Roulette World

1331st disordered spirit field

"Late, two in one~~"

The roar of thousands of cannons may be exaggerated, but when all the weapons of Yunding were fully fired, at least visually, it caused a great shock to anyone who saw this scene.

There were very few thermal weapons, and in this attack feast dominated by magic crystal weapons, except for the trap explosion, there was not much smoke and dust, so the vision was good.

But also because of this, those blood, stumps, and distorted corpses were so real in front of them.

With an orderly retreat, the pressure will increase and the casualties will increase, but these soldiers in the cloud top have successfully made the entire group of mutated life forms denser and denser.

Layer by layer, these mutated beings from the small half of the urban area surrounded the Yunding position in a semicircle, compressing hundreds of thousands of humans into a small area.

Under normal circumstances, the next moment should be a massacre and several days of delicious meals, but now, they have become living targets that do not need to be aimed at.

Maybe take out a magic crystal weapon alone, except for the top giant cannons of the Annihilation series, or the long-handled magic crystal sniper rifle that Mu Xinfei has always called the "Jing Ke" series, it is better for variants with slightly higher levels. Life can't pose too much threat, or dodge, or intercept, or even resist.

But when many, many magic crystal weapons focus on fire, the superposition of power or wave-like attacks will make these mutated beings unbearable.

In fact, when there is enough firepower to cover, there is not much difference between ten thousand mutant apes and hundreds of thousands of mutant beings.

This act of slaughtering a large number of mutated life forms in a short period of time not only shocked humans, but also made other mutated life forms fear.

The flying beings who were besieging the temporary headquarters had already encountered resistance and suffered heavy losses. Their location was considered the best observation location.

And those mutated beings who are being baptized by the Yunding air defense force in the air, some cautious ones, or those with low evolutionary levels, have already slipped away. This feeling that the world is full of deadly energy is enough to frighten them.

Some things are linked.

Originally, the thunderstorm towers and the ball-blade blower plus the nearly 10,000 air-defense forces on the ground made these guys in the air overwhelmed. There are so few people with high evolution levels who can rush down, but they have to face Xia Bai who is like a dark demon god. With the existence of the eighth level, who can be the opponent of the Fallen Sky Wing in the air? !

After Xia Bai easily killed a seventh-level double-headed tit, the flying life in the entire Xingzhou city began to fall apart.

It's not a crash, it's chaos.

There are still a lot of these remaining flying beings, but some of them started to escape, and some of them got crooked thoughts, and rushed to the place where the firepower of the cloud top was thin and started to eat those dead bodies of the same kind. To a certain extent, human beings are naturally more delicious Yes, but other mutated life forms are also fine. If the level is higher, that is naturally better.

Of course, there are still some fierce troops who are still attacking the human defense line and want to break into the ground.

However, the number of such flying lives is not much, as long as two-thirds of the firepower of the air defense force can be completely defended, the other third is added to the attack on the ground corpses and herds of beasts .

The balance of victory is tilting rapidly towards the top of the cloud.

In the attack at any cost, the number of mutated beings within the optimal range is greatly reduced every moment, and the Genting fighters who have no pressure no longer retreat, and start to concentrate on dealing with the enemies in front of them. Waiting, waiting for the moment of counterattack.

Thousands of cannons fired for nearly an hour, and the mutated life on the ground began to collapse.

Even if a similar number of the same kind came from the other end of the city, this kind of collapse is inevitable.

The escaping of these mutated beings will definitely conflict with the mutated beings coming later.

They are not friends at all, and many species are even natural enemies. Before, because of human beings, they temporarily let go of their hatred, but now, they face each other and block each other's paths.

They would all attack each other for no reason, let alone now.

The mutated life group that attacked Yunding before had a very strange situation. In the middle, it was the area that was heavily bombarded by the Yunding magic crystal weapon. There were corpses everywhere, and there were very few alive ones.

In front, it seems that they are still besieging Yunding's position, but the thickness is only a thin layer, no matter how you look at it, it is the end of the battle.

