Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and forty-four eye attack (below)

Just now, when Xiaohu and Sheng Yuan were fighting each other, they yelled "Look at me, here we come!" In order to make each other's eyes meet.

Sheng Yuan was indeed caught in the trap, he looked into Xiaohu's eyes, and his body immediately fell into a rigid state.

It's just that they are at the same level of evolution, and Sheng Yuan is even a little stronger than Xiaohu in terms of mental strength, so the period of stiffness is very short and disappears in an instant.

However, everyone also knew that if Xiaohu was fighting with all his strength just now, even if Sheng Yuan was frozen for a short time, not enough for Xiaohu to end the battle with an instant kill, he would definitely have the upper hand and make Sheng Yuan feel embarrassed.

This ability made everyone feel chills. Once it is used, it is too easy to get hit. In this kind of duel between masters, the momentary stiffness may mean the end of the battle.

Not only that, even if they didn't meet each other's eyes, as long as they were locked by this skill, they would have nowhere to escape. They would either be slowed down or severely injured. If they didn't start fighting, they would lose their chance completely.

"How long is the cooling time?"

Ye Zhongming asked.

Xiaohu felt it for a while. After all, the teardrops of Lucy's grandmother were too special, and he could fully grasp the abilities they brought.

"If the whole body is stiff, it will take thirty hours, if the whole body is slow, it will be twenty hours, and if the effect of serious injury is five hours."

The cooldown time is basically neither long nor short, and it is often considered humane to decide based on the effect.

The first ability is so powerful that everyone is looking forward to the next ability. Ye Zhongming said that when these two teardrops replace the same organ, they can produce three abilities.

"The next one, I will launch it now, but the effect will be seen in the next few days."

Hearing what Xiaohu said, everyone including Ye Zhongming was stunned. They didn't understand the meaning of the words. Could it be that they still need to use their abilities for a few days?

After thinking about it, Xiaohu decided to use it first and then explain to everyone.

He closed his eyes first, then opened them suddenly, and looked around.

From an outsider's point of view, his eyes are full of golden light, making people afraid to look directly at him.

"found it!"

Xiaohu yelled, and then the golden light flew out of his eyes and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

Then, Xiaohu's eyes turned red again, if it were Heitian, he would look like a ghost.

He looked at the sky, and an area in the air was immediately dyed the same color. Xiaohu took out his Saber Saber, stabilized his breath, and launched an attack towards this area!

The knife light was blood red, just like his eyes.

Everyone recognized it, this is the professional skill of Xiaohu Furious Slasher - Bloody Slash.

This should be Xiaohu's most powerful attack ability, and he didn't hold back in spite of his might.

So everyone doesn't understand, what does this mean? Why did you use your strongest skills against the empty sky?

You must know that these skills have a cooldown time, and everyone is usually very rare, and they will never use them until they are in battle, in order to prevent them from not having a strong guarantee when encountering danger.

But to everyone's surprise, when the attack landed in the red area, it seemed to be frozen, and it just stopped there. After that, the entire area was still for a while, and then suddenly disappeared.

Xiaohu's eyes have also returned to their original shape at this time, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a small red dot in the center of the eyeball, which is very small.

"This skill is called Eye of Vengeance."

Tiger started talking.

"When I activate this ability, I will gain a super vision ability. As long as the target in my mind is within a range of 300 kilometers, I can find him, and then carry out—revenge mark, which is to imprint a mark on the target. "

"The second step is to reproduce the ability. I can launch an attack skill to reproduce in the special area created by this ability, which is the red area you saw just now."

"The third step, we can't see it now, because when I activate the real skill, which is the Eye of Vengeance,

Only happens around people marked with vengeance. "

Hearing what Xiaohu said, Liu Zhenghong frowned and said, "I don't understand."

Xiaohu explained: "I have the final say on when to choose the third step. The shortest time is now, but within today, the target marked by me will only be attacked by my normal bloody slash. It will be launched in five days. At that time, the marked person will be attacked by five times the power of the bloody slash I used today. That is to say, for each additional day, the attack power of the Eye of Vengeance will be doubled compared to the first day. "

After finishing speaking, Xiaohu looked at Xia Lei.

"Sister Lei, do you remember Huang Dakui?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Remember, I have been robbing those small organizations in the east that transported the corpses of mutated life to us a few days ago. I sent someone to warn them. Who would have thought that they would not sell my face at all, saying that Yunding is in charge of the sky and the earth? to him."

Yunding's eldest sister sneered, apparently not taking this Huang Dakui seriously. That guy relied on being a seven-star evolutionary person, so he didn't care about Yunding's attitude.

Of course, he didn't dare to approach Yunding either. He didn't have to listen to the warning, because what he was fighting was the idea of ​​grabbing a few times and leaving, which really made him challenge Yunding, Huang Dakui didn't have the guts.

"When I activated the Vengeance Mark just now, I marked this kid. If I think about it, he dared to fight the autumn wind around us. I think he should have a few tricks, so I will wait a few days before launching the Eye of Vengeance, and let him taste the power of my five times bloody slash! "

The more Xiaohu talked, the more excited he became, "I don't know how this kid will feel when he finds such an attack suddenly appearing in front of him. Do you think I will launch it when he is sleeping or during the day? It is best when he is going to the toilet. ,Ha ha!"

The people around were not laughing, but were feeling the shock brought by this skill.

This is too weird and... wretched!

Make a mark quietly, and after a few days, a powerful attack will suddenly descend from the sky...

Don't talk about Huang Dakui, even Ye Zhongming is hard to guard against.

Ye Zhongming may have to use all his defensive skills to withstand the five times bloody slash. If it was a sudden attack without warning, he would probably suffer serious injuries in his haste.

Everyone has started to pray for Huang Dakui, praying that everything will be fine for him in the underworld.

"The cooling time is..." Guangyao asked dryly from the side.

"This, it's a bit long..." Xiaohu suddenly became depressed as if changing his face: "The maximum range of the revenge mark is 300 kilometers, and the range of the last attack is 500 kilometers. Once it exceeds, the attack will be with the distance. Increases and weakens, completely ineffective beyond 1,000 kilometers. The cooling time changes with the activation time. The longer the activation time, the longer the cooling time. If it is activated on the same day, the cooling time is 2,400 hours, and each additional day When activated, the cooling time increases by 300 hours, that is to say, if I activate it again in five days, it will take 3,600 hours before I can use this ability again."

Everyone looked at each other in amazement.

With a cooling time of five months, it really is a powerful skill.

"Talk to the third one." Ye Zhongming asked with bright eyes, "Hurry up and activate the skill before, that Huang Dakui, if he can escape your sudden full-strength blow, then so what if I let him go!"

So a few hundred kilometers away, a strong man was cut in half by the light that fell from the sky when he went to the bathroom with his buttocks bare.

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