Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and thirty-three: the call of the undead

《Merry Christmas everyone in advance~~》

No one would care, the little drop-shaped earring on the dragon's ear.

Yangos's dragon ears are very small, and they are usually connected to some flight-assisted structures on his head.

At least for those who don't understand the structure of the dragon family, everyone thinks that the dragon has no ears.

In fact, Jangos have ears, just not as conspicuously.

Becoming Ye Zhongming's battle pet, Yangos will naturally benefit. When Ye Zhongming didn't give it to him, he would have been talking about it all day long. When Dihuangwan woke up and saw the set of animal tools prepared for it, the evil dragon Where can I sit still.

It has reached the point where Ye Zhongming and his wife will be disturbed all the time if they don't give.

Ye Zhongming naturally wouldn't favor one or the other, although there was no way to get a complete set of animal gear suitable for this evil dragon, but it was still possible to find one or two pieces.

Like the drop-shaped earrings on Yangos' ears.

This animal tool is called Baofudi.

This is a one-time tool, and it has only one function, that is, when the beast is seriously injured that may be life-threatening, Baofudi will automatically explode and turn into a beam of energy to heal the beast.

Because it is necessary to monitor the life state of the beast, it is in the shape of an earring.

Although he said that the master was wise and thanked him for his words, in fact, Yang Gosi felt a little disapproving of this earring in his heart.

From its point of view, this thing doesn't do much. With its current eighth-level life force, as long as it encounters opponents of the same level, there are very few Yanggos who can't beat it, and it is even more invincible at a lower level, so it can't use this thing.

If you encounter someone with a high level or it can't beat it, even if this thing can heal yourself, so what? It's not about being beaten twice.

Only now, Yangos felt that his previous thoughts were stupid. In this world, the results of battles are not measured by overall strength. Sometimes, the characteristics of a certain aspect are enough to determine the balance of victory.

For example, Flash Eagle, speaking of comprehensive strength, is far behind Yanggos, but because of its fast speed and high attack, it almost killed a dragon. If there is no Baofudi, this battle, It will be a lose-lose result.

At the moment of the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Yangos deeply felt the benefits of having a backer.

It also knew that it would probably cost a lot of money for Ye Zhongming to get this humble little earring for it.

Animal tools are scarce, but Baofudi can almost be regarded as life-saving, so it is even more precious, and the evil dragon is a little distressed.

Yangos solved the battle in the sky, but the battle on the ground was in full swing.

Dihuangwan's opponent is Zombie Tiger. Compared to the beautiful Flash Eagle, this guy is a bit ugly.

Without the slightest majesty and arrogance of a land king, the hairless, bald, gray-black skin is full of rotten holes, and it is not rotten, and the bones and internal organs cannot be seen.

These rotten scars exude a stench, and some bugs can even be seen wriggling on them, which is disgusting.

In terms of body shape, it is similar to Dihuang Wan. It is this shape, which is really a sky and an earth.

The golden-red Dihuang Wan is now as beautiful as the most exquisite statue.

Zombie Tiger glanced sideways at the ghost wolf, and then stopped being distracted.

The Zombie Tiger is a product of a zombified animal, but in essence, it is not much different from other mutated animals. It has a lot of wisdom and realizes that no matter what, the opponent in front of it must be eliminated before it can go. Help two companions.

The prequel to the bald tiger smacked the ground.

The ground around it immediately began to churn, and within a few seconds, undead lives began to emerge one by one.

There are skeletons, zombies in tattered clothes, and half-energy souls...

In such a short while, more than a hundred undead lives appeared.

After these guys emerged from the ground, they rushed towards Dihuang Wan immediately,

Some also know how to outflank and are trying to get around to both sides of Dihuang Wan.

There was a hint of playfulness in Rhubarb's eyes, and he slapped his front paw on the ground like a stiff tiger.

Yanlong's breath activates.

Many cracks immediately appeared on the ground where the life of the undead had just drilled out, densely covering the surroundings, and then, these cracks became bigger, and some flames suddenly rose from inside.

The flame and the undead life collided together, and the two abilities began to collide head-on.

Zombie Tiger obviously didn't expect his opponent to come up with such an ability, breathing fire on the ground?

Just like Flash Eagle, Zombie Tiger has become the most powerful existence near Xingzhou City since its birth, and its evolution has been smooth, especially after the other two partners formed an alliance. In an area around the world, no one can pose even the slightest threat to them.

The de facto kings of Xingzhou are the three of them.

After sitting on the throne for a long time, there is naturally arrogance in him.

Zombie Tiger patted the ground twice more unwillingly, and many undead lives emerged.

Flame is the most restrained against the dark energy of the undead other than the ability of the light system. The power of the first stimulation of Yanlong's breath is not strong, but some relatively weak undead lives are still directly ignited, and the rest are more or less affected. less damage.

I don't know if I discovered this situation, but the second and third batches summoned by Zombie Tiger are much stronger than the first batch. The third batch is not many, only a few dozen, but Among them, there were two skeleton warriors who even paid attention to Dihuang Wan.

Although the two soldiers were equally bone-deep, their bones were dark silver, and the knives in their hands were not bones, but two rusty metal knives.

As soon as it appeared, the body, which was far taller than other undead beings, rushed towards Rhubarb quickly, one of them jumped into the sky, reversed twice, raised its knife and slashed at Dihuang Wan, and the other cooperated, launching the same from the ground. attacked.

At this time, the second wave of flames breathed by Yanlong came.

The strong flame rose up Lao Gao, blocking Dihuang Wan's sight. After the flame fell and the field of vision became clear and broad again, there were very few undead lives left, only the two skeleton warriors and the other four lives were still there. It's just that they all became very embarrassed. The skeleton warrior who jumped up just now was overturned by the impact of the flames. After falling to the ground, he still hasn't gotten up yet.

The Zombie Tiger roared angrily, and slapped its front paws for the fourth time. In just a few tens of seconds, it began to summon its little brother for the fourth time. It is unknown what the cooling time of this ability is.

This time, only one undead life appeared!

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