Roulette World

1219th the excitement of counterattack

"Two in One"

Many posthumous people feel pain in their heels.

When they saw the Holy Father take out this weapon that almost became the focus of the entire mountainside, they all felt like you were kidding me.

Before, the holy father was wounded by divine punishment, and he was seriously injured to the point of death. They thought they had seen the dawn of victory. But now it seems that it is not, it is just a sign that he is serious.

The wind and thunder twin growth swords in the hands of the holy father, the two energy snakes are like fireworks, shooting beams of light beams of the same color as themselves to the surroundings. Covered a large space around.

These beams of light are moving and turning into small curved snakes, just like their main body, these small snakes will not walk around at will, but wander in this occupied space, with the Holy Father as their heart, watching around opponents.

"I was still thinking, if you can kneel in front of me, maybe I can forgive you, let you become vassals of the Dawn Temple, and leave you a place in the brand new space."

The Holy Father waved the twin wind and thunder, and a sword shadow seemed to appear suddenly from nothingness, and instantly arrived in front of another war fortress that was scrapped yesterday, and directly chopped into it.

This huge machine was directly divided into two, so some explosions occurred inside, but the scale was not large. Apart from blowing itself up to pieces, there was no small nuclear explosion like the one just now.

It happened too fast, and the moment the sword shadow appeared, it was in front of the war fortress, making it impossible for people to react as they should.

Many people retreated subconsciously, only the soldiers on the top of the cloud protecting Ye Zhongming did not move.

The holy father glanced coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"But you made me angry, very angry, you don't have awe, you don't know respect, this is a big taboo. This will make you pay the price, the kind of price that will never turn over."

Following these words, the Holy Father swung the long sword again, and a second sword light appeared.

This time, his target was Xia Bai.

For him, red hair is obviously more worthy of attention, and he needs to deal with it with heart, so the Holy Father intends to kill the troublemaker first.

Although this masked woman can fly with her wings, her evolutionary level is much different from that of the Holy Father. Such a target can be easily killed by the Holy Father.

Even on the outside, Xia Bai's imposing manner is not inferior to that of red hair at all.

Xia Bai moved at the moment the Holy Father launched an attack.

It is undeniable that the Holy Father's Wind and Thunder Twins attack is very fast, but one thing that cannot be ignored is that the moment the Holy Father launched the attack, there was actually an omen.

His wrists, arms and even his body will have short preparations.

From this point of view, Xia Bai also let himself leave the position in advance.

To be honest, she wasn't sure that the Holy Father's attack was her, but she still dodged, the target was her, she had time to deal with it, the target was not, it was time to adjust the angle of the attack.

However, the Holy Father's ability was still too fast. While Xia Bai was moving, Jian Guang also arrived.

Many people in Yunding opened their mouths wide because they saw 'Xia Bai' being cut in half by this sword.

Could it be that Xia Bai, who exists like a god of killing, is so vulnerable? So vulnerable in front of the ninth level?

Ma and the others breathed a sigh of relief. What they saw just now was only Xia Bai's afterimage.

But Xia Bai gently raised his hand and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

She did dodge, but she still didn't dodge completely. The sword light was too fast, hitting her with at least half of its length.

"Huh? Not bad, very good, what is that? Very strong dark power? It's a very good offering for the Gate of Blessings."

The holy father's eyes flashed with surprise, and he was surprised to see that his blow was dodged by a woman with only seven evolutionary levels.

He doesn't use this weapon very often, and he hasn't even used some of the previous combat skills for a long time, let alone this twin wind and thunder that contains enormous power.

In his opinion,

No life, including those eighth-level lives that appeared before, can resist the power of this weapon.

This is not a class fight.

The reason why he didn't use it before was entirely because he needed a lot of energy to use this weapon.

The posthumous believe that the Holy Father has been slow to come up with his own forceful means simply because he feels it is unnecessary. Perhaps there are indeed these reasons, but they are definitely not as calm as the Holy Father showed.

He is actually saving his life.

But after being hit one after another, the Holy Father had no choice but to rely on these powerful weapons to fight. Even though it would consume energy, it could make up for the lack of his injured body at the moment.

That's right, the current holy father's injuries are actually much more serious than it looks on the surface.

Although the nuclear explosion only exploded a miniature reactor, the holy father within the range of the core explosion, even a ninth-level powerhouse, received an attack second only to the strongest divine punishment.

Now his body is in the worst condition ever.

Under such circumstances, he thought he could instantly kill a person with the help of his weapon, but it turned out to be in vain. He was naturally surprised.

Xia Bai was not killed entirely because of the dark bird of darkness that had been protecting her around her body, and it was also the energy life hovering around her body that Xia Bai had after using the fallen sky wing to sacrifice her life.

And after Xia Bai activated the Fallen Sky Wing with all his strength, the dark wave had already started. In addition to the dark bird, there was also a field of dark energy around her body, which would slightly increase her body attributes when she was not under attack. When attacked, it has the function of protection and healing.

Under the double protection, plus Xia Bai's own defensive power, she survived the gate of hell without falling in.

It's just that the attack of the ninth-level powerhouse is so easy to resist. She was still injured, but it was not serious.

"An old liar who is extremely stingy with his own energy, what a big talk!" The red-haired man who was already in the same appearance as a human said, and the spear in her hand was suddenly thrown out by her.

This was very sudden, no one thought that the red hair would throw the weapon out, especially when it was facing the ninth-level holy father, didn't she know the fact that without a weapon, she might not even be able to get close to the holy father?

Even the Holy Father believed that this was just an active measure taken by the red-haired being to prevent her twin wind and thunder from attacking her.

