Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and fourteen big chaos (on)

"Uh, yes, it's just one chapter, three in one chapter"

No one has seen Water Deacon make a move yet, or those who have seen her make a move are all dead. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

People only know that her occupation is related to water, but it is not certain whether her name was changed because of this.

But no one knows what the occupation is, and what skills are even less clear.

Perhaps the one who knows the most is Deacon Tong, who has a good relationship with her.

This time, Deacon Shui made a bold move, and he had to do so.

That drop of water shot at Jin Zhongyuan in the air, the speed was actually not fast, but when the drop of water moved, it exuded a powerful pressure, as if what floated was not a drop of water, but a lake.

Jin Zhongyuan's pair of door god shields are his weapons. They are dull and dull, except for the brightly colored door god portraits, they look like a pair of antiques.

But no one would think that this is rubbish, otherwise how could it be used by an eight-star evolutionary to fight against people of the same level. Obviously, this is a pair of gold-level equipment.

There was a bang, but it didn't make a sound, but it shocked the space.

Jin Zhongyuan's body was still upright, but he was pushed back a long way by a huge force.

This pair of shields could no longer conceal their level, and the golden light soared after encountering a strong blow, like a child who had been sworn to take revenge.

Water Deacon blinked, and another drop of water appeared beside her.

Jin Zhongyuan opened his arms parallel to his body. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the shield that blocked the water droplets just now, and he was relieved when he found that there was no problem.

This woman's casual attack is so strong!

"*\u0026|...*%...%¥#" Jin Zhongyuan spoke the language of his own country in a hurry, but the water deacon over there didn't understand it either.

She didn't want to understand either.

When encountering things that matter to his life, Deacon Shui is no longer a woman as gentle as water.

Next to the drop of water suspended beside him, there was a second identical crystal liquid, followed by a third drop, and a fourth drop...

In an instant, dozens of drops floated in front of her.

Jin Zhongyuan didn't speak anymore, he knew that the woman in front of him was determined to kill him.

His arms moved in front of him again, and a pair of shields collided with each other, making a crisp sound. A force came from above, with Jin Zhongyuan as the center, rippling up and down strangely, as if in front of him, appeared Like a wall of energy.


Ever since Jin Zhongyuan took out a pair of shields, Deacon Shui had guessed about his occupation. Now seeing this man from the Yalu River using his defensive skills, he looked a little surprised and irritable.

Defender is just a collective term for a type of Evolutionary. They focus on defense, and their ability in this area far exceeds his own ability to attack. Occupation, skills, and even bloodlines are all for defense.

Sheng Yuan, for example, is this type of evolutionary.

The profession of defenders is always hidden, but no professional is willing to face them.

This kind of person is really too difficult to deal with, the whole person is like a tortoise shell, and they may be unscathed after fighting for a long time. When your skills enter the cooldown period, they can still use brute force to mess with you.

Especially for those long-distance evolutionists, once the attack cannot kill this defensive type of evolutionary, the ending may be miserable.

Deacon Shui had originally planned on a quick victory, but meeting a defender also made her a little depressed.

The space may collapse at any time, and she has to go out in advance just in case.

Water Deacon's body began to float, and a faint mist of water appeared under her feet, supporting her whole body.

Some light-colored patterns began to appear on the white robe, and soon formed a pattern of clouds. It was a bit light gray, but it was very harmonious with the white robe, not obtrusive at all.

look carefully,

In the clouds above, there are still fine raindrops floating.

Water Deacon raised a hand. On her wrist was a beautiful silver bracelet inlaid with four rhombus-shaped blue gemstones. As she raised her hand, it became radiant, and the surrounding raindrops began to refract These rays of light reflected her in it.

Jin Zhongyuan has rich experience in fighting. He saw the opponent put on such a posture in just a few seconds, knowing that the woman is difficult to deal with, and the next attack will surely shake the world, so he quickly made his own response.

He hung two shields on the energy wall.

This is a very strange scene. After all, the energy wall is not a real entity, but it can hang physical equipment, which is strange no matter how you look at it.

"I'm really good at defense, but I'm not a defender." Jin Zhongyuan said proudly in his non-standard Chinese, his free hands didn't stop, but took out an unknown liquid from the middle of his space and poured it on Put it on your hands, and then spread it evenly on your hands like applying hand cream.

At this time, the Water Deacon on the other side finished preparations, and the attack started. After the shiny raindrops trembled slightly, they flew towards Jin Zhongyuan.

Jin Zhongyuan's hands at this moment turned silvery white.

