Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and seventy-five silver ghosts

Some people say, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Ye Zhongming also knows this truth very well. In many aspects, he has left behind.

In his previous life, he had seen too many evolutionaries who had no trump card die helplessly, and he was even killed when he had no way to deal with the lurker's surprise attack.

So in this life, he will always give himself, Yunding, and some important members some backup means.

Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan, as the two most important people in Yunding Villa besides Ye Zhongming, will naturally receive the highest priority for help.

In addition to being protected by experts at all times, they also have means to save their lives, and there are even more than one.

Moreover, because of the special identities of the two of them, and the abilities they have mastered that others cannot master, some hole cards have a very similar style to them, just like the silver sphere that Le Dayuan took out.

Le Dayuan called this thing the Silver Ghost.

This is the equipment jointly produced by him and Ye Zhongming. It is a product of the combination of earth technology and roulette technology.

The original inspiration came from the Jingjue Floating Ball. The appearance of that thing opened another door for Le Dayuan, allowing him to see a brand new path.

However, at that time, because the Jingjue floating ball was still dominated by roulette technology, and the application of earth technology was less, the samples were processed by Ye Zhongming and there were still grades, and the structure changed, so Le Dayuan did not gain much from research.

What really complemented and perfected his ideas in this regard was the arrival of those war fortresses.

During the renovation process, Le Dayuan had two other units as a reference and for comparison. The advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance, and they are not afraid of breaking them. At worst, they can rebuild them according to the other two units. Therefore, a brand new War Fortress was transformed. For him, it was a process of learning and practice. Relying on the outstanding knowledge reserve and the physical and mental leap brought by the evolutionary, Le Dayuan mastered the relevant technology in an extreme time.

Not only learned, but also had a new idea.

After all, Yunding Mountain Villa is not a resistance area, and the resources in its hands are still much less, especially some high-end materials that were strictly controlled in peacetime, and there is no such thing at all.

Therefore, Le Dayuan and Yunding Villa cannot assist the War Fortress.

For Le Dayuan, who is very proud of his profession in his bones, this is more uncomfortable than beating him.

So he has been thinking about this matter since he transformed the war fortress. When Ye Zhongming returned to Yunding, he pulled him to experiment with various materials and try all kinds of weird and unconstrained ideas.

In the end, Le Dayuan really made one.

That is, the silver sphere that has just been used.

This kind of equipment, called Silver Ghost by Le Dayuan, is extremely complicated to manufacture, which not only involves Le Dayuan's own profession, but also involves four other people, Liu Zhenghong, Ye Zhongming and the other two professionals.

One is the person who has the micro-carving technique, and the other is the professional who has the 'Dementor Hunter'.

These four people plus Le Dayuan completed the manufacture of these two small balls.

Le Dayuan is responsible for the manufacture of basic parts, Ye Zhongming is responsible for improving and upgrading the grade and performance of these parts, and the micro-carving technicians are responsible for their running-in and micro-capability.

The special place is on Liu Zhenghong and the soul hunter professional.

Le Dayuan couldn't use the cutting-edge technology on the earth because of material factors, so he turned his idea to his wife Liu Zhenghong, using genetic life as the core and some components of this thing.

That soul hunter has a skill that can control the tiny life and put it into this small sphere, and finally provide the most important energy for these silver spheres.

It has to be said that this small sphere is very delicate and complicated, and the materials required are also very rare and expensive, not to mention the whole body of ghost gold, every part inside is made of rare metals in Ye Zhongming's family.

And don't forget,

Manufacturing any equipment has a success rate. The cooperation of multiple people increases the probability of failure. When these two small balls succeed, the number of previous failures has made Le Dayuan and Ye Zhongming almost give up. Even if the mental strength of those two professionals was supplemented by potions, they almost fell into a coma several times in just a few days.

That's why when Liu Zhenghong asked Le Dayuan, the latter was reluctant.

Le Dayuan once roughly calculated that when these two spheres were successful, the cost would be enough to cultivate a team with 100 people at the five-star evolutionary level!

No wonder he felt distressed.

This is simply burning money.

But the effect can really be, no, it is powerful and shocking.

These two small spheres almost represent the perfect combination of all the technologies of Yunding. In a short period of time, a blank area was created in front of Sheng Yuan and others, and all the monsters in it were killed. The body cannot resist the cutting of those rays.

Even if they smashed a few small beads before dying, it didn't help.

Those crazy monsters stopped because of this, looking at the small beads of light wandering in that area, their eyes were full of unconcealable horror.

Although they are fanatical, although they are not afraid of death, it is also under certain conditions. In the face of slaughter without fighting back, these monsters will also be afraid and fearful.

Undoubtedly, the silver ghost's attack gave Sheng Yuan and others a rare chance to breathe.

"Musician, is this thing always there?"

Sheng Yuan's forehead was covered with sweat, and his body was covered in blood. He was not injured, but his skin was cracked by the power of those monsters while defending.

"No, I can only hold on for a while. I don't know how long it will be, because it's also my first time using it."

Hearing Le Dayuan's words, the others felt a little helpless, they didn't know how precious this thing was, and Le Dayuan was all about the performance.

There is no crisis here for the time being, but the outside situation is not optimistic. During this period of time, Ye Zhongming shattered a black hole again, and the saint is about to succeed, but the others are still struggling. There are still five or six black holes left. , and what came out of it was no longer level seven, but level eight!

The speed of appearance is slower than before, but every time one appears, the balance of victory is tilted towards the monster.

Ye Zhongming didn't know when the sacrificial offering was mentioned by the saint, but he knew that since the eighth-level monsters appeared, it must be very soon.

He quickly took a look at the situation on the battlefield, and decided that he still had to play his hole card.

But at this moment, a strong energy shock suddenly erupted from the remaining black hole, sweeping the battlefield like a substance!

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