Roulette World

1487: Promise Konglei and Wangshui Ghost Vine

"Two in One ~~~"

Ye Zhongming waved his hand symbolically as a response to his subordinates.

The results are indeed great. In a very short period of time, they were able to kill two level 8 players and hundreds of level 7 players. It is estimated that people will be stunned when this achievement is achieved in the national area.

But Ye Zhongming knew that it wasn't that he had the ability to kill so many powerful enemies in a very short time, but that he had the advantage of equipment.

Two golden bullets, hundreds of blue and green-level bullets, this is not a small fortune, the miniature carving professional and Ye Zhongming spent a year, consuming an unknown amount of precious materials and Potion, in order to create eight golden bullets. Take it outside, this thing will definitely be extremely expensive.

So this battle is more due to the equipment.

Because Ye Zhongming quickly cleaned up the descendants of the nine-winged crow within a kilometer range, there was a brief gap in the battle. Except for the tens of thousands of monsters who were still entangled with the zombie army, the entire gravel field was lifeless.

On it, the corpses of monsters are covered in several layers, and occasionally some corpses of piranhas and traces of cloud top traps can be seen.

Even though it has been more than five years since the end of the world began, even though many soldiers in Yunding have experienced such tragic battles as zombie siege and royal city defense battle, they are still shocked by the sight in front of them.

The strong smell of blood not only made the war beasts in the Genting Battle Formation restless, but even the evolutionaries were attracted by the blood energy and became bloodthirsty.

Probably, this is the war of the last days. Once it is known that it is inevitable, it can only be described as tragic and decisive.

The voices of some core members sounded from time to time, and they used their own methods to appease or motivate their subordinates to prepare for the upcoming war.

Ye Zhongming seized the time to recover his physical and mental strength, etc. The real battle had not yet begun.

Occasionally, Ye Zhongming would take a look at the other side of the mountain, and the tumbling black clouds would tell him that the battle over there was still going on, and due to energy fluctuations, the War Merit Medal could not reach Guangyao. Looking at the current situation, Ying should have succeeded .

That also means that the loyal soldier who was seriously injured and disabled for Yunding, who was willing to be a test subject for Yunding, had already sacrificed.

It's just that I don't know how many more soldiers like this will die after this battle.

With the help of Li Qiang's shooting squadron, those monsters fighting with the zombie troops were quickly killed, and there were only more than 10,000 zombies left. These are all high-level, only what Ye Zhongming saw , basically all of them are above level 5, there are those of level 6 and level 7, and the one who protects the mind is even a level 8 corpse ape.

Although the brain child has the ability to control zombies, it is not abused. The amount of control is limited. If the loss is too much, as it is now, then there is no way to replenish it in a short time. This will make the brain child with a single mental power type self The ability to protect is greatly reduced.

Seeing his subordinates die one after another, Brain Boy was also very distressed, but there was no way, it had to obey orders, because both Hongfa and Ye Zhongming could kill it.

After this batch of monsters were killed, many people came out of the Yunding War, carrying buckets of glass utensils and rushing towards the big pit, and then poured the liquid inside.

These are strong acid liquids from Candy's hands. After pouring them in, they immediately corroded the corpses of those monsters, leaving the magic crystals safe and sound.

The big pit that was already filled with corpses immediately turned into a lake of strong acid several meters deep.

This is not over yet, Ye Zhongming came over and sprinkled some specially treated seeds, which fell into the acid and began to grow crazily, turning into dense dark green plants in an instant.

Li Qiang and others saw that these plants only had stems and leaves, all of which had sharp thorns, and each branch and leaf was very long, densely growing on the strong acid.

Some pungent smells made Li Qiang's people retreat one after another. Although the Evolutionary has a strong anti-drug ability, this thing is very powerful at first glance.

"Ye Zhongming,

What do I do, what do I do? "The brain boy understood at a glance that Ye Zhongming was going to give up these zombie troops.

"Jump over here by yourself, or die over there." Ye Zhongming replied angrily, he knew that this guy was just pretending, and many of his subordinates had strong jumping abilities.

