Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and twenty-seven carve up level 9 materials (below)

Li Daqian frowned and remained silent. ()

He sold the nine-level corpses separately, naturally he wanted to make a lot of money, but it didn't mean he wanted to sell the whole corpse.

Li Daqian wanted to keep some parts. For example, the brain that was planned to be eaten by chisel teeth, such as the magic crystal that he wanted to keep, and the internal organs that were to be eaten by the colorful giant bear.

If it weren't for the fact that Wanshou Manor only relied on the equipment in the animal pool to cultivate war beasts, without any laboratory or any outstanding craftsmen, Li Daqian would never have sold this corpse.

It was Li Daqian's original idea to keep what he needed and sell what he didn't want.

Now, Ye Zhongming's question made it difficult for him to answer.

He didn't know what the King of Genting and this excellent craftsman was looking for. If what he needed coincided with Li Daqian's own needs, if he refused, would it cause Ye Zhongming to quit?

Ruan Xiao obviously didn't have many eighth-level magic crystals with him. If Ye Zhongming withdrew too, the only real buyer would be Water Deacon.

Three buyers and one buyer are completely different things. Today's sale will change from a seller's market to a buyer's market, and the income will inevitably decrease.

After thinking about it, Li Daqian decided to refuse.

"I'm sorry, Boss Ye, let's go step by step. If there is something you fancy, feel free to bid."

Disappointment flashed across Ye Zhongming's eyes, but he still nodded.

But he did not continue to bid. ()

Is something bad? No, the thing is very good, Ye Zhongming felt abundant energy from the pair of hind arms, probably it was the effect of the sarcophagus again.

Using this pair of rear arms as materials should allow direct upgrade of equipment below blue. If it is made into a Horcrux, it may not reach the level of the Soul Crusher Bone Rod, but it can definitely become an excellent artifact.

A ninth-level life with five eighth-level magic crystals on the back arm, is it expensive? Ye Zhongming felt that it was a bit high at this point in time, but it was not expensive. The value of this thing is actually far inferior to that of an eighth-level magic crystal.

But let him use ten eighth-level magic crystals to buy this pair of materials, will he make a move? Won't!

Because Ye Zhongming has the top-level exclusion technique, the success rate of turning the roulette above level seven is 20%, which means that he can exclude five unwanted rewards, leaving five with the highest value to spin .

In other words, if Ye Zhongming also used ten eighth-level magic crystals to buy these two materials, he would actually pay twice as much as others.

This is a bad deal.

So if Li Daqian must use the magic crystal to settle the settlement, Ye Zhongming decided not to make a move.

Ye Zhongming's silence made Li Daqian's heart sink.

He realized that the king of cloud tops seemed not to give up the eighth-level magic crystal.

Ruan Xiao has no money and cannot afford it. Ye Zhongming had money, but he didn't want to buy it. There was only one water deacon left. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Forget it, I don't want this anymore."

Li Daqian was not well at the time, looking at the two hind arms that were cut off from his hand, he was embarrassed for himself, the first time he sold it, he had a miscarriage!

The scene was a little cold, but Li Daqian coughed himself, covered it up, and said: "A pair of middle arms, ten eighth-level magic crystals. (uu novel will be updated soonest)"

Still in the cold, Ruan Xiao has completely escaped from the predicament of having no money, watching all this with interest.

Deacon Shui looked at Ye Zhongming from the corner of his eye from time to time, wondering why this guy didn't make a move, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Zhongming remained silent.

There was no answer to the second bid.

The people in the small forces behind, not to mention ten eighth-level magic crystals, they may not be able to buy ten seventh-level magic crystals.

The faces of the people in Wanshou Manor are extremely ugly this time, and they hate Alamos and others even more in their hearts. Otherwise, this high-end fair will have Yunding, Wuhuanqian, Ogre Chain, Pingong, Reconstruction of Huashan, Kowloon and foreign countries. With the participation of high-end laboratories in the district and the many forces in the national district, it is completely possible to hold an auction.

but now,

There are only a few forces left, and Wanshou Manor needs high-level magic crystals to restore its strength, so it won't work if it doesn't sell.

"A pair of forearms."

When Li Daqian said this, his voice was much lower.

Still no answer.

Gritting his teeth, Li Daqian continued: "A pair of front legs."

no sound.

"A pair of hind legs."

Li Daqian felt that he was a little numb.

"Four, fifteen eighth-level magic crystals."

A voice suddenly broke in.

Li Daqian's eyes lit up, and he looked at Ye Zhongming who was speaking.

The person who was the first to be silent actually made a bid?

"Boss Ye, you..."

"I only have fifteen eighth-level magic crystals, if not, forget it."

Ye Zhongming didn't give Li Daqian a chance, and directly said what he meant, that is, the money, don't sell it.

This time, five eight-level magic crystals were missing, and Li Daqian felt a little distressed, but he didn't want to sell them?

He especially hoped that Deacon Shui and others would talk to Ye Zhongming for a price, but he was disappointed. Neither Deacon Shui nor Ruan Xiao said anything.

"it is good!"

Almost out of his throat, Li Daqian took fifteen eighth-level magic crystals from Ye Zhongming's hands, and then gave Ye Zhongming four legs of nine-level lives.

"Master Li, the forearm before, I think we can discuss..."

"Master Li, maybe there is something that can replace the eighth-level magic crystal, because you will definitely need..."

Deacon Shui and Ruan Xiao immediately spoke after the transaction was completed, and started bargaining with Li Daqian.

Ye Zhongming was listening and didn't participate in it.

Deacon Shui didn't compete with him for these four hind legs just now, so he tacitly kept silent at this time. Only after Deacon Shui and Ruan Xiao finished buying one, he would continue to inquire.

Once there is a discussion, whether it is Ye Zhongming or the two giants of the business alliance, the financial resources shown are astonishing, and the people of the small forces behind are stunned.

Seventh and eighth-level magic crystals, equipment of all levels, professional scrolls, medicine skill scrolls, bloodline crystals, etc. were all taken out for free. They had never even heard of some things, let alone seen them.

When the scene gradually calmed down, not only the six upper limbs and four lower limbs of this ninth-level lifeform were sold, but also the two pairs of wings behind him and the eight bones in the body were also sold.

Several factions have their own gains. In addition to buying four lower limbs with fifteen eighth-level magic crystals, Ye Zhongming also bought a pair of wings. The price is three pieces of blue equipment and a job scroll. Occupation is a scroll that can communicate with mutated plants. Li Daqian also likes it. He has long had the idea of ​​owning mutated plants and beasts.

The rest were all obtained by Deacon Shui and Ruan Xiao, and Ye Zhongming also saw the strength of the two commercial organizations.

Afterwards, Li Daqian also sold some flesh and blood, which was prepared for those small powers, and he made it clear that the three major powers would not be allowed to participate, which made Ye Zhongmingshui deacon Ruan Xiao and others very helpless.

The distribution is almost done, and Li Daqian will not sell the rest. This sale is considered to be over. Even if Wanshou Manor does not meet expectations, the harvest is enough to make everyone envious.

Since it was getting late, everyone had a rest at Wanshou Manor and left tomorrow.

But before Ye Zhongming returned to his residence, Li Daqian, who had just parted with him, came to the door before he could sleep.

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