Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and eighty-one

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1481 Colorful Catapult and Projectile Shock Cannon

"Two in One"

Everything has a limit, and this limit may be manifold.

Taking the Magic Crystal Cannon as an example, if Le Dayuan wants to increase the power of this weapon, there are three ways to use it.

One is to improve the efficiency of the energy circuit, so that more energy extracted from the magic crystal can be converted into the power of weapons instead of being wasted. The second is to increase the level of magic crystals used. Facts have proved that the higher the level of magic crystals, the more energy they output, and at the same time the greater the power of the unit energy. When reflected on weapons, the natural power will also increase.

The third is the number of magic crystals used. By changing the energy circuit, the magic crystal cannon can consume more energy every time it is fired, so as to increase the striking power.

From these three points, theoretically, the magic crystal cannon has infinite possibilities.

But in fact it is not.

Although the efficiency of the energy circuit has made a breakthrough under Le Dayuan's research, it is impossible to achieve perfection without consuming the energy extracted from the magic crystal, and it does not conform to the basic theory.

The magic crystal weapon is extremely powerful, but it also consumes a lot of energy. Even a large organization like Yunding has strict regulations on the use of this weapon in normal times. The sound of the cannon, ten thousand taels of gold, this kind of words in peacetime is also correct in the last days, especially in magic crystal weapons. After a large-scale battle, a large part of Yunding's magic crystal inventory will be consumed. That is Enough wealth to make anyone blush and heartbeat.

At the same time, the main purpose of high-level magic crystals is to evolve humans. It is impossible to use them in magic crystal weapons indefinitely, especially for magic crystals above level seven, even Yunding cannot be used as consumables now .

Under the premise that only level 6 magic crystals can be used at the highest level, if you want to increase the power of magic crystal weapons, you can only place more of them.

But this is not a simple math problem. If ten pieces are not enough, put twenty pieces, and if twenty pieces are not enough, put fifty pieces.

This also involves complex related issues. For example, if you place more magic crystals, you need to increase the volume of the magic crystal weapon. If the volume increases, you need to add more and more complex energy circuits.

Then there is also the paradoxical problem of energy circuit consumption...

After countless deduction and experiments, Le Dayuan and his assistants finally found a suitable value. This value represents the combination of the size of the magic crystal cannon, the area of ​​the circuit and the number of magic crystals. Optimum, or rather, limit.

Thus, the ultimate model of Annihilation was born.

Of course, in Le Dayuan's words, this is the ultimate model when using the sixth-level magic crystal, and it will be completely different when the seventh-level magic crystal is used.

Each of these ultimate models under the sixth-level magic crystal is like a small villa, lying on the ground and occupying a size of more than two hundred square meters. The long barrel allows a strong man to climb in and out.

Each giant cannon is firmly embedded in the mountain, like a giant beast. On both sides of the cannon body, there are 15 neatly arranged depressions, which are the places where the magic crystal is placed, that is to say, the drive Such an ultimate annihilation requires thirty sixth-level magic crystals, and these magic crystals, which are equivalent to a bottle of six-star evolution medicine, can only support this ultimate model to fire six shots!

Since this kind of giant cannon is shot to increase the lethality, there is no selection button for the output energy power that similar weapons have before, that is to say, each shot is the most powerful. However, the mode is optional. When facing a single target, you can adjust the firing method to be a beam of light. When facing a large number of targets, you can choose a range attack form.

Following Le Dayuan's order, hundreds of annihilation ultimate models selected a range attack, and a hundred huge balls of energy flashed across the cloud top battle formation, across the gravel, and landed in the swamp. superior.

After that, the ball of light burst and turned into countless winding energy snakes, wreaking havoc in the secret realm.

Because the target has been found before, the magic crystal cannon's attack coverage has almost reached its limit.

The ambush site found by Yunding Mountain Villa is a trumpet-shaped area with the largest swamp area, but the length and width are somewhat disproportionate. The length is very long and the width is average. The closer to the Yunding square, the narrower the width.

These hundred magic crystal cannons can cover almost all the junctions between the swamp and the gravel.