"That's what you said!" Brain Boy gave an order, and the zombie troops immediately turned their heads and jumped towards the direction of Yunding. Li Qiang, Ye Zhongming and others retreated a little. In a blink of an eye, there were nearly ten thousand The zombies jumped over, and on the opposite side, there were still thousands of zombies with no jumping ability left, and they walked around reluctantly, and it would take a while.

They spread out, and the vision was exposed. The largest group of monsters had crossed the swamp and entered the gravel.

"Restrain your subordinates." Ye Zhongming came near the brain boy, jumped onto the shoulder of the corpse ape, and the eighth-level monster instinctively punched him.

Ye Zhongming didn't dodge at all, and punched him in the face.

Although Ye Zhongming is considered tall among human males, how big a fist can be. As for the fists of the corpse ape, they collided like several Ye Zhongming, as if the tip of a pencil hit the bottom of a Coke bottle.

But in the end, the corpse ape snorted in pain, his fist and arms were swung away, Ye Zhongming just shook his body.

In terms of strength, Ye Zhongming is a humanoid monster.

Of course, he is also a monster in other ways.

"Stop, stop, do you want to beat my Ah Da to death?" Brain Boy yelled from the side, urgently ordering the corpse ape and other subordinates to stop their stupid behavior.

Just now, it was on the shoulder of the corpse ape, but it clearly saw the scene of Ye Zhongming killing so many high-level monsters single-handedly, and his mouth was not very good, but he was already extremely surprised.

It knew that Ye Zhongming could kill it before, but it didn't expect to be able to kill it so easily. To be honest, with Ye Zhongming's profession, a high-level sniper rifle, and a golden bullet, it couldn't dodge it. For a brain child with a fragile body, if he can't escape, he will die.

So now its fear of Ye Zhongming has reached an unprecedented level.

"The tall and tall ones should be used as our shooting platform, and the others should be kept in front of the big pit." Ye Zhongming gave the brain boy an order.

Brain boy dare not follow, he immediately ordered his subordinates to do the same, the zombies over three meters high immediately moved back from the team, and stood about 100 meters behind the big pit, while the rest continued to stand by the pit, ready to intercept The monster that jumped over.

People from Li Qiang's shooting squadron climbed onto the shoulders and backs of these monsters one after another, so they had the best view and shooting angle.

"Targets, monsters of level 6 and 7, don't worry about other levels, that's not our job, and try to shoot as much as possible to save bullets, once the special bullets are used up, then immediately withdraw from the front line, go back and find them yourself Position, assisting the team to fight, do you understand everything!"

Li Qiang shouted loudly, conveying orders to these shooters. With their abilities and the excellent weapons and bullets that Ye Zhongming equipped them, it would be a waste to use them on monsters of level five and below. The seventh level has the best damage, and the monsters at the eighth level are beyond their ability to deal with. That is Ye Zhongming's job.

After a short time to adapt to the zombies close at hand, these shooters suddenly agreed that today is their most outstanding moment, and their results just now are enough to make their contribution after the battle to a very high level.

Next, it will be their final performance in this battle. After that, they will become auxiliary arms, protecting the flanks of the team and protecting those war machines.

The largest wave of monsters with a number of three million came.

I don't know if it was the demise of the previous companions that made them vigilant. These monsters are clearly organized. Although this organization is rough and chaotic in the eyes of humans, it is finally not the kind of rushing around. For example, the speed is fast. It is basically impossible for monsters with poor defense to rush to the front and be instantly killed.

"Is there a commander among them, or did the Nine-Winged Crow give the order?" Xia Lei mentioned the two possibilities.

"I'm more inclined to the former. Of course, the latter is also possible." Ye Zhongming felt that the ninth-level life cannot be overestimated.

"Let's fight." Then Ye Zhong fired the first shot of the most difficult battle.

A seventh-level life fell in response.

However, the guy soon stood up again. This time, he didn't have any additional ability to snipe except for using the green bullet. It just seriously injured the guy and didn't complete the kill.

"The body is really strong." Ye Zhongming muttered, and the second shot was fired. At the same time, the shooters who also had sniper rifles or the monsters entered the range also started to attack. There was a loud gunshot for a while, and the running monsters immediately People are on their backs.

"Level six and level seven, level six and level seven! The others are not your targets!"

