Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and forty-six source plunder (below)

It was already late at night, and Ye Zhongming still hadn't left here. He was observing the rhubarb in the dragon's blood pool, waiting for the final result.

The suggestion given by Liu Zhenghong was crazy. It was a kind of gene transfer, using the gene fragments of Yanggos and transplanting them into Dihuang Wan.

It’s easy to say, but it’s very difficult to do. Even a Frankenstein like Liu Zhenghong cannot fully grasp the techniques and steps involved. Especially after the transplantation, it depends on the degree of integration with Dihuang Wan, and the rejection should be minimized. If you can survive the first few hours, then you will be considered a success.

As for what it will be like after success, not to mention Ye Zhongming doesn't know, even Liu Zhenghong doesn't know too well, everything is unknown.

However, it is estimated that Dihuang Wan will become more powerful, surpass its original racial characteristics, and become a brand new life.

Although Liu Zhenghong is not popular in her previous life, the madness in her bones has never changed. Even if Dihuangwan is a life like the symbol of Yunding Villa, she herself likes it and even dotes on it, but when it comes to her profession, she It will be irresistible to use some extreme methods on Rhubarb that others seem to have.

This is not Liu Zhenghong experimenting with Dihuang Pills, but for someone like her, this is the best protection and help for Dihuang Pills, and the best solution!

From Ye Zhongming's point of view, this kind of method is not so much called gene transfer as it is called source plunder.

Looking at Yangos's appearance now, a dragon life of level eight, after a series of project operations, now he is only breathless. One can imagine how cruel this kind of operation or experiment is.

"You don't have to look at me like that, the weak will prey on the strong, it will never change."

Facing the evil dragon's complex eyes with hatred, anger, pleading, and hope, Ye Zhongming replied like this.

Perhaps the dragon has a special meaning to many people on earth who grew up watching novels and movies, but to Ye Zhongming, it is far less important than Dihuang Wan, even if it is an eighth-level life.

For Rhubarb's health and integrity, Ye Zhongming sacrificed Yangos without the slightest hesitation.

His compassion and kindness are only for his own people, and Yangos is far from qualified.

"help me……"

The evil dragon can no longer make a sound, and can only transmit a weak signal through mental power, so that Ye Zhongming can understand.

The King of Cloud Top sat beside the firelight, half of his face was still hidden in the darkness, and it appeared bright and dark with the swing of the firelight.

"I actually have two choices."

Ye Zhongming raised his head and looked at the dragon that was already languishing on the ground.

"After this operation, your body has suffered severe trauma, and you may be... dying."

When talking about this, there was a clear emotional change in Yangos' eyes.

Ye Zhongming saw it, and without any fluctuation in his heart, he took out two things.

"This, it's a bottle of potion called... Necromancer's Pet Ticket." Ye Zhongming held up the first one, which was a round-bottomed flask filled with jet-black liquid, and the liquid inside seemed to be boiling slowly. Yes, some bubbles keep coming out.

"After taking this for you, you will become an undead life. Although you can't maintain your consciousness, you can completely transform your level and energy into a powerful undead bone dragon."

"In a sense, it's also a continuation of your life."

The voice lingered in the night of the villa, in exchange for the constant denials in Yangos' spirit with horror.

"No... no... no."

Ye Zhongming put down the bottle of necromancer's pet ticket, and picked up the second thing.

"This is the soul servant's scroll. After using it, your life can be linked to mine. As long as I don't die, you won't die, and you will even get some power from me."

Ye Zhongming held up this jade-like scroll and shook it at Yangos.

"Of course, using this requires you to completely let go of your spiritual world,

Set the most severe punishment for betrayal, you will lose your freedom, and you will fight for me forever and become my beast of war. "

Yanggos moved his body, but it touched the wound, making it let out a dull cry.

"No, no, I don't want to..."

"Of course you still have a choice. I will try my best to revive you and make you a source of materials. In the future, I will peel off a scale every day and draw a bucket of blood..."

Rudely interrupted the mental communication from Yangos, Ye Zhongming looked at the evil dragon and said: "You can choose now, if you are not satisfied with the first two, you can choose the third, I promise you, when you After the value is gone, I will not use your bones as materials, I will make them into specimens and put them in the villa to commemorate your contribution to this place."

Yanggos gasped, falling into deep despair.

"You...human beings, don't talk about credibility."

"Only when we are equal can we talk, but if we are not equal, we can only bully."

One person and one dragon fell into silence, only the rehmannia pills in the dragon blood pool made a little noise from time to time, causing ripples in the dragon blood.

"I... don't seem to have a choice."

Yanggos finally spoke, but his spirit was full of deep helplessness.

Ye Zhongming smiled: "Scrolls like soul servants are very expensive."


The next day the sun rose as usual, pouring warmth and light into Yunding Mountain Villa.

Before many people woke up from their slumber, they heard the loud and clear dragon's cry resounding in all directions, and the huge shadow hovered on the roof. The miasma.

"I just said to build roads. Look, this guy is taking revenge now." Liu Zhenghong, who had rested for a few hours, smiled at Yangos, who was no longer tired and was soaring.

Ye Zhongming, who was beside her, stroked Dihuang Wan's supple golden hair, feeling extremely tired and excited.

"Rhubarb has entered an evolutionary state. When it wakes up, it should be able to return to its previous evolutionary level, and the shackles of continuing to evolve will be released... This problem has been completely solved."

Liu Zhenghong checked Dihuang Wan and gave the final conclusion.

"This time, I would like to thank the mysterious energy in Yangos' body. It should have been left by the Holy Father when he raised it to an evolutionary level. It would be cheaper for us rhubarb."

"It's just..." Liu Zhenghong raised his head, looked at Yanggos, who was cruising in the sky, and said, "This guy's level has been lowered by one level. It's not enough to be a thug."

Ye Zhongming smiled: "It's fine if you can fly. It's a long way to go to the Temple of Dawn."

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