However, the first shot was aimed at the middle of the swamp, covering an area about half as wide as it is here.

After the energy attack, the entire battlefield froze.

Within the attack range of the annihilating ultimate magic crystal cannon, there is a piece of broken limbs and broken arms, corpses everywhere, without any life.

Seeing this scene, those monsters that crazily poured in stopped instinctively, and let out various cries for unknown reasons.

Even if they are ferocious by nature, facing the scene where tens of thousands of their kind die together at once, they are scared out of their wits.

But they were only the first wave, and the similar ones who were rushing closely behind didn't know what happened in front of them, so they directly bumped into them, and then stepped on their companions.

Death affected these monsters, but it didn't stop them from charging.

Soon, a large number of monsters spread over the fragmented corpses, and some fierce types even picked up some pieces of meat and devoured them.

I don't know if it was frightened by the performance of the monster. The human side did not make the next attack for a long time. It was not until 30 seconds later that the second round of shelling fell again.

Annihilating the ultimate magic crystal cannon, the interval between each attack is 30 seconds, which is already the limit of what Le Dayuan can do.

Still in the same position as before, the monster who was stepping on the corpse of his companion suffered the same fate as his companion.

Among them, there are many high-level existences!

You must know that those who can still follow the Nine-Winged Crow have at least five levels, and the average level has almost reached level six. Even if it is only the vanguard, there are still some seven-level troops in them, but they still cannot withstand the attack of Annihilation. Even if he was not instantly killed, he was seriously injured, and was directly trampled to death by his companions who rushed from behind.

After two rounds of attacks, almost one-third of the 70,000 vanguard troops died in one fell swoop.

"Gunner ready!"

A voice sounded from the battle formation, followed by voices such as 'archers are ready' and 'crossbowmen are ready'.

After that, it started with Ye Zhongming's sound.

In front of the entire battle formation, there were ten rows of weapons of various types. In the front were two rows of huge crossbows like the ones on the posthumous king's city. They were raised slightly, and the arrows on them were shining coldly. Then there are four rows of magic crystal cannons, which are not as huge as the ultimate model, but they are also the main model for defending the city. At the back, there are two rows of mortars that are very similar to those in peacetime, but they are bigger and look more sci-fi.

This is a military weapon, which Ye Zhongming spent a huge amount of money to exchange. It is called a "throwing shock gun", and each one is equipped with 20 special shells.

The last two rows, one row is a giant vertical bow, there are already ten arrows on it, and the other row is a catapult, which is completely mechanically operated. The stones are not ordinary stones, and they are piled up in colorful colors. There is no use.

Because of the terrain, each row was higher than the previous row, and after being processed by Genting engineers, a jagged attack trapezoid was formed.

Following Ye Zhongming's order, the catapult with the furthest attack distance began to buzz, and then five hundred stone balls of various colors flew into the sky.

Yes, there are at least 500 weapons in each row of these ten rows! Because of the size, there are more vertical bows and projectile shock cannons, and each row exceeds 700.

Five hundred huge stones drew a parabola in the air, and then fell into the crowd of monsters.

Different changes started happening at this time.

Those red stones smashed the monster into meatloaf and exploded, bursting out a violent flame, which ignited everything around it like the fire of hell.

Green stones will splash out countless poisonous water after being hit, corroding the monster's body. The yellow ones are the poisonous mist sprayed out, and the internal organs began to rot after being sucked in by the monster. The white ones directly jumped out of a large number of bugs, and penetrated into the monster's body. After a while, these monsters turned into irrational lunatics, attacking any life in sight.

The most annoying thing about this thing is the purple stones. They shatter themselves after hitting the enemy. There is nothing to attack inside, but a lot of purple viscous liquid flows out. Anyone who is touched by these liquids The monsters are stuck and can only move within a range of about two meters. If they want to charge, they will be pulled back directly after wrestling.

Some sharp-eyed evolutionists saw that only level 7 monsters could struggle to break free of those stuck by this glue-like thing, and those of level 6, unless they were in the shape of strength or had sharp body parts, could be cut off. These gums, otherwise they would not be able to leave the range. When some monsters helped their companions, they bit and pulled with their mouths or limbs, but they were also stuck to them.

