Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and eighty-four days of nourishing benevolence and wisdom

I don't know if it's because there are a lot of trees around, or because the altitude is not too high, the wind on Yunding Mountain is not as strong as expected.

Except for one place, that is on the cliff of the back mountain.

In the previous defense of Yunding, some mutated beings and hostile forces used this place as a breakthrough point. Therefore, the defense construction of the villa this time is also one of the key points.

On the edge of the cliff is a tall city wall, and various defensive weapons, especially anti-air, have no less firepower than the main entrance.

There are also many fortresses built by our world teams, which are also part of the defense formation, and are now maintained in the most basic operating state with magic crystals.

It's just obvious that this kind of defense is more for the outside. When the shadow monster rushed out, it didn't encounter too many obstacles.

Ye Zhongming just glanced at it, then turned and ran towards Yangos.

Naturally, the black shadow monster will not fall to death. On the contrary, although it cannot fly, it obviously has a unique balance skill in the air. The Qiming logo shows that it did not fall rapidly due to gravity, but instead slid steadily and quickly away towards the distance.

Without Yangos, Ye Zhongming wouldn't dare to jump from here, even if he didn't fall to his death, he wouldn't be able to catch up with this guy.

Approaching the still struggling Yangos, Ye Zhongming kept sending instructions to calm him down, but at this moment he could feel the chaos in the dragon's consciousness, and this fatal blow had put him on the brink of death. The will is broken.

Ye Zhongming found the right moment, jumped onto Yangos' back, and then used his terrifying and inhuman strength to directly press Yangos to the ground!

"Apply the medicine!"

Competing with this giant dragon, Ye Zhongming was not easy, squeezed these words out of his mouth, and the team leaders who had rushed to defend the back mountain immediately took out the healing potion they always had on their bodies and gave it to Yangos Used it.

When the struggle was not so severe, everyone saw the terrifying wound on the dragon's neck. Even though this was the thinnest part of Yangos' entire body, it was relatively speaking. The wound on the neck with a diameter of several meters exceeded One meter deep, the originally precious dragon's blood poured out as if it didn't need money. Yangos stared blankly, with a pair of wings propped up on the ground, trying to struggle.

The more it was like this, the more its wounds were bleeding. In such a short period of time, Ye Zhongming had already seen several centimeters of lacerations after the smooth incision, which was obviously caused by its struggle.

That is to say, as a dragon, Yangos is still a high level of eighth level, otherwise the injuries here are enough to cause other lives to die immediately.

As long as they saw the wound under the neck, everyone would feel chills down their backs, it was too cruel.

Spraying the healing potion had almost no effect. The wound was too big and deep, and the potion was aimed at the evolutionary. Although the dragon's struggle was weakened, there was no obvious change in the wound.

A white light fell and lingered on Yangos' neck. The saint used the holy light technique. After the light, the bleeding speed of the wound slowed down, but the wound did not heal. Obviously, the treatment that the Dawn Temple is most proud of The means didn't work either.

Park Xiuying rushed over, and after giving out the nectar, she was not in a hurry to use other professional abilities, but focused on looking at the wound and seeing how effective her skills were.

After that, I discussed with the saint in a low voice.

The three-nosed elephant kept touching the dragon with its trunk, as if comforting it.

It’s strange to say that Yanggos, who is like a hooligan in Yunding and treats everyone except Ye Zhongming, has a good relationship with the three-nosed elephant who has a head trauma and a low IQ. This makes everyone click tut Amazing.

"I need to use Tianyin." Park Xiuying looked at Yangos' wound that was still bleeding, and said calmly.

Ye Zhongming was taken aback for a moment, nodded, and asked the others to come over and suppress Yangos.

At this time, Ye Zhongming didn't dare to knock it out. With such a serious injury, he was not human, so he was afraid that he could not grasp the strength and position well.

The people next to him shot one after another, holding down Yanggos' body everywhere,

Make it impossible to struggle.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming ordered to close the defensive array of Yunding Mountain Villa, and all the defensive teams entered a high-level alert state, and the main battle team also entered the villa to stand by, and temporarily closed all passages leading to Yunding.

The abnormality of the villa was quickly noticed by the evolutionists of Yingcheng and Puxing Town. They found that the Yunding team that had been performing missions outside began to quickly gather towards the base, and some forces that were closer to Yunding also entered a state of alert. .

Everyone was very strange and guessed what happened, but no news came out.

Inside the cloud top, Park Xiuying raised the staff in her hand, and her whole person became serious and quiet.

Then, the white robe she was wearing was windless, and an extremely comfortable force began to emanate from her body.

At a certain moment, a white light shot out from the staff, and it went straight to the distance. This white light crossed a long distance and printed into the clear blue sky.

A large white cloud appeared above Yunding Villa.

Pu Xiuying opened the eyes that were closed just now, and took out a magic ball with the other hand, raised it up and shook it against the clouds in the sky, and the clouds immediately began to roll violently, looking quite like a storm.

Many people in Yunding Mountain Villa were also a little dazed. Only the core members probably knew what was going on.

The last time Ye Zhongming came back, in addition to bringing Xia Lei a blue-level mourning double cut, Sheng Yuan a hanging shield and a high-level power potion, Candy brought Xinji's test bench, and Mo Ye brought In addition to returning the parts of the three-pointed spear, bringing new beauty potions to Liang Chuyin, and various potions and pretense from other people, the highest-level equipment brought back were two purple outfits, one was Xia Bai's Fallen Sky Wing, and the other One is the white robe worn by Park Xiuying.

Heaven nourishes benevolence and wisdom!

A piece of exclusive equipment for healing professions.

"Ability 1, benevolence, the effects of all healing skills for healing professionals are increased by 20%."

"Ability 2, Wisdom Heart, when healing professionals use healing skills, the mental power consumed is reduced by 50%."

"Ability 3, nourishing the mind. When healing professionals use healing skills to heal the target, they will reduce their own damage, of which the short-range damage is reduced by 40%, and the long-range damage is reduced by 60%."

"Ability 4, Tianxin, when a healing professional uses healing skills, there will be a chance to produce a 'healing crystal', each healing crystal has a certain degree of healing ability, the strength of the ability and the level of the healing ability used It is directly proportional to the effect. The probability of occurrence depends on the level of healing ability and the evolution level of the professional."

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