something to describe this scene.

Crystal Clusters!

The Tianbei group is like the spar clusters in the ice crystal mines in the cat's ears! It's just been magnified countless times!

This description was later widely accepted,

Some people have never seen it and don't understand it, and many people will use the spar mine in the game StarCraft as an analogy, which is also vivid enough.

This is the monument?

Such a thought arose in everyone's mind.

These seemingly disorganized spar giant pillars are soaring to the sky one by one, how high is that?

No one knows, thousands of meters? Or tens of thousands of meters?

At this height, human beings can no longer accurately measure it with their eyes. In front of these giant spar pillars, even the most powerful evolutionary is too small, and ants are not enough to describe it.

After Ye Zhongming was reborn, he moved forward all the way, whether it was facing the throne of the Zero Chamber of Commerce that suddenly appeared at the beginning, or facing the famous Yaoshi Army in later generations, or the resistance zone that controlled the secrets of the last days, and even the guardian of the door of blessing. The ninth-level old man, he may have been nervous, but he has no fear at all!

He has never felt that the power of these powerful guys is so invincible!

But when facing these spar pillars, he felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, as well as an unrivaled cowardice.

It seems that if any of these spar pillars fell down, everyone here could be crushed to death!

"Isn't this bigger than the Andes Mountains?"

"Obviously surpassed the Alps!"

"No, the Himalayas are not even a tenth of that!"

"What the hell is this t!?"

Many people subconsciously let out various exclamations, and some people even trembled under this huge oppressive force.

This is not an existence that manpower can contend with!

Ye Zhongming took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and let the shock brought by the Tianbei out of his consciousness.

"Look, what's in there?"

An evolutionary with strengthened eyes suddenly pointed at the mountain-like spar cluster in front of him and screamed.

The others followed the prestige and saw that a place at the base of these spar pillars was sunken a little bit.

"That's supposed to be... a path? A path that goes over this thing?"

Someone said uncertainly.

At this time, some people discovered one after another that under the spar pillars in front, there were many small paths that were not too wide.

Because there was no danger for the time being, many people came under the Tianbei, and they found that the number of these paths seems to be endless, and there is almost one under every huge spar pillar!

After being amazed, everyone gradually calmed down, and they all turned their attention to Deacon Tong, the owner of Mingshuijie.

The deacon, who couldn't tell the difference between male and female, still had the shock on his face.

But at this time, he obviously got some hints. Deacon Tong stretched out his hand, pointed at these completely upward paths, and said with trembling words: "Everyone can choose a path, and everyone can walk up... ..."

"When you step on the road to these monuments, the answer will naturally appear."

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