Behind, those who escaped and those who came were fighting.

At this time, Guangyao's latest order came, the magic crystal weapon temporarily ceased fire, and the Genting fighters began to counterattack.

The Yunding soldiers who had been holding back all this time roared in unison and began to launch a counterattack.

Yunding's several large-scale battles were all on defense, but offense is what is in the bones of soldiers. When hunting, no one can keep up with Yunding's attack pace.

Now you can fight freely, these people are like fierce tigers out of the cage, with a crushing tendency, raging past the mutated life in front of them!

"Damn it, the order from above is to drive these evolutionary beings back as far as possible! Kill them anyway, these bastards, be gentle."

The copper pot carried a blue iron rod specially made for him by Ye Zhongming, and smashed the surrounding enemies into a pulp, but yelled loudly in his mouth, telling his subordinates not to be so irritable, but the other soldiers just When I didn't hear it.

There is what kind of captain, there is what kind of fighter.

The people of the Mo Ye team will resolutely carry out the order, try to disperse these mutant lives as much as possible, let them turn around, and stop the enemies in the other half of the city for Yunding.


In just ten minutes, Guangyao's order reached every team again, Yunding's counterattack stopped, and the team retreated to a safe distance.

In a short period of time, the mutated beings that were still surrounding the top of the cloud were completely defeated, most of them were killed, and only a small part ran back and joined the team that was in conflict with the same kind that was oncoming.

The battle was not over yet. The three main battle teams of Genting were transferred back to cooperate with tens of thousands of fighters from other forces to clean up the mutated life forms in the suburbs around the site. Covering the entire Yunding position, impacting from time to time.

It's just that the battle on the frontal battlefield has temporarily come to an end.

On the battlefield, many people are busy, replacing the magic crystal or damaged parts of the magic crystal weapon, adjusting the somewhat chaotic position of the magic crystal cannon, treating the wounded, recording the names of the dead soldiers, and counting the losses...

Yunding is very proficient in doing this now, and even fighters from other forces and posthumous people have almost learned it.

And the most important thing is to clean up the battlefield.

Only now, facing the countless corpses in front of him, facing the valuable materials and magic crystals, Yunding did not move.

Everyone knows that the battle is far from over.

"Captain, the mutated life forms have regrouped."

A liaison officer passed the news he had just received to Guangyao, who knew that those mutated beings who bought Yunding some time to run back had been almost killed by their own kind, and the rest either escaped from both sides or were killed into the new team.

The battle is about to start again.

The battle in the second stage is very important, and it represents the key to this operation.

But that wasn't the hardest part, because what Genting had to fight was the opponent being caught off guard.

The next battle will enter the third and final stage. At this stage, the fighting time will be very long, it will be very difficult, and the casualties will be heavy.

However, it is difficult to be difficult, as long as the other battlefield, Yunding, wins, then this battle here will also be victorious.

Involuntarily, after Guangyao gave the order that should be issued, he shifted his gaze to another battlefield


"Your sister!"

Yangos used the spoken language he had learned to the fullest. After beating for a long time, he never repeated his swearing.

In that regard, it seems to be more gifted than combat.

Now it has seen the trickiness of Flash Eagle.

Ye Zhongming said that this kind of eighth-level life has fast speed, high attack power, thunder and lightning, and evil dragons in his heart, but when it really fights, it knows that it is too easy to say.

Flash Eagle's speed is so fast, it is very fast, and its attack power is so high, it is very high!

In the first contact just after the war, Yangos suffered a lot.

Due to underestimating the speed of the flashing eagle, before the evil dragon could react, he was approached by this guy who was only half his size.

As if the dragon scale didn't exist, it was directly broken, a large piece of flesh and blood was taken away, and a large amount of dragon blood flowed out.

Apart from Holy Father and Six Wings, Ye Zhongming was the only one who could make Yanggos so embarrassed all of a sudden.

Who would have thought that when he met a flash eagle of mixed blood, he would be injured immediately.