Those who rushed in the first wave of monsters were obviously rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys, and none of them were of high level, only a few of level 6 or 7 could be seen, but in this round of shooting just now, many of them were of level 4 or 5. The shooters were all killed. Obviously, the shooters were over excited, and some of them forgot the order, so Li Qiang had to repeat it loudly.

Now many shooters calmed down and began to look for six or seven lives within range.

The effect was immediately apparent. This act of sniping high-level monsters plunged the charging team into chaos, but they continued to move forward because of the inertia of their actions.

But the monster responded immediately.

"Flying Monster!"

The flying species with this group of monsters appeared.

The shooters immediately raised their guns to the sky, and other air defense measures behind them also began to show their strength again. Even the thunderstorm towers began to attack in batches to relieve the pressure in the air.

"Yangos!" Ye Zhongming yelled, and the dragon rushed over immediately, blocking the big pit.

"Little Tiger!" Ye Zhongming issued another order to the military medal.

The Little Tigers snapped their fingers, and the people around him protected him. Then his eyes began to change, his body temperature rose, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

Then he groaned and pointed with his right hand, and about a thousand fist-sized energy mines covered the airspace from Ye Zhongming and Li Qiang's sniper position to the Yunding battle formation.

If you look carefully, the coverage is different. The sky above Ye Zhongming and others is denser. There are about 100 branches, and between them and the Yunding battle formation, there are about 200. It is very sparse, but also very uniform. , the last 700 or so were all concentrated on the cloud top battle formation.

It was Xiaohu who replaced his eyes with Lucy's grandmother's teardrops to activate the ability—the fourth way of borrowing troops from Ling Lan, Wuji Konglei!

Once this kind of air mine is triggered, it will form an ice attack, causing huge damage and imprisonment to the targets within the range.

Ever since Xiaohu got this ability, Ye Zhongming found many skill upgrade scrolls for him. Now his Ling Lan Borrowing Troops has reached an advanced level, and all the methods of borrowing troops have been greatly improved. For example, now The number of infinite air mines used has increased from the previous two hundred to the current one thousand, and the power has naturally also increased.

At the same time, these air mines are not immobile. They move very fast and will dodge attacks. Only after the target enters their defense range will they detonate themselves and attack the enemy.

The Yunding air defense force and air defense weapons, which were initially suppressed by the flying monsters, immediately regained their advantage.

Those monsters that encountered the Konglei were directly killed at a lower level, and the ice mist emitted by the Konglei immediately froze the life in the area, forming a thick layer of ice on the body, and fell directly to the sky. The ground, even if it is not killed by Yunding, will be broken into pieces on the ground.

With the protection of Konglei, Ye Zhongming, Li Qiang and others began to attack the monsters on the ground with confidence.

Of course, the air battle did not stop because of this, and a thousand empty mines could not stop so many flying monsters, but with the addition of evil dragons, Yunding Air Force, anti-aircraft weapons, and the ice birds released by Ye Zhongming and the same rise into the sky, it started The red-haired, undead ichthyosaurs, and Xia Bai who participated in the battle, although they couldn't destroy the flying monsters immediately, they still kept them firmly in the vicinity of the big pit. Even if some of them occasionally crossed the line of defense, they couldn't break through the blockade of the air mines.

On the ground, most of the first batch of monsters with rough skin and thick flesh did not have any strong jumping ability, and they fell into the edge of the big pit one after another. They were originally cannon fodder, and this was their fate.

However, this 100-meter-deep pit could have been filled with a charging path in a very short period of time, but after the cannon fodder fell in, it fell on the mutated plants, and these things immediately entangled them, and the sharp thorns on the branches Piercing the monster's body, it instantly sucked them into mummy corpses, and then threw them below, where they were swallowed by the strong acid nourishing their roots and became another kind of nourishment for them.

The plants that have absorbed the energy of the monsters are growing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. As more monsters fall in, they grow faster and faster. Soon, they break through the deep pit and emerge from the ground like dense hair. He began to actively attack those monsters, and even the zombie troops on the other side were not spared. Before Brain Boy gave the order to retreat, thousands of zombies were sucked into these plants and eaten.

"Wangshui Ghost Vine!"

Looking at these mutated plants, Ye Zhongming smiled.

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