Roulette World

1213th Killing Saint's third card

All of this happened very quickly. After the fruit ripened, the Hades tree swayed its body, and the green-bottomed and black-spotted fruits fell off from the canopy. Each orange-like fruit protruded from the upper and lower ends of a white branch. of silk thread.

The silk thread is very thin, but full of toughness. After appearing, it connects with the surrounding silk threads. Soon these fruits form a huge irregular three-dimensional space. Each fruit is a node, and they are connected to each other by silk threads.

Everyone was confused by this miraculous scene, so even the holy father showed a cautious expression.

There's no way, the world just left a deep impression on him, if he and Yan Wangshu are both at the ninth level, then it will be extremely difficult for him to get rid of the attack.

After the fruits were connected, they started to move, and flew towards the Holy Father.

In Wangcheng, this time Dr. He was not as badly injured as he was just now, and he recovered almost instantly. The bones broken by the kick of the Holy Father have healed, and the terrifying self-healing ability has been perfectly reflected.

It flew into the sky again, and attacked the Holy Father menacingly.

The researchers who had been watching him nervously looked at the data on the tracking device, and many of them were doing calculations.

"How much vitality?"

"About one hundred and seventy percent, in order to ensure the healing ability and not lose combat power, the cell division speed has exceeded the load. If the vitality continues to increase, the gene fragment will be unstable. Once it collapses, or it will completely lose control. Or die directly!"

The two researchers were having a conversation, but the content was obviously not optimistic. Don't look at Dr. He who was beaten away when he went up, but he was living tenaciously in front of the Holy Father, as if even the ninth-level powerhouse could not do anything to him.

But the reality is that this is at the cost of Dr. He's body being overloaded. Although Yunding's technology has reached a very high level, it still cannot create a perfect life like a god.

"How long can you last?"

"With the current fighting intensity, at most two minutes, if the Holy Father puts the main attack on it, he can last at most two times!"

"Tell Xia Lei the news. That's all we can do. Next, it's up to her."

Dr. He could only fight for another two minutes, and the news reached Xia Lei in just a dozen seconds. She was not nervous, but gave an order, and then took over the command of all the troops from the other kings. Let Mo Ye start to mobilize the army in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the war fortress that was refitted by Yunding Mountain Villa also began to gradually enter the core of the battlefield, and the magic crystal cannon fired more and more frequently, and its power gradually increased.

When these things happened, Dr. He was sent flying again. This time, a big hole appeared on his body, right in the middle of his chest, which was extremely hideous.

The cells at the wound were splitting rapidly, and the surroundings of the blood hole merged like a circular door towards the center, the speed was extremely shocking.

It’s just that those research institutes have ugly faces, because Dr. He will collapse and die if there is another ruthlessness. Overwhelmed and completely out of control.

I hope that Yan Wangshu's attack is effective, and it is worth Dr. He's sacrifice.

Dr. He and the transformed war fortress entered the battlefield in order to create opportunities for the strange fruits of the Hades tree. Now, these fruits have finally arrived at the side of the Holy Father.

Everyone is paying attention to this scene, and everyone knows that the critical time has come.

But in the inconspicuous corners of the ground, some things are also happening.

If someone pays attention to this place, they will find that Ling Kun, Hong Xiang, Three-nosed Elephants and Yangos are all here, the difference is that Yangos is obviously not happy.

"Let's get started, we don't have much time." Ling Kun said with a heavy body, holding one on a bead. It was a not very dazzling bead with a matte black halo all over it. After putting his hand on it, the black halo flickered for a moment.

Then Hong Xiang and the three-nosed elephant also put their hands and trunks on the beads, only Yangos looked stubborn.

"Big lizard, think about it, now you either cooperate and let us dedicate your strength, or we detonate the destructive factor on your body now and turn you into a puddle of soft meat."

Xia Lei squinted her eyes and warned Yangos. The murderous aura all over her body was absolutely real. If the evil dragon really dragged her feet at this time, she would definitely immediately use the method Liu Zhenghong taught her to activate the evil dragon's body. A neurotoxin transplanted, turning it into an idiot dragon.

Liu Zhenghong may have nothing to do with the uncontrolled eighth-level life, but for a guy like Yangos who let her experiment without a fight, Zao Renhong has ten ways to control it! Not to mention the eighth-level ones, even the ninth-level holy father let Liu Zhenghong do what he wants, and she can make him obey his orders.

The giant dragon obviously remembered Liu Zhenghong's method, subconsciously shivered, and quickly put his dragon claws on the black bead.

After the four eighth-level beings established contact with it, the entire bead did not swell, but became smaller, becoming a vitreous thing the size of a pigeon egg.

Xia Lei took the bead, glanced at the four dispirited eighth-level beings, nodded to them, and turned to look to the other side, where a one-armed man was standing there with a blank expression.

"Have you... thought it through?"

Xia Lei handed the bead to this person and asked a question at the same time.

The one-armed man nodded, took the bead, swallowed it without hesitation, and then said to Ling Kun and Hong Xiang: "I will record everything about the holy root and the reconstruction of the holy pool, as well as the law code of the pool guards. Pass it on for you, the future of the posthumous person depends on you."

This person is the current keeper of the pool. Since the sacrifice of the previous keeper of the pool, he has fallen into an emotion that he cannot extricate himself from.

That was not giving up on oneself, but understanding the true meaning of the pool guard.

They are not only the guardians of the holy water, but also the guardians of the whole posthumous person, and when necessary, they must sacrifice themselves.

Now, it's time for him to sacrifice for the deceased.

At this moment, the face of the contemporary pond keeper has changed. Some black dark lines have begun to invade his body, his pupils are dilated, his hair is falling out, and his skin has begun to dry and crack.

The whole person seemed to have turned into a mummy for thousands of years.

On the other side, there was a tragic roar. Dr. He had completed his mission, but was crushed in the head by the punch of the Holy Father, and the body fell from the air.

The array of fruits of the Yama tree also began to attack.

The contemporary pool guard looked at everyone again, squatted down, and then shot out like a cannonball.

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