Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and twenty-two final rewards of the monument

It was a somewhat radiant pill.


Ye Zhongming's actions did not attract much attention from the Holy Father, he was still observing the space shrouded in light green energy in amazement.

Suddenly, the holy father's eyes locked on Ye Zhongming again.

"What are you eating?"

Ye Zhongming's eyes filled with admiration.

This is not for the Holy Father, but for all beings at this level of evolution.

Their realm has indeed exceeded the imagination of ordinary evolutionists, and has reached an unimaginable level.

This is not only in terms of combat effectiveness, but also the understanding and grasp of space and rules.

Just like now, the Holy Father didn't care about what Ye Zhongming ate before, because he didn't care. Although he was seriously injured, he was still not suitable for Ye Zhongming, a new eight-star evolutionary. There is a huge difference between the ninth level and the eighth level It's not as simple as a level, but an understanding of power.

The ninth level of serious injury is still the ninth level.

What he cares more about is the space that has already affected him.

The Holy Father found that in this space, not only was he cut off from the outside world, cut off the transmission of energy, but he was even absorbing his own energy.

If it was just being isolated, the Holy Father would not care too much. There is not much energy left in this space, and whether it is isolated or not has little effect on him.

But what he cares about is the absorption of energy here, and this is what makes him feel troublesome and even panicked.

Energy is my life.

This statement is true for the Holy Father.

Lost energy is also lost life.

For Ye Zhongming's indifference to attention, the change of the Holy Father is because of Ye Zhongming's change.

Before, the Holy Father didn't pay much attention to Ye Zhongming, not only because his evolutionary level was low and he basically didn't pose any threat, but also because he was also affected in this space, and the pillars composed of three ghosts were also absorbing his energy.

But when Ye Zhongming took the bead, this energy absorption stopped unilaterally, and even was fed back.

Where does this back-feeding energy come from? Just learned from the Holy Father!


The Holy Father almost squeezed these words out of his mouth, which also represented the official start of his attack on Ye Zhongming.

In this closed space, the holy father did not dare to continue to use energy on a large scale to release the terrifying sword light of Fenglei Twins. He held the sword and began to slash at Ye Zhongming continuously. The method was rigorous, and it turned out to be a A set of extremely brilliant swordsmanship, obviously, this is one of the heritage of the Holy Father.

It's just that his body, including his arms, exposed bones in some places, and his actions carried the same cruelty and blood as this war.

Everyone watching the battle held their breath, and even the people from the Temple of Dawn did not respond when they entered the royal city.

At this time, there is no need for any reaction.

Everyone knows that this is the last battle, and whoever wins will represent the side that will win.

But the hearts of the people in the Temple of Dawn are complicated. The Holy Father obviously has the advantage of crushing, but he has been forced to this point. They don't know whether it is because the Holy Father has become weaker, or the opponent is too strong.

Just like now, that man is only an eighth-level fighter, how can he withstand the attack of the Holy Father?

The cause of this situation was not only Ye Zhongming's own strength of more than eight stars, but also the special effect of that bead.

This one-time piece of equipment is the final reward of the Tianbei—the Beauty Dzi Bead.

Before, Ye Zhongming was a little disappointed when he just got this piece of equipment.

At first glance at those rays of light, he thought it was the most top-notch equipment, but Ye Zhongming later found out that it was a one-time medicine reward.

To put it bluntly, this dzi bead has only one function - nourishment.

Use all the energy between heaven and earth to cleanse, cultivate, and nourish the user, so that the body of the user will eventually become a special physique-beautiful celestial body!

That is a physique with the same frequency as the origin of the universe!

Ye Zhongming thought about it later,

He paid more and more attention to this bead.

Perhaps this cannot allow Ye Zhongming to have a piece of purple or even colorful equipment, but for the future, this undoubtedly requires a piece of equipment that is much more important and valuable.

For the time being, Ye Zhongming doesn't know what a beautiful celestial body is, but just looking at the introduction of this thing, it is also of the same frequency as the universe, and one can imagine how powerful it is.

Regarding the existence of the ninth-level beings, Ye Zhongming had contact with the three-legged monster and got a lot of information from him. He couldn't tell the truth from the fake ones, but one thing should be true. The reason why the ninth-level beings have such powerful abilities is that It is entirely because they can borrow and utilize the energy of the space itself.

As for what is this energy? That's another question.

So although Ye Zhongming just woke up, but seeing the Holy Father, he can basically guess what happened before.

And the existence of the spirit feeding totem gave Ye Zhongming a reason to take Xiuli dzi immediately.

These three pillars were originally prepared by Ye Zhongming for the Holy Father, using their ability to absorb energy, hoping to suppress the power of the Holy Father.

The only difference from before is that Ye Zhongming's original intention was to gather all the masters of Yunding and posthumous people here, and use the collective power to kill the ninth-level powerhouse, but now he is the only one left.

If there is no Xiuli Dzi, Ye Zhongming will definitely not activate the Spirit Feeding Totem, because in the space of this totem, all life needs to absorb energy, and the higher the level, the faster the absorption. In the original plan, there were a lot of people, and they could continue to fight the Holy Father on wheels, using the difference in the rate of energy absorption to create a time difference.

Now the situation has changed, forcing Ye Zhongming to take this bead right away, because when the dzi bead nourishes the body, it needs to absorb the surrounding energy, and its level is definitely better than that of the spirit feed totem.

Facts have also proved that this is indeed the case. After taking the dzi beads, the energy in Ye Zhongming's body will not be sucked away, but will be replenished from the space.

Speaking of this, I have to say that one of the characteristics of Xiuli Dzi Beads is the process of nourishing the user. Although it takes a long time, the absorption speed will change with the amount of surrounding energy, which in turn will affect the time required for the entire process.

That is to say, the more energetic the place is, the faster and more energy the dzi beads absorb, and the shorter the time it takes to form a beautiful celestial body.

Now, in the spiritual feeding totem space, the energy absorbed from the Holy Father is rapidly pouring into Ye Zhongming who has taken the beautiful dzi because of the difference in priority!

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