Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and eleventh space displacement (below)

The energy has dropped by 21%, but there are still more than 40%, and it is still increasing, which makes David less worried. He hesitates, and finally reaches out and clicks on some machines. Down. (fastest update)

The second batch of people who entered the space were Alamos and the boss of Shahai Caiwa Laboratory from Central Asia, Palmek.

Alamos is naturally an eight-star evolutionary, and that Pamuk is also an eight-star evolution! It is a newly rising evolutionary in West Asia except for the two masters of the holy city, but it is far away from the holy city one east and one west, and there is no conflict or connection with each other.

The two evolutionaries have entered, and the energy of the entire space has dropped by a large amount immediately. When David saw it, he deeply felt that the decision he made just now was correct, because two eight-star evolutionaries entered and consumed a full 3% Fourteen energy!

On the display, only the last ten percent of the energy is left!

David was still lighting up the machine in an orderly manner. Seeing that the remaining energy was only 10%, he used both hands and clicked many buttons.

All the people who are still in the space feel the space vibrating.

Wen Yan and Guan Chengcun, who were about to start a fight...Alamos, who was jokingly looking at his opponent...Ye Zhongming, who was sitting on the spot with his eyes closed...Gyanendra, who was walking in the corridor, was about to enter the small space... …

Everyone felt themselves moving, and the space was making a subtle but very clear hiss. (fastest update)

"David, what are you doing?!"

Alamos roared, his face livid.

Apart from him, the only one who knows how to control the space is David. Now that the space has changed, it is obvious that he is manipulating it.

But no one knows the Spartitu space better than Alamos. The essence of this space is a mysterious equipment combining energy technology and mechanical technology. Even if Alamos got it, he did not study it thoroughly. Many functions are not very clear to him himself.

He didn't tell David about these things. In the last days, Alamos still regarded them as a hole card.

At most, David knows some extra functions, but he has never actually operated them. Now he suddenly gets started, or at such a critical moment, what should he do if an error occurs?

Alamos was full of remorse and anger. He didn't expect that the person he trusted the most would make a mistake at such a juncture.

But before he could say anything else, the scenery in front of him changed, and the opponent in front of him was no longer the boss who rebuilt Huashan, but Li Daqian and his son.

Both sides were taken aback, Li Zhizhong naturally didn't understand what was going on, he found that the subordinates around him disappeared all of a sudden, and the surrounding space also changed slightly, the most important thing is that they had a deep hatred with their father and son before The resentful Wen Yan and the four-legged weirdo Guan Chengcun disappeared, but the foreign old man who was a professional conjurer appeared in front of him. ()

But Alamos immediately understood what was going on, gritted his teeth and started to back away.

Why did he choose to be with Palmek? That's because his conjurer profession is a long-distance profession, an auxiliary profession, and he needs a strong person in front. I met him in peacetime, and the two people who are also well-known academic figures are also mutual trusting partners in the last days. This time, I have come here after going through hardships. The whole plan of the basic design, and this good friend.

But now because of David's 'disobedience', the space has shifted, and Alamos and Pamuk are separated at once.

While Alamos was frightened and angry, he felt a little rejoiced. Fortunately, the space he was transferred to was Li Daqian and the others, otherwise, if it was Ye Zhongming and Qin Ru, he would really have to work hard.

Like them, Wen Yan was stunned and then smiled wryly. He found himself moving, and when his eyes dimmed for a moment, he realized that Guan Chengcun standing beside him had disappeared, and the person in front of him had also changed. It was Li Daqian, his 'best friend' whom he had just betrayed, and turned into Qin Ru, the boss who rebuilt Huashan.

He wasn't afraid of Qin Ru, who might also be an eight-star evolutionary, but he simply didn't like the feeling that things were out of control.

Obviously, this is the third time that this space has a problem, and this time the problem is quite big.


Qin Ru was naturally horrified, but this kind of 'shock' was not for the change in space, but for the opponent in front of him.

Who did he have to face before? Alamos and the West Asian man who is quieter than Gyanendra, Qin Ru himself is already an eight-star evolutionary, and he can feel that the two opponents are also at the same level, and the result of the battle is almost doomed.

Everyone is a newly promoted eight-star evolutionary, and the time in the new level is relatively short, and the strengths are not separated from each other. In a two-on-one, he is bound to fail.

Now, although the opponent is still an eight-star player and a well-known master in the country, it is better to deal with one than two. Qin Ru welcomes this change.

Some people are happy, but others are naturally sad, and Guancheng Village is the latter.

He found that the surrounding space was changing, and he was moved out of the previous space and came to a new place. When he saw the person in front of him clearly, his hatred for Alamos made his teeth itch.

Make a broken space, but always have problems, why was I moved here?

In front of Guan Chengcun was the King of Cloud Top who had been sitting quietly on the ground before.

"Hey, they sent you to deal with me?"

Ye Zhongming looked at the four-legged man in front of him, and was even more surprised than Guan Chengcun.

Although he doesn't know what this place is, but because of his understanding of space, he can feel the changes and fluctuations of energy here. He guessed that some battles are going on in unknown places.

If Alamos came here, he would definitely be able to feel the reason for the sudden drop in energy after the Spatitu space was opened, because it was all because of Ye Zhongming.

There is space within the space, which must consume energy. As a higher level of space, Spatitu accommodates the space equipment carried by these people, and must neutralize some energy. Ye Zhongming has the most space equipment Yes, the capacity is also the largest.

Another more important point is Ye Zhongming's Star Spirit.

The star elf has an ability called unimpeded space, which is an ability that can shuttle in any space, but because the little guy is still in its infancy, this ability can at most allow it to pass through walls. But this means that the Star Elf itself is a creature with the power of space. If he wants to trap it here, Spatitu will naturally have to pay a lot more, which is the reason for the real drop in energy!

Ye Zhongming naturally didn't know this, he could feel that the battles in other places were already very powerful, and he was still guessing who the opponent he was going to face just now.

Who would have thought that the one sent in would be Guan Chengcun, and the most important thing is that the four-legged man is a seven-star evolution... How much does this despise oneself?

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