But when the spear came within the range of the 'little snakes' surrounding the Holy Father, something unexpected happened.

From the body of this spear, for some reason, countless flames spewed out at once.

It's that kind of yellow-white extremely high-temperature flame!

These invisible fires suddenly filled that space, making those who watched the battle subconsciously dodge.

The Holy Father was instantly enveloped by these flames.

Without any warning, the whip wrapped in the other hand of the red hair stretched out, and she pulled back, and the spear returned to her hand, as if she hadn't done everything just now.

"Don't think you're absorbing the energy here and we won't know it!" The red-haired body has already left the spot, although she seems clumsy on stepping on the undead ichthyosaur, but when she really moves, the speed is no less than with Xia Bai who fell from the Sky Wing.

The next moment, a ray of sword light passed over the position where the red hair was floating just now.

The body of the Holy Father rose a little at the same time, rushing out of the encirclement of those flames.

These high-temperature fires did not pose any threat to him, but as the red hair said, there were very few energy snakes that were constantly wandering in the air that were burned.

After being reborn under the sea of ​​lava, Hong discovered that her body had undergone tremendous changes. She might not even know what kind of life she is now.

She has a human body, there is no doubt about it, the reshaping of the lava seabed is completely reborn.

But is she really human? This is absolutely impossible, let alone the body shape that she can change, and the ability that she can have is completely different from that of human evolution.

Perhaps, this is a completely different way of evolution, truly beyond the shackles of the roulette wheel.

She can see many things clearly, such as these small energy snakes that seem to be some kind of attack method, and the red hair can clearly see their structure, knowing that the function of these things is not for attack or defense, but for the twin birth of wind and thunder. The use of the sword absorbs the surrounding energy, which can reduce the energy paid by the Holy Father himself.

Since he could see clearly, the red hair would naturally not let the Holy Father do what he wanted.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

The holy father didn't speak loudly this time, but murmured in a low voice. Maybe it was because he failed to return from two attacks, which made him lose the "leisure and ease" that he felt before he started to be serious and could easily control everything. He felt that the energy in his body was overused. The resulting consumption is seriously devouring his vitality, and he doesn't know how long he can last like this.

Holding the big sword, his body swayed, and in six directions around him, an identical figure appeared, at least with the naked eye, it was impossible to tell which one was the main body.

After these figures appeared, the horse began to move irregularly, which dazzled people, and then at the same moment, three shadows rushed out towards Xia Bai and Red Hair respectively.

The other one stayed in place, closer to the red hair.

The three figures came before Xia Bai in a very short time, and the three swords slashed at Xia Bai from different directions, still with that kind of incomparable speed and aggravated strength.

Xia Bai couldn't tell which one was the real body for the time being, but she could feel the real murderous aura from each clone.

Perhaps every avatar has the ability of the main body.

For the powerhouse at level nine, everyone will not begrudge their imagination and try to imagine him as invincible as possible.

Waving the sad ink-pattern sickle in his hand, the re-condensed dark ghost bird also protected his master. At the same time, Xia Bai's career was activated, and his body immediately became transparent.

The current lighting conditions in Wang Chengzhi gave her a very good external environment. Xia Bai's shadow was lost in the eyes of many people who were farther away from the Temple of Dawn.

when! when! when!

After three loud noises, Xia Bai's body reappeared, she spat out blood once, and the eyes exposed under the mask showed a little bit of shock.

Because she found out that the Holy Father did not know what method he used to ban her profession when he was fighting her!

how can that be?

"It's weird? No, it's not weird. Naturally, you can't understand it at your level, or your flaming companion over there can understand it a little bit."

The seven shadows spoke at the same time, and their lips were exactly the same, making it impossible to distinguish the authenticity from this aspect.

Although the four shadows in front of the red hair were also talking, everyone knew that these words were addressed to Xia Bai.

"Each space has its own rules, but the essence is the same. Since the essence is the same, the lives living in the space actually have common laws to a certain extent. As long as you master these laws, you can achieve something in your life. It seemed impossible."

The Holy Father's attacks didn't stop, and he used three clones to attack Xia Bai continuously, so Xia Bai could only use his speed to keep resisting.

Fortunately, the sad ink pattern sickle that has been upgraded to the green level can withstand the wind and thunder twins, otherwise Xia Bai might have lost by now.

It's not that she has no means other than her profession, but under the stormy attack of the Holy Father, she can't use it at all.

Being able to constantly resist and prevent himself from being hit is already the limit of what Xia Bai can do.

In front of the Holy Father, she was still really not good enough.

"Your bodies are weird, and you have so many combat skills that we can't understand. This may be the unique ability of your space."

"But it doesn't matter, you still can't get rid of this law, so as long as you master this law, you can be restrained."

"And I, the existence of the ninth level, have mastered this law!"

Between these few words, the Holy Father finally found Xia Bai's weakness. A clone left deep wounds on her body. The protective gear Xia Bai was wearing couldn't resist the attack of the twin wind and thunder.

"Yes, I'm not strong enough to use the rules to erase these abilities of yours, but I can still make them ineffective for a short period of time."

"So, outsiders, this is the gap between us, it's just that you won't be able to understand this in this life."

The clone continued, leaving several wounds on Xia Bai's body.

Each of these wounds was as deep as the bone, and a large amount of blood fell from Xia Bai's body and spilled onto the ground.


The cold voices of the three clones slashed towards Xia Bai's body together with their attack.

Xia Bai, there is absolutely no way to stop it.

However, the avatars of the Holy Father saw Xia Bai's eyes at this moment, and there was no fear or panic, only excitement.

The excitement of fighting back!

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