Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and sixteen

The Holy Father didn't care about killing the Hades Tree, but his eyes suddenly lit up, and two streams of scarlet blood sprayed out, spraying on the side of the shadow that had killed him.

This figure was too fast, so fast that the Holy Father couldn't dodge it while attacking, so he chose another way.


The methods the Holy Father uses now all need to consume his energy, and for him, this is life.

If he hadn't had to, he didn't want to do it.

It's just that the current situation can't help him not to do his best.

Otherwise, Holy Father really felt that he would die here.

Even after all his calculations, he didn't realize that this group of forces from another world was so troublesome.

It turned out that he thought that only those glowing weapons deserved his attention.

"Red sprinkle!"

This is the famous skill of the holy father when he was young, but no one can remember it now. Those who have seen it have either been killed by him or have died of old age.

But this does not mean that the power of this combat skill will be weakened. On the contrary, when life is threatened, even if the strength is greatly reduced, the Holy Father still uses the ability of red sprinkling to a higher level than when he was young.

The red blood energy collided with the thunder-like shadow, and at the same time, the first body of the Yama tree fell from the air, and when it landed on the ground, several clear and long cracks appeared on the body of the crystal tree!

Some people from Yunding Lab rushed over from one side, pulled up the Yama tree and began to retreat into a safer city. Now the eighth-level life has no fighting power.

Facing the ninth-level holy father, Yunding played several cards one after another, but both Dr. He and Yan Wangshu were killed and injured, and returned without success.

On the other side, the blood energy suddenly shrank, and then burst open as if under some pressure.

The shadow in the flesh stopped and floated in front of the Holy Father.

Yes, float.

Same as the Holy Father.

This action caused the Holy Father's pupils to contract.

This is an ability that only a ninth-level powerhouse can have.

"Who are you?"

It was the first time that the holy father took the initiative to ask. Although his body was injured before, everyone could see that he paid attention to it, and it could even be said that he was dignified.

The holy father couldn't help but not pay attention to it, the person floating in front of him was really scary.

The clothes on the whole body are tattered, exposing the dry and cracked skin inside. How can a normal human being not have any moisture?

I don't know if it's because of the redness just now, but the skin is not complete, and a piece is often missing in some places, revealing a black substance that wraps the bones inside, which makes him look like a mysterious person. The monster black-spotted man.

The most frightening thing was the pair of eyes, which were originally black holes, but the eyeballs were full of black dull coals, lifeless but with an undisguised murderous aura.

It is such a mummy-like life, but it puts great pressure on the Holy Father.

"No, you are not level nine!"

The holy father observed for a few seconds, then suddenly said, he originally thought that this person was a level 9 expert invited by the earthlings, if so, then he should be cautious.

With the current state of the Holy Father, basically he will inevitably fail when he meets an opponent of the same level.

It's just that when he calmed down and observed for a while, he found that although this opponent could float in the air, his body didn't have the aura of the same level.

The strange thing about the holy father is that this person does not have any energy fluctuations.

It's almost impossible.

Ninth-level powerhouses have an understanding of life, energy, and space that other levels cannot possess. The Holy Father knows what the stocks that operate in this space are like.

A life, whether it is an animal or a plant, will have its own 'frequency'.

But the person in front of him was not there.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one substance without any energy fluctuations, which is the real dead substance.

Obviously, the person in front of him is not.

"¥*..." the man said, uttering several obscure syllables,

But no one can understand.

He didn't wait for the holy father to say anything, and rushed over at a speed no less than that of the holy father, and the two began a fierce battle in midair.

This person, of course, is the contemporary pond keeper, and the beads he took before are called past birth beads.

That thing doesn't belong here, it belongs to the earth, it belongs to the roulette system.

That was another great gift that Ye Zhongming prepared for the Holy Father.

This bead is a by-product of an eight-level roulette wheel.

When it comes to the three advanced roulettes of Qi**, there are basically very few bad things on them. Even if it is not transferred to the evolution potion, other rewards are also good.

In the process of Ye Zhongming obtaining the eight-star evolution potion, he harvested this pearl of rebirth.

This is a bead that can only be used once and is a consumable item. The power of this consumable on the eighth-level roulette must be extremely large.

Ye Zhongming studied it, and at that time decided it was a card to deal with the Holy Father, and it was still a very important card.

The role of the past life pearl is to absorb the energy of four to eight eighth-level beings, store it, and then transform it into the past life pearl to become a special medicine. And after this medicine is taken by another eighth-level life, it can make this life have the strength close to that of a ninth-level life within a certain period of time!

Absorbing the energy of four eighth-level lives is the minimum standard, and eight is the highest limit. The difference in quantity represents how much the eighth-level life being absorbed energy needs to pay.

When there are only four absorption targets, there must be more absorption, and when there are eight, the average energy expenditure on each life will be much less.

The current coalition of Yunding and the posthumous people can meet the standard of the past life pearl.

Of course, this ability of this thing is so strong that it is almost against the sky, but it also has an extremely strict, no, cruel price.

That is, another eighth-level life who took the Bead of Rebirth will die completely after the effect of this bead loses its effect.

This is a bead that makes people strong, and it is also a talisman that makes people die.

At that time, before Ye Zhongming entered the state of evolution, he told everyone about the function of this bead, but it was prepared as a last resort. Once all the previous preparations failed to kill the Holy Father, then this bead will appear It's time.

At that time, there must be someone who will stand up and sacrifice for the posthumous person.

However, the situation is somewhat different from Ye Zhongming's plan, because his evolution has not been completed, and now using the Rebirth Bead requires a lot of energy from several eighth-level beings, which will basically make them lose their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

It was just after seeing the power of the Holy Father, and after the contemporary pool guards had the will to die, this card was activated in advance.

This is also what Xia Lei meant, because she wanted to delay Ye Zhongming's evolution as long as possible.

At least for now, it seems that no one has disappointed the posthumous bead.

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