Roulette World

One hundred and forty one must die

Thank you Zhuangzhuang 215, book friend 140524162204896 for the reward of 588, thank you for the frequent rewards of wind and sand, cold autumn and warm sun, passing away - solo dance, bookworm, and loneliness. thanks.


The vast majority of hell creatures belong to the flame attribute. Although hell dogs are low-level existences, they also inherit this characteristic.

This ring of flame ripples spread to the surroundings, and the speed didn't look fast, but it was actually faster than a human's rapid running.

The soldiers who were chasing Ye Zhongming were a little terrified when they saw a monster covered in flames appearing. When they realized that the circle of flames was coming towards them, they hesitated and waited for orders. They lost their minds and fled away. Opportunity.

Flame ripples ruthlessly swept over the soldiers who didn't run away, and their bodies immediately burned. The flames were the same frightening blood red as the Cerberus.

The howling immediately sounded abruptly and fiercely, so that those who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe could deeply feel the heart-piercing pain of these "burning men" who were ignited at the moment.

These screams did not last long, only a few seconds, because no one could last longer in this kind of flame, and the firemen turned into streaks of black ash in an instant, as if there was no existed.

Originally, there were one or two hundred people who came up to stop Ye Zhongming from all around, but more than thirty people were burned to death by the flame ripple of the hellhound.

The sudden monster launched a sudden attack, causing many soldiers to retreat in horror. They clearly saw that there was an evolutionary who didn't dodge it just now, and was burned to death!

Even the evolutionists can't bear it, how can they resist? So the originally narrowed encirclement suddenly spread out.

Ye Zhongming didn't stop, he knew that the Cerberus would not last long, and he didn't even observe the result of the flame of the Cerberus. His body as he rushed passed a dead tree that had been skinned by hungry survivors. When he touched the tree, with a point of his finger, a wooden giant appeared beside him, roaring silently and rushing towards the soldiers on one side.

This was not over yet, Ye Zhongming's forward body lit a street lamp again, and immediately a metal man appeared, and rushed towards another direction.

In this way, while Ye Zhongming was running, he turned the surrounding stones, metals, trees, etc. into summoned creatures with the primary conjuration technique to help him resist bullets and attract attention.

Ye Zhongming's mental power for these summons is very low, only maintaining the minimum standard for activating skills, and their durability is basically around five, and they disappear after being hit by bullets a few times.

However, these monsters still frightened the nearby soldiers, and they pointed their guns at them instead of Ye Zhongming.

Naturally, Ye Zhongming would not let go of such a good opportunity. He rushed out of the encirclement in a short while and disappeared into the darkness.

On this side, the Cerberus just burned many people majesticly to death, blocking Ye Zhongming's pursuers, and the two pairs of eyes on his head looked around, looking a little disdainfully at the world.

However, the human attack did not stop, and the metal storm concentrated on the hellhound almost instantly. There was no way, it was like a bright light in the dark night when it was burning with flames. It is dazzling, and its body is huge, and more than half of the bullets hit it.

Although the resistance of non-human beings to guns is several levels higher than that of humans, in this concentrated fire of hundreds of guns, the Cerberus was beaten back again and again after showing its power, and even the horn on one of its big heads was beaten. It was broken, and a magma-like fire-colored viscous liquid flowed out from it.

The Cerberus roared angrily, its body suddenly started to run, and then jumped into the crowd with a sudden leap.

Even if it is injured, its speed is far faster than that of humans.

"Kill it, kill it!" Chef Jin and Director Wang were among the group of people, each holding different weapons in their hands, Chef Jin was holding a thick iron rod with a light gray light on it. Director Wang is holding an iron chain, which is also a gray-level weapon.

The two pursued with the evolutionary, but met this hellhound. They both found that the person who took the two-star evolution potion had disappeared. If they couldn't kill this terrifying monster immediately, they might lose it completely. opportunity.

Both of them were red-eyed, and led their evolutionists to fight the Cerberus for their lives.

If we must talk about the Cerberus level, its strength is probably between the one-star evolutionary and the two-star evolutionary, but because of its flame characteristics, it will not suffer too much when encountering a two-star evolutionary with no skills.

In terms of strength alone, if either Chef Jin or Director Wang encounters a Cerberus dog, they will run away even if they are not eaten.

But now they are teaming up, and there are many evolutionists to help, and other soldiers have even injured the Cerberus. In this case, they have the advantage.

The Cerberus rushed into the crowd, just like the flame ripple just now, causing the humans to panic and dodge, but humans gradually discovered that as long as they did not touch the Cerberus' body, those flames could not cause any harm.

As a result, human beings became more and more courageous, and there were several evolutionaries standing in front of them. From time to time, some people shot cold shots at close range, attacking the vital and key parts, such as eyes, ears, joints and even the abdomen. This made Cerberus After killing more than a dozen people, he also paid a terrible price. He was beaten all over his body, and the last one didn't pay attention, and was hit on the left side of the head by Chef Jin.

Under the tremendous force, the Cerberus was finally exhausted, and was beaten to the ground, struggling several times without getting up.

An evolutionary saw that there was an advantage to take advantage of, so he rushed up and hit the hellhound with a spear made of thick steel sharpened in his hand. The iron spear pierced the hellhound's eyes and went straight into the brain.

The Cerberus' body shook violently, and the flames on its body quickly dimmed. The evolutionary smiled proudly. Although Chef Jin and Director Wang with gray-level weapons were at the forefront during the battle, the last blow was still a kind of glory, and he would have the capital to brag about in the future.

But suddenly he felt that the atmosphere around him was not right, and he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw that the people around him retreated one after another, and many people were shouting something, but he couldn't hear anything.

He looked around in horror, and suddenly found that at some point, a line of flame spread from under the Cerberus to his feet, and had already ignited his body!

It wasn't until the moment before death that the evolved person realized that it wasn't the silent shouting of others, but that he had been burned and lost his senses.

Seeing the instant death of one of his subordinates, Director Wang's face was very ugly. The evolutionary who was burned to death by the flame ripples just now was his subordinate, and now another one died, which greatly damaged his strength. Counting himself, only The next three evolutionary.

Chef Jin wasn't very proud either, he knew that this was a time when he and Director Wang were fighting against each other, so he looked at Director Wang, nodded slightly, and continued to chase after Ye Zhongming where Ye Zhongming had disappeared.

Tonight, one party must be killed!

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