Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and twelve library

"Two in one~~"

"It's not an airdrop, it's not a teleportation, no one has sneaked in, it just appears here so mysteriously."

In front of a pile of items, Xia Lei and Ye Zhongming were talking about the origin of these items, frowning tightly, obviously not very happy.

No matter who sent these things, it proves that the defense system of Yunding Villa has no effect. This is undoubtedly a blow to Xia Lei who has always been proud of the construction of the villa.

Ye Zhongming patted his woman on the shoulder, expressing a little comfort.

After carefully asking about the time, he basically confirmed that this was the reward distribution of the red dwarves of Talos.

On the way back, the Chopper who was captured alive by them also disappeared, and then disappeared, as well as the damaged magic scorpion crystal armor that was beyond recognition.

The time of disappearance is basically the same as the time when these equipment appear.

In his heart, like Xia Lei, he had a deep fear of these methods of the universe and all races, but Ye Zhongming did not show it. He knew that due to the influence of some rules, the beings in the sky could only do these pretending things .

It's just a little regretful that he originally planned to bring back the magic scorpion crystal armor for Le Dayuan to study, but now it seems that this wish cannot be realized.

It is said to be a pile of things, but in fact there are only two boxes, one big and one small, the big one is like a computer desk, and the small one is like a shoebox.

Ye Zhongming opened the small one first, and inside was a scroll, an equipment upgrade scroll, blue level.

After looking at it, he put it down. Although this thing is rare, Ye Zhongming has seen it before.

What he was interested in was another box that contained ore, as expected.

Cohen Ore, one unit.

Looking at a round piece of strangely colored metal inside the box, Ye Zhongming's previous confusion returned.

Why is there such an obviously non-earth metal among the rewards? Is there some deep meaning in it.

"Boss, I've weighed it, one hundred kilograms, no more, no less." A researcher from the Magic Crystal Weapons Laboratory reported the weighing results.

It seems that one unit is one hundred kilograms.

Ye Zhongming took a green dagger and tried to cut it, but failed. He froze for a while, and replaced it with Fenglei Twins, and then split the spherical metal into two.

One piece was given to Le Dayuan to study, and one piece was kept by him for his own research.

The piece of Le Dayuan requires various instrumental analysis, laboratory tests, etc., and it will take a while, but Ye Zhongming does not need it. He cut this kind of Cohen ore into many small pieces, and started to try to forge it with the craftsman profession.

But the result disappointed him, this thing couldn't be integrated with the equipment, let alone any attribute improvement.

Ye Zhongming tried again to strengthen the small pieces of Cohen ore with the same quality, but it still didn't work. These metal lumps didn't cooperate at all.

When he got here, Ye Zhongming himself had no choice but to wait for the laboratory to see if he could research something.

Ye Zhongming was not disappointed that the exploration of Coen Ore had not progressed. After ghost gold could be 'planted', his desire for this manufacturing additive was not strong, and ghost gold was good enough.

He raised his wrist, and there was a light blue watch, not some equipment, but a change from the communicator given to him by the Talos red dwarf.

Ye Zhongming was surprised by this change, but he is more interested in the operation of this watch now.

After a few clicks, a virtual screen appeared in front of him.

Ye Zhongming took a closer look and felt that the content on it was more like a 'library'.

The meaning of the library is very broad, at least with Ye Zhongming's current authority, he can see these few parts.

One is an aspect similar to problem sets.

This aspect is very simple, somewhat similar to search, except that the retrieved content does not always get the answer.

It is estimated that this is set to let the agent know more about his identity.

Ye Zhongming tried it out. Every time he searches, he needs to spend ten contribution points, but there is no guarantee that the answer will appear. Once the answer appears, he needs to spend another contribution point to watch it.

Ye Zhongming retrieved five questions one after another, but only one got the answer, and it takes fifty contribution points to watch it.

In other words, the first forty contribution points were wasted.

The question that gets answered is how the agent is rewarded for completing the task. The answer is, space transmission.

