Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and twenty-nine 1/3

These two adult eggs still have a gelatinous membrane on the outside, but they are more transparent than those ping-pong ball-sized eggs in the abdomen of the corpse. You can see the young life curled up inside. From the breath they emit, it can be judged that they are Alive and healthy.

Counting the time it took to kill Level 9 in Wanshou Manor, these eggs have survived here for several months!

"Vendor Li told me this, and showed me this surviving egg. Is there anything I need to do?"

Ye Zhongming was very excited, if Li Daqian used these to arouse his desire to get, then undoubtedly, he succeeded.

Originally, Ye Zhongming wanted to buy the middle part of the corpse after discovering that it was a pregnant ninth-level life form, that is, the lower part of the abdomen. Naturally, he hoped to obtain the biological eggs inside.

Now that someone has pointed it out, he doesn't have to hide it anymore.


Li Daqian also did not hide anything, and said directly: "I will never sell these two adult eggs. They will be cultivated in my animal pool equipment until they hatch. I want to see , What grade were they when they were born."

Ye Zhongming calmed down when he heard this, and took a closer look at the two mature eggs. It was true that no evolutionary level could be seen on them.

At least for now.

At the same time, he also felt the power of a strong rule on it. Presumably, they should have been signed by Li Daqian and himself or other members of Wanshou Manor.

Obviously, even if Ye Zhongming got them, he would not be able to take them for his own use. This kind of contract completed from the egg-laying state is the most stable, and it is almost impossible to dismantle it.

"But these eggs in the body can be given to Brother Ye."

Li Daqian looked at these eggs with deep reluctance in his eyes.

Ye Zhongming took a look, and now there are six biological eggs in the birth tube, all of which should be live eggs.

Ye Zhongming didn't quite understand, these eggs were also valuable, why did Li Daqian want to sell them? Wouldn't it be better for him to stay and cultivate by himself?

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Zhongming probably understood what was going on.

Although he doesn't understand life science, he guessed that the production method of this ninth-level life manduo should be to form these life eggs in the body after conception, and then cultivate them in the body, and when the time is right, they will be discharged into the ground, or use The underground energy may use more suitable temperature and other conditions to complete the final incubation.

That is to say, they are mature, young eggs that have been separated from the mother and are just waiting to hatch.

But these differences in the body may be due to less than a month, or it may be that there is no special energy injection that cannot be excreted from the body, or other reasons that Ye Zhongming does not understand or even the whole human being does not understand. Anyway, these eggs are not yet mature. !

Where is Ten Thousand Beasts Manor? What did you start out with? It is the mysterious large beast pool.

Ye Zhongming also has animal pool equipment, and he is quite familiar with this kind of equipment. They can cultivate war beasts, and even stimulate their reproduction and evolution, and can keep eggs or young from dying, etc. The immature life forms that belong to them are helpless. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

It's the same for Li Daqian's, it can't be cultivated for this kind of immature eggs.

This can be seen from the difference in the treatment of the two types of eggs. The adult eggs have already been taken to the animal pond for cultivation, and these immature eggs can only be placed in the corpse and rely on the magical sarcophagus to maintain their vitality.

It can be said that the effect of these eggs on Li Daqian is far less than that of the two adult eggs.

After figuring this out, it is understandable that he wants to sell these six eggs.

"Tell me about the price."

Li Daqian's choice of target is very accurate, not only those who came to Wanshou Manor, even the whole country, who can be interested in these six eggs and have the potential to exert the greatest value, is Yunding, because there is Liu Zhenghong, there are Life Genomics Laboratory.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Daqian said, "Magic Crystal Cannon."

Ye Zhongming simply shook his head,

Pointing to these eggs, he said, "These things are not very useful to you, nor are they useful to others. At most, they can be used as food to feed war beasts, but if that's the case, the value will be much lower. Only my laboratory can bring out its potential." The greatest value, this is very clear to Master Li, otherwise he would not have found me alone."

"The magic crystal cannon is not for sale to Yunding at this stage. Of course, this is only relative. If there is something that really tempts me, it is not impossible to sell it, but these eggs are obviously not."

Li Daqian didn't expect Ye Zhongming to refuse so simply, and didn't say anything for a while.

"I do have some proposals, but I don't know if Master Li is interested?" Ye Zhongming said, looking at Li Daqian instead.

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Ye Zhongming glanced at the little girl who was returning with the adult egg, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. He still doesn't quite understand the purpose of Li Daqian showing himself this scene, to prove that you are a lolicon?

"We, Genting, can cooperate with Wanshou Manor." Ye Zhongming began to express his thoughts before coming here.

Li Daqian nodded to signal Ye Zhongming to continue, but obviously he didn't think so. What does cooperation have to do with selling these eggs?

"There are two ways. The first one is that our Yunding Villa buys a large number of war beasts of all levels from Wanshou Manor for a long time. We pay and you deliver the goods."

"Secondly, we, Genting, exchange our genetic life for your war beasts."

"Oh?" Li Daqian became a little interested at this time.

As we all know, the two special products of Yunding, magic crystal weapon and gene life, in the case of magic crystal weapon being denied, gene life is also a good choice.

Of course, Wanshou Manor is not as eager for this kind of life as other forces. After all, to a certain extent, war beasts can replace genetic life, so Li Daqian's interest is only a little bit.

Ye Zhongming naturally knew this too, and he continued: "I know that your large beast pool equipment can breed war beasts, but I think there should be a level limit."

Seeing that Li Daqian remained calm, Ye Zhongming took out the magic servant hive, and directly made the owner of Wanshou Manor admit this fact.

Putting away the magic servant hive, Ye Zhongming continued: "But my genetic life can continue to improve with technological breakthroughs. Now I can tell Mr. Li that our mature products now have the ability of sixth-level life, and The laboratory is moving towards the seventh level, and breakthroughs have been made."

This statement is half true and half false. There are mutated life forms with level 6 life strength, but they cannot be mass-produced. They can only be manufactured one by one. It takes two months for a batch of 100 people. As for the higher-level conquests, Ye Zhongming didn't know the progress at all, and Liu Zhenghong was able to grasp these.

Li Daqian was not calm at all.

The equipment in the large beast pond in his hands is naturally very good, but so far, relying on the beast pond alone has not been able to cultivate level 7 war beasts, the highest is level 6, and it is also impossible to cultivate a large number of beasts. Each one will take a long time.

Then let these war beasts evolve in the wild to see if they can evolve to a higher level.

But what Ye Zhongming said, they are almost going to make a seventh level now?

"We want low-level war beasts to give life to high-level genes. Of course, the level difference is limited to one level, and the number is limited to one thousand."

"That's a third of what I'm prepared to pay."

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