Roulette World

One hundred and forty five sandworms

Li Qiang wanted to ask something, but when he saw other people following Ye Zhongming immediately, he couldn't say anything more, and followed silently.

His question only lasted more than a dozen seconds in his mind. When everyone just entered the southern area, the tremors of the ground began to come continuously.

As an evolutionary, Li Qiang clearly felt that this trembling came from the front, which was the direction the team was heading in now.

"The sandworm is coming!"

Ye Zhongming had a stern expression on his face, explaining to the people around him while running.

"The ability of the sandworms is very single. Apart from their huge body and strength, their only ability is that they can quickly dig holes underground. The current tremor is that they are destroying the foundation of the southern city wall."


Li Qiang lost his voice: "Isn't that, isn't it..."

Ye Zhongming nodded: "The foundations of these peacetime buildings are not strong enough to withstand sandworms, and the stones and soil filled between the buildings have no foundation at all. It is estimated that they will collapse after a long time."

"Then you still..."

Li Qiang didn't finish his sentence, but everyone knew what he meant.

Once the city wall is smashed, thousands of zombies and those terrible monsters will rush in. Isn't it foolish to rely on these few people to block it?

What's the difference between rushing up like this and dying! ?

Although the others didn't say anything, they also thought so in their hearts, but they were used to obeying Ye Zhongming's orders, so they didn't bring it up in person.

"Because we're the only ones on this base who can stop this."

Xiaohu had no fear at all, and joked with Ye Zhongming: "Boss, when did you become so kind?"

Ye Zhongming laughed, and didn't care about Xiaohu's words: "Of course I wouldn't be so kind, because I still need this base for the time being, so I can't just let it go away."

Pausing for a while, feeling the increasingly intense vibrations under his feet, Ye Zhongming explained: "The sandworms destroyed the foundation, and the building collapsed. Listen clearly, it is a collapse. After the collapse, the building will become a huge ruin. These ruins can still be restored. To prevent the entry of zombies, we just need to kill all the sandworms in the past, and when there are no more troubles from these annoying insects, we organize people to reinforce these ruins, and this base can still be defended."

When everyone heard what Ye Zhongming said, they felt relieved, otherwise anyone who faced the sea of ​​corpses would lose all courage.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in front. Everyone looked around and saw that a section of the city wall filled with stones and cement between the buildings was collapsing. With the sound, the entire section of the city wall collapsed to the ground, throwing up dust all over the sky.

A black shadow streaked across the ruins, but it was not clear from the smoke.

The collapsed city wall was originally more than ten meters high, but now it is less than half of the original height, at most between two and three floors. I don’t know if it is because of the sudden drop in height. The roar of the zombies outside is much clearer. .

The people in the southern area who had just calmed down panicked again. This time, it was not the confusion and confusion in the dark night just now, but seeing the collapse of the city wall with their own eyes. These survivors could no longer restrain the fear in their hearts and moved towards Running inside the base!


Ye Zhongming gave the order coldly, and Feng Zhiyue in his hand also raised it.

Refugees are coming, if you don't stop them, the team will be stuck here, and then the zombies will really rush in.

Those with guns in their hands hesitated for a moment. After Ye Zhongming roared again, the gunshots rang out.

The crowd of headless flies immediately separated to the two sides under the scythe of death, making way for the team.

Ye Zhongming took the lead and rushed directly to the ruins.

A huge worm was crawling out from behind the ruins at this moment,

It has a huge body, with a length of more than fifteen meters and a width of two meters, making it look like a centipede magnified many times.

The only difference from the centipede is that it does not have so many feet, but has a pair of thick bamboo limbs in the front, middle and back of the body.

The most notable thing is the monster's head, which is pointed and has spiral lines, like a huge drill bit, and is as black as the body with a metallic luster. Under the pointed head is an extremely huge mouth, and at this moment, large chunks of dirt and rocks are being eaten in, passing through its long body, directly from the anus at the tail! The door is discharged, but the discharge is already countless powder particles.

This is the sandworm, the monster's exclusive siege weapon in the last days, and the destruction of many survivor bases is directly related to them.

These sandworms can quickly dig holes underground, even hard rocks can't stop their sharp heads under great force, and the sandworms also have a special ability, that is, all of their bodies are tooth-like Weird digestive organs, stones, bricks, cement, and even ordinary steel, after passing through its body, will be bitten into particles and directly excreted.

To them, ordinary human buildings are no different from those made of paper.

Ye Zhongming came here by accident, and he entered the base only to exchange for some things, but after seeing the zombies and mutated beings around him, especially after knowing that there was a two-star roulette here, his thoughts changed. I want to use this base to do one thing.

This thing needs a complete base, a base that has not been breached.

Now the appearance of these sandworms disrupted his plan, so what he had to do was to kill these variables.

Ye Zhongming had just completed the two-star evolution and his body was in peak condition. Holding Feng Zhiyue, he locked the sandworm that was swallowing mud and rocks on the ruins. This mutant life of the second-level evolution has not yet realized the arrival of the killing god.

It didn't see its enemy until Ye Zhongming's Feng Zhiyue pierced its body.

Sandworm, the feeling is not very sharp, which is one of its shortcomings.

Feng Zhiyue's sharpness once again gave Ye Zhongming an advantage, and the power of the two-star evolutionary also gave him enough capital. He swung two knives and directly cut off the leg in the center of the sandworm's body. Amidst the screams of the worms, they dodged the jets of gray-black liquid.

"First cut off their legs in the middle to restrict their movement, and then pierce the slightly lighter carapace on the back two meters away from the tail. Below is its heart!"

The sound of the bell ringing reached everyone's ears, teaching them how to deal with the sandworms.

While speaking, Ye Zhongming's body didn't stop, he jumped onto the sandworm's torso, and flew to the front of the tail. Feng Zhiyue drew a white shadow in the air and inserted it into the light-colored carapace.

"Be careful to avoid its blood. This is a neurotoxin. If it is contaminated, the body will become stiff, and it won't take two days to recover."

Ye Zhongming drew his knife and retreated quickly, completing this quick kill that he demonstrated by example.

The sandworm hesitated violently for a few times, then let out two frequent howls, and then died quickly.

Just as the people who rushed up to the ruins wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, they felt a violent vibration under the ruins. A few seconds later, rubble suddenly flew in several places, and huge black shadows drilled out of the ground.

A total of five sandworms surrounded the crowd.

"Thank you for the wind and sand and the first reward! ! "

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