It's very simple, not very clear, but Ye Zhongming still understands the general meaning.

It is another mature and advanced technology that at least people on earth cannot master.

Ye Zhongming is quite satisfied with Ku's ability. Although it is of a gambling nature, not every question will be answered, but after all, there is one more way to understand many things. Compared with other people, one more information source.

The only thing that makes people a little worried is that Ye Zhongming is not sure whether this library is made by Talos red dwarves. If so, then the ability of this race is really too powerful.

Ye Zhongming originally wanted to ask some questions about the earth. After all, he was fixed by the thinking mode of "this thing is from an alien, ask some questions about aliens". However, after completing this mission, he only gave After losing his five hundred contribution points, he still decided to give up.

The second capability of this library, which Ye Zhongming is most excited about, is the store function.

This seems a bit unbelievable. After all, apart from the roulette system, only the combat merit system is considered a system similar to a store. You can exchange things without limit, as long as you have money.

But if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand.

This thing can be regarded as made by Talos red dwarves, or made by other cosmic races. They have survived in the universe for an unknown number of years, and their technology has developed to an unknown level. Then create such a terminal-like Things must be simple things, there is no real thing on it, just a 'list' with pictures, after choosing and paying, it is completely possible for these cosmic races to send things to the earth through the space transmission that just got the answer did it.

In this case, then this store system satisfies all the conditions for sales.

Ye Zhongming flipped through constantly, and found that with his first-level agency authority, the things he could buy were not many compared to the total number of products in the store. Among the 200 pages with ten kinds of products on each page, he temporarily Only the first two pages can be seen, with a total of twenty products.

But these twenty things are enough to make him excited.

For example, Ye Zhongming saw three formulas, one for craftsmen, one for alchemists, and one for pharmacists.

These recipes obviously belong to the roulette system, but the recipes are not on the roulette, but should be in the Talos Red Dwarf's warehouse.

For another example, Ye Zhongming saw the equipment, which is also the largest number among the twenty items, and more than ten items are all kinds of equipment, including roulette items, because there are colors representing levels on them, the quantity is the largest Most, the lowest rank is blue and the highest rank is gold.

The remaining pieces of equipment should come from the Talos Red Dwarf, or strictly speaking, from the non-roulette system.

Ye Zhongming's observations also focused on these non-roulette-system equipment.

One is a vehicle, which is somewhat similar to the concept car in sci-fi movies, the kind of magnetic levitation, the shape is completely different from the vehicles and aircraft on the earth, but it is very beautiful. After clicking the introduction, the name of this vehicle is 'Xun Type NK1' has almost no attack power, but good defense power. It is characterized by fast speed, silent travel, comfortable ride, and the ability to leap over obstacles with a height of less than 30 meters in a short period of time.

The second is a suit, two pieces, not worn on the body, but utensils. Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and felt that this thing was similar to the kind that pounded traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, the function of this thing is indeed material processing. Plant materials can be smashed into it without losing any medicinal effect. Next, you can distinguish whether there is toxicity, degree of efficacy, compatibility, etc., and once you have mastered the shape of the medicine, you can also inject relevant attribute energy into the medicine hammer during the process of concocting to improve the medicine.

Needless to say, this is exclusive equipment for pharmacists, alchemists or other professionals who can refine plant medicines.

When this thing is purchased, it is also a candy thing.

The third thing surprised Ye Zhongming, it was a kind of seed.

According to the introduction, this is a kind of seed called 'Never Forgotten Berry'. After planting, cultivate and grow, after ripening and fruiting, eating it will restore mental strength, maintain energy, improve physical strength and many other effects.

It is just that the growth cycle is a little longer. From planting seeds to germination and growth, it takes about five years to harvest once.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and wondered if his gardener profession could be used on the seeds of 'Forgotten Berry'. If he could, then he would undoubtedly let Yunding obtain a universal potion that can be carried around and has comprehensive replenishment capabilities!

