Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and thirty-nine 1 information

In the last days, it's not that no one wants to do business.

But business in the last days is not so easy to do.

First of all, you have to have a source of supply.

This question seems simple, because mutated beings are everywhere, just kill them, and get the magic crystal and materials, which is the capital.

But in fact, it's a dead end.

In the apocalypse, everyone is moving forward bravely and trying every means to evolve to a higher level. This is a matter of not advancing or retreating, because the apocalypse will not stop evolving because of your stagnation. The entire environment is always become stronger.

If the mutant life is strong, if you are not strong, then you cannot hunt. The people around you become stronger, if you are not strong, you will be bullied.

Gradually, if you do not move forward, you will fall behind, and if you fall behind, you will not be eliminated. In the last days, being eliminated often means death.

So everyone gets magic crystals and materials, and other things, and basically invests in themselves, even if they don't need it, they will exchange it with others for what they can use.

In this case, where is there any leftover stuff and wealth to do business with.

Ye Zhongming was reborn, knew this situation, and had a deep understanding, so he came up with such a method. Others have also understood this after living in the last days for more than three years, and the joy on their faces is not difficult to understand.

Secondly, with the source of goods, you also need to have a relatively low cost. (fastest update)

The traffic is not smooth in the last days. Don't look at the big forces walking in the wilderness as if nothing is wrong. That is only possible for individual superpowers. They have a large number of people and a balanced occupation. The mutated life groups can flexibly dodge, and encounter a small number without threat.

However, individuals, or small teams, feel a little difficult to travel far in the last days. The danger of uncertainty is too great, and the long-distance travel is not worth the loss, and it is easy to lose your life.

In this case, most evolutionaries are passively fixed in certain areas.

The range of activities is fixed. Even if you have some extra things on hand, the price is dead in these areas, because what you have, what you can spare is nothing more than a specialty of this area. This item may be valuable in other places, but Not uncommon locally.

As a result, even if you have some scarce sources of goods, you can't sell them at a price. It is even more difficult to make a difference in price.

Caravan organizations like the Ogre Chain and Wuhuanqian naturally exist, but how can they make ordinary evolutionists make money? The value in the middle is all exploited by them.

Ye Zhongming said that if these materials are given to them at a price lower than the market, regardless of how much they sell, the profits will be huge.

Even if you don't go to other places, within the sphere of influence of Yunding, these things are enough to buy a good price. ()

Many people have already set their minds on those manufacturing professionals who gathered in Yunding and did not go out this time.

Those are all very fat people raised by Yunding.

Humans die for money, birds die for food, and in the last days, people are crazy about evolution.

The way Ye Zhongming said undoubtedly gave them a moderate fortune.

There is no need for Ye Zhongming to talk about the rest of the matter. Naturally, someone arranges to divide the grades of the obtained materials according to the size and strength of each force. After these are over, these materials can be taken away on the spot. The deadline is one month and sold. , pay back the money according to the price stipulated by the company, and return the materials if they cannot be sold.

It can be said that in this business, these forces are sure to make money.

The meeting dissipated quickly, and those people had already followed the Yunding staff to collect the materials. This was different from cleaning the battlefield, and it was estimated that it would be fast if it could be done at dawn.

The core members of Yunding went to Ye Zhongming's tent, looked at a map, and studied the next plan.

Guangyao marked colorful flags on the map one by one, and everyone else was watching attentively.

Because this is the battle plan for the next stage.

After completing the largest attack on Xingzhou City,

In the next step, the Genting team will return, but the return is not that simple, they will not go back the same way, but will be divided into four parts, each part is led by the main battle team of Genting, with a considerable number of The other teams and the posthumous people returned to Genting by four different paths.

The point is, on the way home, the four parts will still attack some gathering points of mutated life, such as villages, towns, or herds of corpses with relatively fixed positions.

The number of these groups will not be too many, mainly in the range of a few thousand to ten thousand. The purpose is to use the superior force to win the crushing victory.

Naturally, this method cannot achieve such great results as in Xingzhou City. After separation, the ability to deal with dangers will also decrease. These small-scale mutated life groups may also move at any time, resulting in inefficiency, etc. .

But this method is more flexible, and it can go away with one blow. It doesn't have to be prepared for a long time like Xingzhou City, and it also needs to take huge risks.

"It should be noted that each route has many targets that can be selected, and there are plans. Which one to choose, you must follow the standard of preferring the weak to the strong. Hit those that can be easily eaten, give up those that are difficult to chew, and use the most Quickly, clear up the targets that can be attacked on their respective routes."

Guangyao has completely won the trust of everyone because of his command this time, and has become the fourth person in charge of Yunding who can command the overall situation after Ye Zhongming, Xia Lei, and Mo Ye.

Everyone nodded, remembered the situation on the map in their minds, opened their plan books, and began to think about what to do next.

"Boss, why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

After carefully reading the plan, Xiaohu was still a little puzzled by the method of breaking it into parts. With the current equipment of Yunding and the capture of so many magic crystals this time, it is enough to have another large-scale operation like Xingzhou City. city ​​attack.

"It's not as easy as you think!" Mo Ye patted Xiaohu's head.

"To the outside world, we made a big noise this time. Many people know that we have done this. If we have another large-scale battle with mutant life, those guys who are not very friendly to us may do it. Something happened."

Ye Zhongming answered Xiaohu's question and told everyone.

"Internally, we also need to quickly turn the results of this battle into our own forces. With stronger strength, we will be able to do these things more easily in the future, and the losses will be smaller. Also, although we have no major losses, Dihuang Wan Yangos and others were injured, not at their peak, the toxin accelerant and fuel were used up, some equipment was damaged and needed to be repaired, etc. These are all details, but without them, the effect of attacking the city will be greatly reduced."

Xiaohu chuckled, as if the question just now was not from him.

Ye Zhongming looked back from the map, and said another sentence.

"Also, I just received a piece of information about... stabbing the heart."

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