The raindrops came in an instant, hitting the energy wall, controlled by the Water Deacon, the raindrops did not touch the two shields hanging on it.

The crackling sound kept coming, and the energy wall continued to darken.

But when it was about to collapse, the two shields shook, and the energy wall lit up again.

Water Deacon was a little anxious.

She didn't know anything about Jin Zhongyuan. She knew nothing about his occupation, bloodline, and skills, especially the liquid that painted his hands silvery white. It looked very powerful at first glance. If he attacked, Water Deacon is also at risk of being defeated.

The five-ring money giant exerted his strength, and the cloud patterns on the white robe suddenly floated out of his body, like a myth, hanging above the water deacon's head.

"Wind and rain in all directions!"

Water Deacon murmured softly in his mouth, and his whole body began to spin, the clouds above his head and the fog under his feet merged into one, and then, drops of raindrops began to fly out from the cloud and mist, towards Jin Zhongyuan shoots away.

"it is good!"

Jin Zhongyuan also finished his preparations at this time, holding the shield again with his hands that had completely turned into silver, and exerted a little force to make the shield close together, and his body curled up.

He was not tall at all, and when he shrank, he was completely blocked by the shield, and this guy pushed the shield and rushed forward.

At this time, the raindrops all over the sky also arrived, crackling and hitting the energy wall that moved with the shield, and was shattered in just two seconds.

The pair of shields did not continue to radiate energy to maintain it, but instead relied on their own defenses to rush towards the water deacon.

While flying out raindrops like a water jet, while advancing against these raindrops, the two sides are constantly approaching in this kind of attack and defense.

Whoever can hold on will win the final victory.

The people watching the battle lost their images at this moment, and the light curtain in the monitoring room lost its function. David and others could no longer know the situation in each small space. They could only guess based on the constantly changing values ​​on the energy display. battle situation.

If it is lowered, it must be the person on his side who lost. If the energy suddenly increases a lot, it means winning.

This feeling is not good, there is a kind of uneasiness waiting for the trial.

Every step of Jin Zhongyuan is very difficult, he is gritting his teeth and moving forward.

Each of these raindrops is not as powerful as the previous one, but these raindrops are very dense. In front of his shield, it was a torrential rain. Now the force he is enduring makes his whole body shake.

But he was prepared for this situation. What was the reason for his silvery hands? Just to support these two shields!

From Jin Zhongyuan's point of view, it can be seen that he has only held the handle behind the shield with both hands, and his body has not leaned up, and he is completely supported by the strength of his hands.

It's just that cracks have appeared on the well-proportioned silver of his hands, his arms have also started to tremble, bloodshot eyes have increased, and blood even oozes from the corners of his mouth. (fastest update)

Jin Zhongyuan's situation is not good, but he is very confident, because he is only two meters away from the water deacon, and he will be able to touch this woman if he takes two steps forward.

At that time...

Moreover, he didn't believe that this woman could last too long in this crazy attacking state.

Sure enough, the density of the raindrops began to decrease, and the rotation of the water deacon slowed down.

The moment Jin Zhongyuan approached Deacon Shui, the giant of Wuhuanqian stopped from the attacking state.

"It's my turn!"

Jin Zhongyuan let out a roar, and the shield slammed straight into Shui Deacon.

If it was just a shield collision, even if it was a golden shield, it would not be a problem to resist it with the physique of an eight-star evolutionary of the water deacon, and at most he would suffer some minor injuries.

But the pair of shields changed at this moment, two cold lights flew out from above, piercing the water deacon.

If it were someone else, the Shui Deacon's wind and rain from all directions just now had already resolved the battle, and the storm-like raindrop attack was extremely powerful, and it was naturally similar to the world of Yan Wangshu. This kind of powerful and continuous attack is what evolutionists fear most.

However, what he encountered was Jin Zhongyuan who had golden defensive equipment. Even though his internal organs were obviously injured by the shock, for an evolutionary of this level, this was at most a minor injury.

Now, Water Deacon has encountered the biggest crisis in the past few years.

This pair of shields not only possesses strong defensive power, but can also attack!

Water Deacon swiped his hands, and a water barrier appeared in front of her.

Two dots of cold light pierced the top immediately after.

Blocked by the condensed water barrier, the speed of the cold light slowed down, and then the water deacon saw clearly that it was the weapons of the two door gods on the shield that pierced out!

Moreover, the condensed water barrier obviously couldn't stop the attacks of the two weapons, and it burst apart after only holding on for a while.

