Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and seventy-two way out of trouble

The current situation was undoubtedly caused by that ninth-level life, but Ye Zhongming did not expect that this guy was capable of doing this.

Opening a passage and sending his subordinates to a very far distance from the inside, this method is already against the sky in Ye Zhongming's opinion, at least he has never heard of anyone with such a perverted ability, not even those nine-star evolutionists in his previous life.

What's even more frightening is that this ninth-level being somehow sealed the gate of time and space!

This is beyond what Ye Zhongming can understand!

The Key of the Secret Realm is a product of the roulette wheel, and it has the highest priority. If it can seal this thing, how terrifying is this ninth-level monster?

Now here comes the problem. All the plans Ye Zhongming made before were based on the fact that the gate of time and space could be opened. Now that the gate cannot pass through, he is equivalent to being trapped here.

With these thoughts in his mind, he flashed to the door of time and space, and wanted to take back the key, but there was no response at all. Everyone was watching, but seeing Ye Zhongming's expression, everyone knew that there were big problems today. up.

The ones in the temple now included all the essence of Genting, and almost all the core members at home were there except for Mo Ye, including the leaders of the two laboratories, Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan.

In addition, there are all of Xia Bai's team, plus a few trusted subordinates who came with the core members.

Added together, these people are in the early thousand.

Although any one is strong, the average evolution level of Xia Bai's team exceeds five stars, the six-star captain rank fighters have three digits, and the core members are all seven-star. reached the eighth evolutionary level.

This kind of strength, on the earth, any force would shy away from it, but it is still not enough for a ninth-level life.

What's more, there are those sea-like monsters.

The situation has just begun, and it has become extremely unfavorable.

It can even be said that it is in a desperate situation.

"Let's open here!"

In times of crisis, both the saintess and Xia Lei showed calmness and determination that did not match their gender. They also suggested attacking the gate of time and space to see if they could break the shackles.

Ye Zhongming didn't hesitate, he immediately raised his head and launched an attack on the frozen gate of time and space.

Whether it's him, the saint, or even Xia Lei, their attack power is extremely strong, but their skills fell on the gate of time and space, and it didn't let it loose in the slightest.

The attack stopped quickly, because it was useless, and because at this time those monsters had already rushed into the temple, some at the front, with bright red blood on their mouths and claws.

Obviously, those believers outside the temple had already become the targets of these monsters.

"Destroy these black holes!"

Since the gate of time and space can't break the confinement above, then destroy these passages leading here!

At least for now, Ye Zhongming and others have not sensed the arrival of the ninth-level life, so it is likely that it has not come here yet, or is waiting to come out of these passages.

After many battles, the current members of Genting knew what they could do. Hearing Ye Zhongming's order, they immediately divided into several parts in an orderly manner.

They didn't all go to one place, and they didn't divide the number of people evenly. Several people went in each direction of the black hole. Instead, Sheng Yuan and Park Xiuying, who had just been rescued and woke up, were the core, plus some defensive fighters formed a team. The defensive formation protected Liu Zhenghong, Le Dayuan and the others, and some long-range professionals with super long range also joined the formation, ready to support the surrounding area.

For the rest, the Saintess is in one direction, Ye Zhongming is in one direction, and Yangos in the sky is in one direction. These three eighth-level evolutionary beings can completely take charge of such a battle.

And Xia Lei, Xia Bai, Xiaohu, and Liang Chuyin led the others and rushed towards the other four black holes.

These things only happened in a very short time,

But the surging monsters almost occupied the surrounding area of ​​the temple, and most of the hall was invaded by these guys.

The battle became fierce in an instant, and the battle between humans and night demon plain monsters broke out again after many years.

What Ye Zhongming held in his hand was Twin Wind and Thunder. When this weapon was in his hands, it didn't show any color representing the level. He didn't know why.

But it does not affect the strength of this weapon.

Indeed, for the time being, Ye Zhongming can't display his power as perfectly as the Holy Father. It's like a teleportation attack, which makes people hard to guard against. But when Ye Zhongming used it, the sword light emitted from above was still extremely fast, at least below the seventh level, Ye Zhongming had never seen any life that could resist it.

He dealt with it all the way alone. For the sake of efficiency, he didn't hold back his hands at all. He waved the wind and thunder twins in his hands, and sword lights flew out, followed by pieces of flesh and wreckage. There was almost nothing that could stop Ye Zhongming even for a moment.

The Holy Maiden is also outstanding in strength. In the past, she has been living under the glory of the Holy Father, and she has created a holy and quiet image for the people, so few people saw her make a move. It was not until she attacked the royal city that she showed her fighting power. .

At this time, the magic orb in her hand seemed to be like a perpetual motion machine, continuously emitting white beams of light. All the monsters she encountered were knocked into the air, and those with slightly weaker defenses would even be directly burned to death by this holy light.

The progress of the other four roads was not as fast as Ye Zhongming and the Holy Maiden, but due to their large number of people and strong strength, they were only a little behind.

The ones who were really under pressure were Sheng Yuanpu Xiuying and the others. The rest of the people were rushing towards the black hole outside, but they stayed where they were.

Sheng Yuan had already activated his skills, the energy shield wall protected everyone in the center, and the rest of the defensive fighters also showed their best abilities to protect Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan in the middle. pressure.

They don't need to aim at all, the concentration of monsters has made it impossible for them to miss if they attack casually.

From time to time, these people would throw out the magic crystal grenade they carried with them when they found some monsters with relatively high evolution levels, quickly clean up the surroundings, and then concentrate their firepower to kill these monsters.

Even Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan would take out some of their belongings or abilities to assist their attacks.

So people are fighting.

But in these cloud-top sequences, the first effect was Yangos who was hovering in the sky outside the temple just now. At this time, the evil dragon let everyone see the horror of the eighth-level dragon race.

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