"good stuff!"

Many people have this idea after seeing the role of these 'functional' catapults.

The previous catapults were used to attack cities, mostly city walls, gates and buildings, but this kind of catapult was used in a completely different way.

Colorful trebuchet is the name of this weapon.

It's not a military weapon, but a blueprint weapon. The specialty of a manufacturing professional who came to Yingcheng to seek a living has now joined the production department under the management of Yunding's logistics department.

Ye Zhongming provided him with enough materials, which were processed materials, so he made this trebuchet, because Ye Zhongming had already processed the raw materials very well, and what he was in charge of was actually the assembly, so the speed was naturally fast. The mental power consumed is also supplemented by potions, so in just a few months, so many units have been manufactured.

The colorful catapults are not chaotic. Each type of stone has its own area of ​​responsibility, and it will not cause its own fire to burn its own poisonous gas.

Compared with the annihilation ultimate magic crystal cannon, these catapults have much worse individual killing effect, but there are a large number of them, and there is no interval between each attack. After all the prepared colorful stones are fired, the total damage caused is instead The damage caused by the annihilation ultimate magic crystal cannon is much greater.

The number of deaths is incomparable, but there are many more people who are injured and lose their combat effectiveness.

Then those magic crystal cannons used for city defense showed their power. They made the unique hissing sound of magic crystal weapons, harvesting the life of monsters in the area they were in charge of on the battlefield.

As the monsters continued to approach, ten rows of weapons fired one after another, showing off their power within their respective ranges. It is worth mentioning that those projectile shock cannons, this kind of combat weapon has a very fast rate of fire and a low parabola, which makes the shells Can fall into the enemy's formation more quickly.

The way of attacking at the same time is very unique. After their shells explode, they will not cause damage such as shrapnel in the traditional sense, but rely entirely on 'shock'.

After they exploded, they formed a powerful shock wave, which may not have any effect on the monster's high defense skin, but those soft parts, such as the eyes, such as the eardrum, have huge damage, and the brain is the target of the attack. The monsters injured by the projectile shock cannon basically became deaf, blind and foolish, and lost their combat effectiveness.

In addition to the ten rows of weapon positions, there is a special group of people standing behind the positions, led by Li Qiang.

Behind him on the left and right, there are about a thousand people.

These people are all shooting experts.

There are all kinds of weapons, bows and crossbows, but all of them are professional shooters or have design skills. Among them, the most are holding firearms, and more than half of them are holding sniper rifles.

These people are equipped with micro-carved bullets that Genting has already begun small-scale mass production.

"Team A is in charge of level six, team B is in charge of level five and below, and the captain is in charge of level seven! Free fire!"

As the faster flying monsters rushed across the swamp and even the gravel land from the sky began to threaten the battle formation of Yunding, the team in charge of Li Qiang began their performance.

Regardless of their small number, they cannot form their own team, but no one can deny their horror, especially after the relatively mass production of micro-carved bullets, they have become the favorites in the eyes of all core members, and they cannot become an independent organization anyway , then they can be assigned to each team.

These people usually belong to the troops of various core members.

They are Genting's sniper force.

They are also the ones with the highest degree of freedom in combat. Apart from obeying orders and when to start attacking, the rest, attack timing, attack frequency, lurking locations, and even attack targets are all up to them to decide.

Now, these people are holding long-range weapons and shooting in a seemingly chaotic manner, but following their attacks, those flying monsters that charged fiercely fell from the sky like dumplings, and the originally dense formation suddenly appeared. Large expanses of white space.

Those snipers were almost sure to hit each shot, no matter how the monster made dodge movements, it was useless.

Apart from the help of their profession or skills, these people are all judged on the basis of hitting the deadly part of a fast-moving target when practicing shooting.

After each of them shot about five or six times, the flying monsters that had undergone the baptism of catapults and various crossbow bolts were cleaned up.

At this time, everyone realized that the battle had stopped for the time being, because the vanguard of more than 70,000 monsters had not even touched the edge of the cloud top battle formation at this moment, but they had been slaughtered cleanly! 8)

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