The pride of the dragon made Yanggos fall into a state of rampage.

Before the angry curse could be uttered, the dragon was attacked a second time in succession.

There was a numbness coming from the body, and it almost fell directly from the air without maintaining its balance. Relying on the powerful recovery ability of the Dragon Clan, it managed to control the body.

Looking down, I saw that the wound was scorched black just now. When Flash Eagle passed by, it not only took away its flesh and blood, but also sent a bolt of lightning towards the wound.

Yangos was almost pissed off.

The complete anger made it forget the pain, and the dragon's tail behind it swung out directly, relying on its feeling to draw towards the flashing eagle who was about to turn around behind.

At the same time, taking advantage of its own long neck, behind the dragon's head is an upgraded True Flame Dragon's Breath.

Flash Eagle turned sideways quickly, dodging the dragon's tail, and then fell down unreasonably suddenly, letting the extremely hot flames fall into the air, flapping its wings fiercely, with the head under Yangos' body on top, using its wings The force of the attack rushed upwards rapidly, turning the hard and sharp beak into an arrow, piercing Yangos' abdomen.

This series of actions is as fast as lightning, worthy of the name of the flashing eagle.

Yanggos was taken aback. This opponent was not only fast, but also able to make too many unreasonable movements. He obviously had special abilities. Although he was angry, he did not lose his mind and knew that he had to make a move. Deal with it, otherwise today's gutter may capsize.

Dragons have a bad reputation, but their fighting instincts are excellent.

It knew that with its huge body, it couldn't escape this attack, so it didn't move at all!

From the ground, it looks as if it is waiting to die.

But Yangos knew that it was time to take a risk, and as long as he succeeded, he could regain the disadvantage.

It raised its neck and roared towards the sky.

A silent growl.

Because of this roar, the dragon scales on Yangos' whole body opened slightly, making him look like a hedgehog whose spines were cut short, but many keen people and mutant beings felt uncomfortable, and were affected by this ability. spread.

Disturbed mental field!

Yangos used one of its natural abilities.

Different from ordinary mental attacks, this disordered mental field is more like a defensive ability.

Usually, Yangos seldom uses it, because this ability consumes a lot of mental power, even if it is, it will feel overwhelming.

And it doesn't fit his character either.

It is to attack!

But today it is used, both for defense and for counterattack.

The disordered mental field forms a powerful aura composed of spiritual power around the body. Within this field is a domain, a domain where any life other than the dragon itself will be attacked.

Ye Zhongming once said that the flash eagle was fast and powerful, but he didn't say that it was mentally strong. Yangos trusted his master, so it took a gamble.

In fact, this is very dangerous. Once it fails, its weaker defense abdomen will be attacked, and it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

Fortunately, Jangos was right.

The sudden disordered mental field had obviously affected Flash Eagle. It let out a mournful cry, and its attack was immediately disintegrated. At this moment, it felt extremely uncomfortable, dizzy, and even temporarily lost its sight.

If he wasn't at the same level as Yanggos, and even if his mental strength wasn't a specialty, he still had a certain foundation, then this ability alone could make Flash Eagle fall directly from the sky.

Yanggos would definitely not let go of this opportunity, the dragon's scales returned to their place, the dragon's tail flapped, and it slammed on Flash Eagle's body.

A large amount of feathers and blood spilled on the ground, and the flash eagle was pulled out hundreds of meters away, its wings fluttered in the air, and it didn't stabilize its body for a few seconds.

Yanggos breathed out a long breath of dragon breath.

It is the kind of continuous and most powerful dragon's breath.

At the critical moment, the Dragon Clan still trusts the ability brought by their mother's womb the most.

It's just that the dragon's breath is different this time, because around Yangos and Flash Eagle, a thick dark red cloud appeared above the entire space, and a flame burst out from it from time to time. The temperature suddenly increased a lot.

Then, within the thick cloud, a light appeared, fiery red, with a little black air inside, falling from the cloud.

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