Except for formulas and equipment, the rest are all raw materials, or some alien items that Ye Zhongming doesn't know, and after reading the introduction, they are also confused. I don't know what to put in the store.

After seeing the things, Ye Zhongming's most concerned thing is the price.

But it's a pity that even if he is extremely rich, he still feels like a beggar after seeing the price of everything.

Take the formula used by the craftsman as an example. The price of this thing is... 10,000 contribution points.

How much money does Ye Zhongming have now? ... 400 contribution points.

If he was given 500 contribution points for each mission, he would have to perform 20 missions before he could buy this recipe.

Moreover, what makes people feel that the eggs are broken is that this is just the selling price. If you want to get something, you have to pay an additional contribution value for space transmission.

Still taking this formula as an example, the cost of space transmission is... 1000 contribution points!

Twenty-two missions to get this recipe!

It's not free shipping, it's too outdated!

Ye Zhongming slandered endlessly in his heart.

However, after Ye Zhongming looked at the prices of all the things he could buy, he found that the 'Forgotten Berry' was the most expensive, and the price of 50 grams required 43,000 contribution points. A piece of blue fruit produced by roulette The equipment is the cheapest, only needing two hundred contribution points.

In addition, Ye Zhongming also discovered that for individual products, you can choose to use magic crystals instead of contribution value payment.

It's just that the number and level of magic crystals required made Ye Zhongming feel like a beggar even more.

Those two pieces of exclusive equipment for alchemists and other professions are one of the equipment that can be purchased with magic crystals. The price is... 1,000 pieces, a seventh-level magic crystal!

When Ye Zhongming saw this price, he wondered if these cosmic races were crazy!

One thousand seventh-level magic crystals, in his hands, how many seven-star evolutionists does that equal? Unless his brain is broken, he will use it to buy such an auxiliary device that cannot be seen for a short time.

Of course, instead of the seventh-level magic crystal, it can be replaced by a higher-level magic crystal, and Ye Zhongming feels that the price is dropping.

For example, if you use level eight magic crystals to pay, you only need fifty pieces, and if you use level nine magic crystals to pay, you only need two pieces.

But...Ye Zhongming really didn't plan to use magic crystals to pay until all the core members of Genting were upgraded to nine-star evolutionists.

After closing the store system, Ye Zhongming opened the third and last function of the library.

task system.

Yes, this is a system somewhat similar to Genting's mercenary union.

There are a lot of tasks posted on it, and with Ye Zhongming's current authority, not many of them can be seen, and the rest are a cloud of fog.

In the task where he could see the content, he browsed quickly and found that the difficulty was not low.

There are no rules for the missions. Some of them are about roulette, but not many. They are mainly to find some very special and weird items that Ye Zhongming has never heard of. The rest is hunting. Killing missions, and the level of things hunted and killed are very high. Based on the experience of Ye Zhongming's two lives, he can't see why these cosmic races want these mutated beings whose evolutionary levels are all at level 8 and level 9.

There are good and bad rewards for completing these tasks. Most of them are some contribution points, some are difficult, and some other rewards will be added. Ye Zhongming took a look. For example, the reward for hunting a ninth-level life is about 5,000 contribution points , will also get a piece of equipment.

Ye Zhongming grinned, this task is not done by humans, to kill the ninth level? Maybe it's not impossible for Yunding to do it now, but it takes almost all of its strength to do it, and it also needs to bear the loss that the battle damage ratio may exceed 30%, which is not guaranteed to be successful.

Ye Zhongming would never take up such a task unless his brain was hot.

There are also some tasks that seem to have nothing to do with roulette, such as the collection of some intelligence, and the collection of some items on the earth. These tasks do not have many rewards, and some of them will only get dozens of contribution points.

In addition, some combat missions accounted for a large part of the number of missions, offering rewards for some characters or forces.

Ye Zhongming doesn't know why this is, whether the situation is similar to that of Xiao Ao, but some of them are indeed very tempting.

I planned to take a look at it casually, but Ye Zhongming found a familiar name among these reward tasks!

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