Roulette World

1252 The blood and pride of the little people

Not people, exactly.

Just a humanoid life.

There are two legs on each side, the body is almost the same as that of a human being, but it has two heads, one red and one green, covered with long and short tentacles, constantly wriggling.

On the red and green skin, there is a pair of copper bell-sized eyes, no nose, only three holes, slightly protruding mouth, inside is a row of black teeth.

In appearance, it is a mutated life, but there is still no magic crystal.

Zhan Pingkang felt that in the last three years of the last days, he had not seen as many weird things as there are now.

What are these things? !

Why did you attack Genting's convoy? !

"¥%...\u0026...¥#..." The humanoid life riding on the strongest and tallest monster said something that everyone in Genting couldn't understand.

But right away they get it.

This sentence means attack.

The monsters that had stopped moving because of this person's appearance reappeared and launched an attack.

Except for the tall monster in the middle, everyone else participated in this attack, and even the ones on the periphery who had been stationary before also attacked here.

Obviously, these monsters intend to solve the problem in one fell swoop.


"Kill them!"

"Kill it, kill it, kill it all!"

"I've beaten all the holy fathers of the ninth level, I'm afraid of you little trash!"

The Genting fighters, who already had a bad premonition in their hearts, started to hate. Since it is very likely that they will not be able to escape today, then let's go all out and kill one by one.

Ordinary soldiers can do this, but Zhan Pingkang can't, he knows the importance of caravans to Genting.

Caravans are the source and transfer point of many intelligences, and they are the markers of many commercial routes. Some relatively closed small forces will recognize Lu Yi and the caravan, but not necessarily Yunding. In this age of old people, many evolutionaries only recognize their faces but not their names.

If the caravan is destroyed here, then the new caravan will have to re-open the trade route, and all the previous efforts will be in vain. That is Yunding, which is the result of Lu Yi and the people in the caravan for nearly two years.

In two years, how many people have become bones!

"Listen to my order!" Zhan Pingkang shouted to his companions around him with all his strength, making sure everyone could hear him.

"Da Qi, An Zi, Xiao Er, Lao Ka, you bring your own people to protect Uncle Lu to break through, you must run out, you must! Our caravan cannot be destroyed here, others, cover them!"

The voice was hoarse, but it was still heard by everyone.

The people whose names were named are the only six-star evolutionists left in the caravan. If they all go to escort Lu Yi to break through, then Zhan Pingkang and these brothers...

"Don't be dazed, I've finally been noble for a while, I think I'll regret it!" Seeing these subordinates hesitate, Zhan Pingkang became angry and yelled.

"The caravan is our painstaking effort. In this fucking world, we have nothing left to cling to. Do we have to give up our last sustenance? Hurry up, don't be like a bitch, get out of here !"

Listening to Zhan Pingkang's almost bleeding words, many men's eye circles were red, and the few people whose names were named followed suit, with the big banner carrying Lu Yi on their backs, and the others guarding them, facing the direction with their backs to the strange man Start breaking out.

Others tried their best to block the enemies from all directions for these people.

At this time, there is not so much selfishness, only the most basic survival instinct of human beings, will everyone obey orders to protect their comrades in arms? Of course not, there are still people who will put their own lives first, but everyone knows that at this time, if they leave the brigade, they will definitely die.

In the desperate situation, the soldiers of Yunding broke out with powerful fighting power. They rushed to the position of the heavy truck against the attack of monsters. They had no time to untie the chains connected with each other. Many people rushed into the cab and the carriage.

The roar of the engine sounded dull.

These metal monsters started to move, and headed forward against the impact of the monsters. The other Genting fighters became their walls, facing the impact of the monsters alone.

The speed of several heavy trucks increased. Although the bumpy road surface and the impact of monsters from time to time caused the vehicle body to sway from side to side, as if it would tip over at any time, they still rushed up, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Many people in the car cheered. These monsters are fast, but they can't compete with machines like heavy trucks in endurance. As long as they are dragged on, they will eventually be able to get rid of them.

Zhan Pingkang and the other fighters in charge of the cover looked envious. At this moment, the hope of the companions was obviously far greater than them.

Since I can't live on, it's a good thing to let these brothers live for me.

Many people showed relieved smiles, and when their eyes fell on these monsters again, they felt a little more determined and relieved that they must die.

Some monsters continued to chase the heavy truck, and some surrounded people like Zhan Pingkang.

"After you die, remember to straighten your back, raise your head, and tell the people you meet below that we died for our comrades-in-arms in the last days of cannibalism!"

Zhan Pingkang gave a final cry, and holding a long knife, rushed into the monster's camp. Behind him were hundreds of Genting warriors who put their life and death aside.

At that moment, they interpreted the blood and pride of human beings with their lives, and interpreted the unique bravery and strength of Genting!

Everyone waved their weapons tirelessly, issued skills, and threw out the bottom of the box in one go.

Many monsters fell in front of them, and more soldiers died along with them.

Twenty minutes later, the team with less than a hundred people left was surrounded, and the surrounding monsters looked at them and did not attack.

At a certain moment, the enemy separated, and the humanoid life riding a huge monster slowly walked over, looking at these earthlings, the same expression appeared on both faces.

It may be ridicule, it may be sarcasm, or it may be disdain.


Another sentence that I didn't understand.

Zhan Pingkang wiped the blood from his face, the top of his head was bitten by a monster, and a large piece of scalp was gone, revealing the flesh and white skull inside.

If he wasn't an evolutionary, such an injury would have killed him immediately.

"What the hell are you talking about!" He spat out blood and raised his knife.

He felt that this was the last time he raised a knife in his life, just like the last time he raised a chalk on the day of the end of the world. The difference was that that time was the end of his teacher's career, and this time was the end of his life.

"Kill it!"

With a roar, Zhan Pingkang was about to rush over, but unexpectedly someone grabbed him.

"At this time, are you still afraid of death?"

He turned around and scolded the person who held him back.

But his subordinates ignored him at all, but stared blankly at the back of these monsters.

Zhan Pingkang realized something, looked over there, was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyes, looked again, some liquid slipped uncontrollably from the eye sockets.

A red shadow holding a spear descended like a god.

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