Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and sixteen 0 angle herring

"Hurry up, bring these things here, you, lead someone to dig the ditch deeper, put a 'rat tail trap' in it, it must be completed within 20 minutes!"

"Here, here, insert here, pay attention to the distance between each other, there must be no mistakes, otherwise the explosion effect will be discounted by then!"

"Report distance, report distance!"

"Pay attention to the vigilance of the sky. Each group has a direction. There are eight groups in total. Is there any problem?"

"Be prepared, don't take it lightly, and make sure that these beasts stay quiet after they start fighting for a while. These beasts are not fighting types, so please pay attention to them."

"Have the shooting coordinates been fixed? Don't be too obvious, try to hide as much as possible."

"This is the powder to cover up the smell? What is it called? Yes, disappearing agent, is the amount enough? Enough? That's good. We must hide these soldiers well and obey orders. I know you belong to Sister Hong." subordinate, but this is a battle, if something goes wrong, the boss must be angry!"

"Eat something, you, it's been several years since the end of the world, why are you so nervous? It's not like you haven't fought a war before, do you want to find a girl for you to warm up!"

"For a while, try not to let the boss do it."

"Is it connected to the fine floating ball? Well, always pay attention, and if there is anything abnormal around, please notify me immediately."

"Attention everyone, the target is approaching, everyone is in position!"

The scene, which was originally restless, immediately became busy after a while, and then gradually entered a quiet period.

Ye Zhongming looked at the screen uploaded by Jingjue Floating Ball and signaled everyone to get ready.

At this moment, beside Ye Zhongming, there are almost all the core members of Genting. Xia Lei, Liang Chuyin, Xiaohu, Xia Bai, Mo Ye, Tong Hu, Yun Shao, etc., even Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan came, and Sheng Yuan, Pu Xiuying and the Three-nosed Elephant of Yama stood beside them.

"Boss, should I let Dahuang or, red-haired sister go over and have a look?" Xiaohu was a little apprehensive, and babbled to Ye Zhongming again.

"Huzi, you are showing signs of premature aging, Guoguo, isn't he a little bit powerless in bed recently?"

Xia Lei smiled with her arms folded, and raised her eyebrows at Xiaohu a few times.

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Candy covered her face and called out to Sister Lei that you are a bully.

Xiaohu's expression of wanting to speak but not daring to speak out made everyone laugh even louder.

Just as Shui Deacon and Wu and others expected, Yunding was preparing for the battle.

Ye Zhongming's Ten Thousand Flowers Project has officially entered its peak period.

However, the calculations of Wu and the others were temporarily in vain. Ye Zhongming did not act on the earth at all, but came to the secret realm.

Here is the Night Demon Plain!

With the help of Six Wings, Ye Zhongming and others directly opened the door of time and space to the hometown of the ninth-level life that was still wandering in the territory of the human race.

Although they rushed to the Dawn Temple and took away many monsters, there were too many monsters in the Night Demon Plain and the Cursed Abyss, and a large part of them remained here.

Today, Ye Zhongming and the others chose an eighth-grade zero-horned herring.

This is a kind of monster with the ability to fly for a short time. Although it cannot soar in the sky like a real flying life, its gliding up to tens of meters in a short period of time still gives it a greater advantage over other ground life. The high level of wisdom makes the herring have a great reputation in the entire Blue Secret Realm.

When most of the monsters left with the Nine-Winged Crow, after the people from Yunding teleported over, the Jingjue Floating Ball unscrupulously ran rampant in the sky here, and it took only one sandfall day to find this time. The target is this eighth-level zero-horned herring.

If you find it, you will naturally kill him.

The only difference is that now Ye Zhongming and other core members of Genting, plus eighth-level thugs, such as Yan Wangshu Dihuang Wan, are all outside the selected battlefield.

In other words, they didn't intend to do it themselves!

This is completely different from the usual fighting style.

Xiaohu was nagging just now,

It's just that I don't know the bottom of this method and feel that it is unreliable.

But Ye Zhongming insisted that other people also maintained a relatively paradise mentality, which made Xiaohu feel a little depressed.

"Don't worry, boy, even if there are any accidents, Xiao Yezi and the others will show up on the battlefield in time."

Liu Zhenghong comforted the boy who was quite right-tempered with him, and when he turned his eyes, he could still see a touch of red in his eyes.

"Target is in range, request to attack!"

A voice came from the walkie-talkie, and Ye Zhongming replied that we can start.

Everyone's attention was immediately focused on a huge monitor specially obtained from the earth, and the image from the Jingjue floating ball appeared on it very clearly.

I saw a life with a body length of fifteen meters and a height of about five meters, which was very similar to the manta ray in the ocean on the earth, appearing in the picture.

The manta ray, also known as the devil fish, is a huge and flat strange life in the ocean. Compared with this kind of life, the herring looks like it has a few more thick feet.

The monster sniffed vigorously on the ground, making some places dusty, looked up at the sky from time to time, and put it down again. Apparently, the Herring felt that there was something above the sky, but the Jingjue floating ball flew high and was hidden in the mist, so it couldn't see clearly.

