Roulette World

1225th, the urge to kill him

The thick bloody smell in the air has dissipated a lot, and the cleaning of the battlefield in the belly of the posthumous Wangcheng mountain is also nearing completion.

It's just a little strange that the Dawn Temple and the posthumous people are still in the same area. Although they are clearly separated, they are no longer tense as before.

This is already the fifth falling sand day of peace talks between the two sides.

Ye Zhongming was sitting at the table, eating a piece of food sent by Mi Ya. It was a thick soup stewed with special herbs and monster meat in the secret realm, and served with a bowl of fateful rice. A good meal.

The planting of Minggemi has made some progress. Although it cannot be mass-produced without the help of Ye Zhongming, it is still no problem for some core members to eat a bowl every day.

Daning, a former researcher of a multinational company, has almost solved the problem of cultivating staple food that can increase the power of skills.

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and Xia Lei walked in, her gaze wandered around Mia, and she blinked mischievously.

Miya called Miss Xia Lei, blushing.

There's no way, if Xia Lei thinks about it, she's a female hooligan, even a posthumous female warrior like Miya can't stand it.

Xia Lei went over to grab a piece of meat to eat, Ye Zhongming rolled his eyes and handed the chopsticks to his woman.

"It's not that you can't eat it yourself, do you need to grab it from me?" Somewhat angrily, he rubbed Xia Lei's hair as a small revenge.

Xia Lei had no sense of embarrassment at all, took the chopsticks and started to pick up the rice, while Mi Ya smiled and prepared to add more rice for her.

Everyone knows that Xia Lei is the best to get along with when she is not angry. Of course, when she is angry, she is also the most difficult to get along with.

"Is there something wrong?" Ye Zhongming took a sip of tea, feeling a little emotional in his heart. Whether it was a sumptuous hot meal or a cup of hot tea in his previous life, it was an extremely extravagant thing for him, but in this life, he doesn't have to say it himself. What, someone brought these up, and the gap between them is embarrassing.

Xia Lei chewed her rice, looked at her man with beautiful eyes, and said vaguely: "Your little trick has been seen through, and I am asking you to go outside alone."

Saying that, Xia Lei suddenly slowed down her chewing, and she put her head in front of Ye Zhongming in a mysterious way and whispered: "If you can get all the soldiers from the Dawn Temple to the top of the cloud, I don't mind at all." One more sister!"

Ye Zhongming's hand holding the teacup stopped in the air, feeling a black line on his forehead.

"You don't mind, Miya still minds!" After glaring at Xia Lei, Ye Zhongming got up and walked out, preparing to meet the saint, he knew that it was time for him to come forward.

"I don't mind."

Miya's words got into his ears, and Ye Zhongming staggered.


There is some unknown source of breeze blowing in the secret realm, bringing a mixed fresh and earthy smell, but no one will get bored, because it represents the birth and growth of life.

Sometimes, the Creator is so amazing. In such a space that will collapse without knowing when, all things are living tenaciously in their own way.

The saint and Ye Zhongming walked in the open field with empty hands, and there were no guards in sight.

"Aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?" Ye Zhongming asked, looking sideways at the nearly perfect profile of the saint.

"That's exactly what I'm going to tell you."

The saint not only responded tit for tat, but even looked at each other without showing weakness. If it wasn't for the obvious hostility between the two, those who didn't know would think this was the prelude to a kiss.

"Now is not the time to show off." Ye Zhongming shrugged noncommittally.

Ye Zhongming is already familiar with this kind of secret contest between psychology and momentum before the negotiation, and he is really not in a hurry. The longer the two sides talk, the better it will be for him.

And Ye Zhongming doesn't think what he said is just a negotiation skill,

Rather, he was really confident that he could kill this saint in a duel.

Although he didn't directly kill the Holy Father, he had fought against the ninth-level powerhouse, which gave Ye Zhongming a lot of insights and experiences. Even because he absorbed the energy of the Holy Father, he now feels faintly connected with the entire space.

According to what the three-legged monster said, this should have touched the edge of some rules.

The saint was silent for a moment, and her eyes turned to the distance, without focus in her sight, revealing an extremely rare look of confusion.

These days are not easy for her, especially after she killed the Holy Father with her own hands.

Even though she thought it was right and necessary in her heart, when she actually did this kind of thing, when she pulled out the bloody scepter of glory from the body of the Holy Father, there was a mountain of pressure from herself and the outside world. , still made her a little out of breath.

If it weren't for the two giants standing on her side after hesitating for a while, she might not have been able to control the situation. Even now, there are still some voices that strongly oppose her.

It was precisely because of the internal instability that she ignored a fact that should not be ignored-the posthumous people and the Yunding coalition forces were recovering their fighting power at a terrifying speed!

When she realized this problem, the saint immediately found Ye Zhongming. She knew that she couldn't procrastinate any longer, otherwise in the end it would not be a question of how much benefit could be obtained through negotiation, but a question of extermination.

She doesn't think that when the posthumous man and Yunding have absolute suppression, they will still talk nonsense with them at the negotiating table.

In fact, Ye Zhongming really thought so.

After he, Xia Baihongfa, Wang Zun and others all recovered, the attitude of the Genting Allied Forces would never be the same as it is now.

The saint also knew that she was weak, so she calmed down and said, "We can discuss the conditions you raised before..."

"Not negotiable."

Ye Zhongming rudely interrupted the saint's words, "It's those conditions that will not be changed. I mean the conditions we put forward at the beginning of the negotiation, that is, the first falling sand day."

Anger flashed in the saintess' eyes, and she suppressed her anger and said, "Don't go too far."

"There is a saying on our planet that the situation is better than people." Ye Zhongming responded lightly.

After finishing speaking, he took two steps forward, thought for a moment, turned around, looked at the leader of the Temple of Dawn and said, "Not only that, our asking price has increased, besides those conditions, I also need twenty combat skills , five of them must be designated by us. And..."

The saint, who had already changed her countenance when she heard Ye Zhongming's temporary price increase, heard the word "and", and had an irresistible urge to bite this man.

But when she finished listening to the rest of the sentence, the saint already wanted to bite this greedy guy to death.

Ye Zhongming said that he also wanted - the twins of wind and thunder!

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