Roulette World

1409 Endangered

In the monitoring room, there was a burst of cheers, which came from the followers of the leaders of various forces behind. ()

The big guys in front also felt their spirits lifted, but they were still reserved.

Alamos was the first to look at the machine representing energy. The value on it jumped violently, from 29 percent to 149 percent!

In other words, the victory in this battle not only returned the energy consumed by Damov, but also brought an additional 6% reward.

Amid the excitement, Alamos and the other bosses were slightly disappointed. If Che Dongzhi's evolution level was eight stars, then the result might be different, and the energy reward would be more. It is estimated that the final result would exceed 100% Fifty is possible, but unfortunately, although the battle was fierce, Che Dongzhi and his subordinates had a lower evolutionary level.

But no matter what, Damov won after all, and this battle also let everyone see how powerful this big Russian man is.

"This guy, isn't he going to die?"

Everyone saw that after killing Cha Dongzhi, Damov also fell to the ground, and there was no movement for a long time.

Alamos shook his head, "No, if he dies, this subspace will disappear directly."

While speaking, Damov got up, his body like a rag seemed to be broken at any time, but he just walked out of the space step by step. ()

Until Damov returned to the monitoring room, everyone couldn't figure out why this big Russian man survived such serious injuries.

It's just that after seeing the strong man's body at close range, everyone had the feeling of getting the answer.

It was only a short distance from the space to the monitoring room, but Damov, who reappeared in everyone's sight, no longer staggered when walking. Everyone saw his wound up close, and it was merging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Be able to withstand, kill to death, recover quickly, evolutionary, nothing less than these three things."

Seeing everyone's surprised and puzzled eyes, Damov grinned. The injury made his smile very ferocious, but what he said made everyone fall into silence.

Damov didn't just talk about it, he did it himself, the metal body, powerful claw strike skills, and the abnormal recovery speed now, let him win more with less in this battle, and finally survived down.

"Except for the jerky of the violent bear, I replaced all the other magic crystals and things I got with evolution potions, bloodline upgrade crystals, and skill upgrade scrolls. I don't need equipment, as long as these aspects are strong enough, then I am invincible."

The abilities brought by bloodlines are hair metallization, claw strike and body recovery ability, all of which are skills that have been upgraded to advanced level by Damov.

For this reason, he gave up everything else he got. As long as there is a suitable scroll crystal or the like, Damov will buy it, no matter how high the price is. (fastest update)

That's why there is this human bear who only relies on three methods to fight today.

Casually stuffing his intestines back into his abdomen, and chewing on some recovery jerky, Damov found a place to sit down and slowly healed his body.

No one dares to underestimate him now.

"Who will play next time?"

With enough energy, Alamos and others have enough confidence, and many people's eyes seem to be turning in the space of the "tough" elements in several countries.

"Two ways." Alamos held out two fingers.

"First, we continue to eliminate these... small characters, accumulate enough energy, and then use the method of hitting more and less to kill these masters."

"Second, let's kill these masters first, and end this battle in space early."

The first method, of course, is not to let the eight-star top masters be dispatched, which means that the middle-level of these major forces should take action. But there are certain risks in doing so, because the end-time forces usually have a blood-sucking organizational structure, and the strength of the boss will be very prominent, but when they get to the bottom, the level of personnel will suddenly drop several levels.

This situation will be better in the current super powers, but other powers, even the first-class big powers, still exist.

These bosses don't think that their subordinates will surely bring victory.

But if you choose the second option, some of these bosses will have to work hard, and they actually don’t have much confidence in themselves. For example, although Damov won just now, everyone can see how difficult it was for him to win. If Che Dongzhi's sword array was more powerful, if he hadn't been injured himself, or if he had some other good things at the bottom of the box, then perhaps Damov would have died.

The situation is good now, but the options are still difficult to choose.

"I think everyone should see what he is doing."

Gyanendra suddenly pointed at a space, and everyone immediately saw that the ogre-chained Ruan Xiao took out something, which looked like a drone, and he let it fly after operating it a few times. After hovering in the air for a few times, this piece of equipment crashed into the space.

The instruments in the control room immediately sounded the alarm.

"what happened?!"

Wen Yan asked, there was already an accident in this Spartitu space, and now there is obviously another situation. This kind of insecurity makes the boss of Pingong very dissatisfied.

Alamos also looked anxious and bewildered, obviously not knowing what happened.

"Look at the energy."

A person shouted in surprise, everyone looked over and saw that the energy on the machine representing energy was already close to 50%, and it was increasing rapidly at the moment, and it rose to 50% in just a few seconds five!

"No, the space is already unstable, and it won't last long. That drone has something to break the space. Although it didn't succeed, it destroyed the foundation of the space. Soon, it will be impossible to imprison these people."

The Spartitu space belongs to Alamos, and he knows it best. After a brief analysis, he spoke quickly.

"We need to know what to do! Will it affect us!"

Now Wen Yan has made inquiries on behalf of all forces except Alamos Laboratory.

"It won't have any impact, but once the space is broken, we will face the collective attack of these trapped people. Don't forget, there are Xia Bai and that female team outside, and we don't actually have complete control Live in Ten Thousand Beasts Manor."

Alamos took a deep breath, tried to calm himself, thought for a while and said: "The current plan, taking advantage of the fact that the space can last for a while and the energy is greatly improved, we must kill these people first! "

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Water Deacon and Ruan Xiao whom he had chosen, "These two are businessmen, and they pay more attention to profit. As long as we take the initiative, they will not turn their backs. There is no need to deal with them for the time being. Then our goal, We must focus on three people."

As he said that, he pointed his finger at the spaces of Qin Ru, Li Daqian and Ye Zhongming.

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