Water Deacon's body retreated rapidly, and at the same time the silver bracelet on his wrist flew out, became larger in the wind, and hit the two weapons.

After two Dangdang sounds, Jin Zhongyuan's forward trend finally stopped, but Shui Deacon let out a muffled snort, and his body floated to the rear. A few drops of bright blood fell on the white robe, which was very conspicuous.

Taking the bracelet that shrank, Shui Deacon wiped away the blood on the corner of his mouth, and felt extremely distressed when he saw two cracks appearing on it.

This bracelet is a very good auxiliary equipment. When she uses professional skills, it can emit light to increase the attack power of raindrops. When she is defending, it can also block attacks.

Now that the cracks on it are so obvious, it shouldn't last long before it will be completely destroyed.

While not gold gear, it's blue level goodies and most importantly fits her perfectly.

"Die, die." Jin Zhongyuan made such a voice, and the shield fell to the ground, and the two door god portraits on it came alive, and appeared in the space as characters wearing ancient Chinese armor.

After the door god fell, his body moved violently, waving his weapon and attacking the water deacon.

The water deacon snorted, and while stepping back, he waved his hands towards the ground, and waves of energy hit the ground, forming pools of water one by one.

As she retreated, there were more and more pools of water, and the ones that were closer were soon connected together, forming a slightly larger pool of water.

With the sound of the Water Deacon, these water giants turned into water giants one by one. They were all about two meters tall, but they were divided into fat and thin. Those with larger water pools were thicker, and those with smaller water pools. , just thinner.

Since the two door gods were chasing the water deacon, after these water giants appeared, some were behind them and some were in front.

The ones in front stopped the door god, while the water giants in the back split off a few heads to attack Jin Zhongyuan.

Both of them were surprised by their respective means, and their expressions were unprecedentedly cautious.

Although the water giants are composed of water elements, their strength doesn't look weak. The weapons that can't be stopped by the water barrier can only pierce them, but they are not flesh and blood. , it is not fatal after being pierced, and it can't even affect the actions of the water giants, at most making them smaller.


Facing the rushing water giant, Jin Zhongyuan didn't know whether he was cheering for himself or giving orders to the two door gods. In short, he and the door gods launched an attack together.

He threw the shield with both hands and hit two water giants respectively. For some unknown reason, the two water giants were immediately turned into a puddle of water again.

Then the silver hands waved and smashed another water giant. Those silver things were washed away by the water droplets, fell into the body of the water giant, and then dispersed. The flexible water giant followed the movement of these silver substances. Scattered, the movements began to become hard, and finally the whole body turned a little silver, and was directly smashed by Jin Zhongyuan, who had retrieved the shield.

On the other side, the two goalkeepers also launched a more powerful attack.

The upper plate of the ancient armor they wore was slightly opened, and a strange fragrance was emitted from it. After they smelled this fragrance, they started roaring again and again as if they had taken a stimulant. It came out, the power was obviously much stronger than before, and there were some strange lights on it.

This time, the water giant was a little powerless in the face of such a door god. As soon as the roar came out, they stopped and their bodies hardened. After being stabbed by their weapons, they shattered like glass.

Water Deacon fell to the ground, seeing the water giants he summoned being killed one after another, he finally lost his composure.

She is an evolutionary who tends to be aggressive, and her defense ability is also very good, but so far, she has used most of her tricks. Whether it is raindrop attacks in several ways, or summoning water giants, or abilities such as water barriers and halo bracelets, they are enough in normal battles, but who would have thought that using them on this Jin Zhongyuan would still fail him. Killing, even now it is still at a disadvantage.

Glancing at the space that had been vibrating slightly, Deacon Shui decided to make the final blow, whether the victory or defeat depends on this move.

After she summoned four giant water giants again, she folded her hands together, and a beam of light from the silver headdress she wore hit her hands, and then bursts of spells spit out from her mouth, white The robe slowly floated up with the spell.

Jin Zhongyuan found out what was going on here, he yelled, and striding forward with his shield in hand, he swung his arms round after reaching a similar distance, and threw the shield out.


Just as Jin Zhongyuan and Deacon Shui were duel, Ye Zhongming also ushered in his second opponent.


If Guancheng Village is the first one.

The boss of Shahai Caiwa, who just killed the ogre chain giant, has a murderous look all over his body, as well as an arrogance that looks down on the world.

The ogre chain giant is not easy to deal with. His victory was a bit of a fluke, but more of it was his control of the situation and the battle situation, as well as his sudden outbreak.

After he's victorious, he's ready to be removed from space.

