Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and thirty-seven 1 hit will kill, or be killed

Compared to Zombie Tiger and Flash Eagle, Spirit Wolf has the smallest size.

But it is the soul of this combination.

It may not be as fast as the flashing eagle, nor as weird as the zombie tiger, but it is quite cunning.

Even in terms of overall strength, it is slightly weaker than the other two.

But Ye Zhongming still chose it as his opponent.

Because of one ability of the ghost wolf, it is very terrifying.

The reason why it is called the ghost wolf is also because of this ability.

When fighting, the ghost wolf will move quickly, and during the movement, its body can emit a colorless and odorless gas.

So when fighting the ghost wolf, it seems that it will always be at a disadvantage at the beginning, giving people an illusion, an illusion that victory is in sight.

It's just that when the entire battlefield is surrounded by this gas, the ghost wolf will deliver a fatal blow.

Its skin will change color due to this gas and become extremely transparent, as if it is invisible, making it impossible for people to capture it. After that, it will take advantage of people's unpreparedness to launch an attack, using its very sharp claws and teeth to kill the opponent .

This kind of behavior is hard to guard against, and it does not distinguish between day and night. Even, as the evolution level of the spirit wolf increases, this gas will become able to change with the environment, just like a protective color.

This makes Spirit Wolf the best sneak raider and stealth killer.

It's just such a guy who doesn't have that strong attack power, doesn't have that many skills, and doesn't have that good defense, but he has become the center of a powerful combination.

Of course, no matter how weak the ghost wolf is, it is still an eighth-level life after all, and some innate skills are also weird, and combined with the previous abilities, it can be said that it is even more difficult to guard against.

For example, the nether claw is an ability that allows the wolf's main attack weapon, the claw, to instantly energize and extend a certain distance, which allows it to attack the target in a shorter time when launching a surprise attack.

For example, the voice of the ghost is a magical sound that can disturb the target's mind, causing the target to temporarily lose concentration, and even cause a short-term dizziness, so as to assist the ghost wolf to complete the kill more efficiently and easily.

Another example is an innate skill called ability absorption, which can absorb some special energy from other beings, store it in one's body, and use it when needed.

For example, if you stay with a zombie tiger for a long time, the ghost wolf absorbs its poisonous gas, making its attacks carry deadly toxins. Although the evolution level increases, this ability is enhanced, and the special energy that can be absorbed can be more than one year. kind.

In short, the spirit wolf's ability is very special, and it is used extremely well, which makes it not strong in overall strength, but when it comes to real battles, it is hard to find an opponent.

There is no doubt about the fighting power of Dihuang Wan, but if it is used to deal with this guy, Youlang, Ye Zhongming is afraid that his battle pet will accidentally attack him.

The ghost wolf's eyes looked at Ye Zhongming, full of sly light, like a human being, it kept pacing slightly, as if looking for Ye Zhongming's flaws.

But Ye Zhongming knew that this guy was already secretly releasing that gas.

Ye Zhongming didn't move, but looked at it, and from time to time, he would pay attention to the battle between Yangos in the sky and Dihuangwan next to him.

The ghost wolf is not in a hurry either, it takes time for it to release the gas, the opponent's calmness or dare not to move forward just gave it this opportunity.

But, gradually, Spirit Wolf became a little anxious.

Because whether it is the battle situation of the flashing eagle in the sky or the battle situation of the dead tiger on the ground, they are all developing against their own side.

Ghost Wolf didn't know where these humans came from, why they dared to attack a city like Xingzhou that was occupied by mutated life forms, but there was no doubt that these humans were very powerful.

For it to deal with a life of the same level, Spirit Wolf thinks there is no problem, it is very confident in its own strength.

But let it deal with three, that is not enough.

If Flash Eagle and Zombie Tiger both lose, or even be killed, then it must not survive alone.

So the ghost wolf moved, it couldn't wait for the gas to be completely released, it wanted to try to finish off the opponent in the fastest time.

It started running in one direction, running around Ye Zhongming.

This is obviously releasing a large amount of that gas, but it seems to be looking for an opportunity.

Ye Zhongming didn't move, no matter how the wolf ran, he just turned his body along with it, and his speed could completely keep up with the wolf's speed.

This feeling made Spirit Wolf very unhappy.

Among human beings, there are very few evolutionaries who can compare with the mutant life with four legs in terms of speed.

Ghost Wolf also had doubts at the same time, this opponent seemed to be the head of a human being, logically speaking, the strength must be very strong, but why didn't he make a move?

In the sky, flames and thick clouds appeared, and the flashing eagle let out a loud and clear cry, obviously desperate.

On the other side, the undead centaur has appeared, which is the trick of Zombie Tiger.

The two companions have been driven into a desperate situation, and I must do something to change this situation.

Spirit Wolf felt that the gas was almost exhausted, so it decided to attack, trying to kill in one hit!

Its body suddenly disappeared and disappeared into the surroundings, only the powerful aura remained, reminding Ye Zhongming that the enemy hadn't gone far at all.

Ye Zhongming, who had known for a long time that the wolf possessed this ability, was not flustered, he just felt his surroundings quietly, without moving his body, and even squinted his eyes slightly.

Seeing Ye Zhongming like this, the ghost wolf who has already hidden his body feels a little uneasy, and always feels that something is not right, but now time is no longer allowed, it must get rid of this opponent.

It took its speed to a new level, and at a certain point, it struck.

The Nether Claw reached Ye Zhongming's throat almost instantly!

At this moment, the ghost wolf has completely let go of his heart, because it has experienced this kind of scene countless times, and the next moment, its energized claws will tear the throat of this human being, and win another complete victory.

It's just that the next moment the ghost wolf felt that its body suddenly became very heavy, and there seemed to be a huge attraction on the ground, making it almost impossible to continue flying forward.

The power of its jumping forward and the sudden increase of gravity on the ground caused the wolf's body to pause in the air for a brief period of stalemate, and then began to fall.

Before Spirit Wolf figured out what was going on, he saw that human man had turned towards it at some point, holding a strange but extremely dangerous bone staff in his hand, with some very delicate and strange patterns on it, At this moment, it is gradually lighting up.

In the next second, a thick ray of light emitted from the bone staff, instantly enveloping the spirit wolf in it.

After the light, the battle is over.

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