Soon, the herring found the source of that wonderful smell. In the open space in the distance, there was a sixth-level monster struggling to death.

For it, level-6 monsters are not the top delicacies, but they are definitely a good dinner. Level-8 lives will not often be able to eat level-6 lives. Very sensitive, once a powerful being approaches, it will flee immediately.

However, Zero Herring looked left and right, and always felt that something was wrong there, as if there was some danger nearby.

However, with considerable wisdom, it thought about it and decided to move on.

On the one hand, it is a little hungry now, and there are a lot fewer monsters on the Night Demon Plain, it is a bit difficult for it to hunt, and there are not many chances to encounter this kind of food that is easily available.

On the other hand, after many monsters left with the Nine-Winged Crow, there were not many, or even very few, that could threaten its existence. Zero Horned Herring felt that even if it encountered danger, it could get through it safely.

Soon, it came before this seriously injured and dying sixth-level monster. Herring stretched out its tongue and licked the wound. A fragrant smell hit its sense of taste, and it raised its head contentedly. , Before the delicious meal, the final preparations are being made.

Then, it bit off the head of the sixth-level monster that was whining bitterly, as if pleading for mercy, and swallowed it after chewing twice.

The taste of flesh and blood in the mouth made the herring completely plunged into the desire to eat. Its two front paws pressed the food corpse, and its big mouth began to bite and devour it crazily. It only took a few minutes In a short time, he ate most of this two-ton level-six monster.

Those hard bones are as crisp as potato chips under its sharp teeth, and the warm internal organs make it feel like a delicacy in the world.

After a few more minutes, only about one-fifth of the sixth-level monster was left. The internal organs and fine meat were all eaten up, and the rest were some fur and skeleton.

The herring is very satisfied with this meal, it is very full, after this meal, it can live a leisurely life for at least ten days after the sand falls, and it can just order something to eat at that time.


Herring suddenly discovered that there was a strange thing under the body of the food that was about to be eaten by him. It was not only black and shiny, but also had a bright spot that flickered at a slow frequency.

It leaned over to take a sniff, and just as it lowered its head, the two dots suddenly lit up, and then, an explosion happened.

With a bang, the surrounding ground shook, as if there had been an earthquake of magnitude 6 or 7. Amidst the huge explosion, explosions began to occur at the same time around a radius of hundreds of meters around the herring. , The sound of booming and booming is endless.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, there is the angry roar of the herring with pain.

It knows that it has been calculated by someone, and someone has set a trap here.

The herring suffered serious injuries, but it was not fatal. Its defense was very good.

The huge wing-like body structure next to it slammed on the ground, and the huge body floated up, and quickly escaped from the range of the smoke.

The field of vision became clear again, which greatly increased the sense of security of the Herring. It looked around, trying to find out the person who designed and attacked it.

At this moment, eight beams of light shot from several directions around, and the target was not the body of Lingjiao Herring, but the sky above it.

These were originally very thick, but after meeting at one point, they immediately dispersed a lot of slightly thinner rays, covering the airspace where the herring was located almost instantly.

Due to the sudden appearance of these rays, the herring is also in a rapid upward phase, which makes it collide with these rays.

There was another roar of pain, and a scorching smell permeated the entire battlefield. Those rays of light hit the Herring's body, producing a severe burning effect, even it, an eighth-level life form, could not be immune.

There were many burns on the body, which were not fatal like those explosions just now, but they were enough to make Zero Herring feel a little dangerous.

This is different from just now, now, it really feels the danger, the mortal danger.

The body was burned, and the herring instinctively lowered its altitude, but, from nowhere, a huge figure appeared from a hillside not far away, and it was condescending to attack the herring.

Countless rays swarmed over, followed by two swiftly installed metal cutters, and several air-to-ground missiles with beautiful tail flames also fell from the sky.

The Herring, which had just suffered double damage from the explosion and burning, discovered these attacks. Given its moving speed, it was completely unable to dodge, and these attacks immediately overwhelmed it.

Now, all this eighth-level lifeform can do is to shrink its body as much as possible, so that the area to be attacked is smaller, and with its super strong defense ability, it hopes to survive these attacks.

boom! boom!

The unique sound of the magic crystal cannon sounded, and the special weapons on the top of the cloud, which were previously protected by the protective color, showed their ferocious appearance, and attacked the zero-horned herring frantically. At the same time, some Yunding warriors brought many war beasts, and exerted some of their own abilities on some strange-looking beings with huge bellies.

These big-bellied genetic life forms immediately rushed towards the battlefield like tanks full of energy.

Herring rolled over several times under the intensive attack, and the damage to its body began to change from mild to severe. It was already shattered.

Although it was attacked by surprise, the herring is still an eighth-level life after all. Even in the Yemen Plain, it is a fierce existence. It roared, spread its wing-like structure, and began to secrete some liquid from the pores of its abdomen.

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