Even if Alamos is in his heart, but this is the rule of space, there is no way.

But he was indeed moved, but the place where he moved was not outside the space, but in Ye Zhongming's small space.

Turning the snatched space button, Ye Zhongming squinted at the West Asian.

The understanding of the West Asia region in the previous life was limited to the nine-star Gyanendra. When he went to get the Star Spirit in this life, he fought against the strong man in the previous life and almost killed him.

He has no impression of the person in front of him.

That means, he doesn't know anything about this person.

Putting away the space button, Ye Zhongming planned to ask about Alamos and about this operation.

Guangcheng Village knew too little.

But Pamuk obviously wasn't going to do this, the first time he saw Ye Zhongming, he decided to do it.

This is recognized as one of the most powerful evolutionists in the country.

Pamuk was wearing a set of leather armor with no grade, and he used some kind of equipment or secret method to cover up his aura before, so people didn't notice him.

But now, strips of white cloth with thick energy began to protrude from the gaps in the leather armor, quickly surrounding his whole body.

This process was extremely fast, almost like face-changing in a Sichuan opera. The cloth strips protruded from many places on the body and immediately turned Pamuk into a mummy.

Even the head was wrapped by these cloth strips, only a pair of eyes and mouth were exposed.

Ye Zhongming became interested. To be honest, he is now facing an opponent, and most of his skills and professional pedigree are also clear. The doomsday information manual he compiled has already become an admirable object just because it is circulated inside Yunding.

But this is only limited to the national area.

Ye Zhongming really doesn't know much about other countries and regions.

Now seeing a foreigner that he has never seen before used an ability that he did not understand, Ye Zhongming felt a sense of excitement.

After Pamuk completed the transformation from human to mummy in an instant, he began to attack. The cloth strips on his body suddenly stretched and rolled towards Ye Zhongming. At the same time, he himself jumped forward, enough to step over a few meters away.

Ye Zhongming hid for a while, and he was more cautious in the face of the unknown.

But these cloth strips didn't grab him, but directly covered the space he was in. I don't know what they are made of. The sky and the ground are covered with layers, as if they are endless.

At this time, Pamuk came not far from Ye Zhongming, opened his mouth suddenly, let out a ghostly howl, and a dark green poisonous gas spewed out.

At the same time, his eyes flashed, and two white rays shot out, and when his hands grabbed it, sharp claws with dim light pierced out from the cloth strips.

All these happened almost at the same time, and all of them proved that apart from the special form, Palmeco was an excellent melee professional...or a vicious professional.

"Well, not bad." He praised in his heart, Ye Zhongming did not dodge, but crossed his left and right hands, and a lot of rays were shot out of it.

Ling Xiao cut!

Ye Zhongming doesn't know how rich his mental power is now, and he recovers very quickly. Even if he exhausts his mental power, it only takes one night to recover.

And Ling Xiao's cutting requires a lot of mental power, and the power of the skill is also related to this.

Ye Zhongming's attack this time used one-twentieth of his total spiritual power.

These thin lines flew around, immediately disintegrating Pamuk's attack.

The only thing that was not stopped was the poisonous gas, but before he got close to Ye Zhongming, he had lost track of the King of Cloud Top.

Taking a few steps back, Ye Zhongming looked at the traces left by Ling Xiao's cutting on the eight-star evolutionary in West Asia, and nodded, a little appreciatively.

This was terrible. Palmerk was furious.

Are you an elder fighting against a junior? And with compliments! ?

Regardless of the slight injury he had just suffered, he suddenly aroused his own strength, and all the white cloth strips in the entire space stabbed at Ye Zhongming frantically!

The King of Cloud Top raised his head, waved his hands in the air, and the twins of wind and thunder appeared. Watching these cloth strips pouring down, this powerful weapon from the Blue Secret Realm kept waving beside Ye Zhongming, and those cloth strips were constantly being blown away. Cutting, none of them can get close to Ye Zhongming.

After a while, the ground around Ye Zhongming was covered with rags.

Palmek's powerful attack was resolved in this way.


In anger, Pamuke activated energy in his body, and all the rags flew onto his fists, and instantly became the size of two basketballs. He jumped to Ye Zhongming's side and smashed his fists.

Ye Zhongming smiled, and two elemental elves appeared on his shoulders. The earth elf pointed at him casually, jumping to start the gravity, and Pamuk immediately felt his body sinking, while the star elf also pointed at it, and it was bright Reflected on Ye Zhongming's feet, it moved with the master's movement, and the skill Land of Glory was activated.

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