Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and eighty-nine cheating Hades tree

Ye Zhongming was still on the shoulder of the eighth-level Corpse Ape, and had the best view. He saw the fully crystallized Hades tree rushing to the bottom of the big pit.

During these days in Yunding, she has successfully progressed towards full humanization, and now the tree body that wraps her has only a thin layer, and it may not be long before she will have a human body.

But both Liu Zhenghong and Ye Zhongming understand that if they want to have a body that is exactly like a human, or become completely human, they can only wait until the Yama tree evolves to level nine, and then they can use the power of evolution to break away from the physical structure. natural limitations.

Yan Wangshu himself actually understood.

However, it is not so easy to evolve to level nine.

The Wangshui ghost vine seems to have easily reached the condition of evolving to level nine and broke through the barriers, but the situation is special, and it has something to do with its own rapid evolution characteristics and the huge number of monsters here.

It has become a ninth level, it is naturally powerful, neither the monster legion nor the people of Yunding can deal with it, but it is between the same level as the ninth level, its strength must not be outstanding, because its accumulation is worse, and it is not good for space and space. The perception of energy is also very hasty.

But if any mutated life is allowed to choose, they will all be willing to evolve to level nine as soon as possible, even if they take a shortcut.

Just like what Yan Wangshu is doing now.

As a mutated plant, Wangshui ghost vine has the same origin as Yama tree in large species, and although it was beaten to death, the core parts, namely the root system and magic crystal, are still in the big pit, absorbing them , has a fatal temptation to the Yama tree.

She finally didn't hold back, and ran out alone without obeying the order. Looking at the time, it should have moved when the wangshui ghost vine started to evolve and was flanked.

Now in the big pit, there is not only the Yama tree, but also many monsters.

In order to get the root of the ghost vine smoothly, she had already started when she entered it just now. Many branches protruded from the crystal tree and stabbed all the surrounding monsters to death.

This is undoubtedly a provocation for the monsters who are now dominant.

Moreover, in the eyes of these monsters, although the ghost vine is different from them, a life root that is about to evolve to level nine, or even already level nine, is of great use to them. Food.

The life commanding the monster army in the dark made another sound, and the subordinates around the pit immediately attacked the Yama tree.

They were not afraid of the nine-level ghost vines just now, let alone the Yama tree that was still at the eighth level.

"Come back quickly!"

Ye Zhongming frowned, raised his gun and began to cover, and at the same time ordered Brain Boy to let the remaining zombies take the initiative to attack the monsters on the side of the pit.

But soon, he couldn't see the situation of Yama tree, the big pit was filled with monsters in an instant, and more monsters rushed towards the cloud top battle formation.

Ye Zhongming could only retreat with Brain Boy and the Giant Ape Zombie. Facing the tide of enemies, sometimes a high level is very dangerous.

But only a few seconds later, Ye Zhongming stopped, cursed fiercely, and then his eyes began to turn black, and mysterious faint patterns emerged from his skin.

He activated the bloodline!

Anyone who knows Ye Zhongming knows that once the bloodline is activated, it is time for Ye Zhongming to go all out.

Everyone in Yunding saw Ye Zhongming, who was retreating, suddenly jumped off the shoulder of the corpse ape, and greeted Mo Guai's army. There was a moment of confusion in the battle, until Ye Zhongming's voice sounded in the military medal.

"According to the original plan, follow Xia Lei's instructions, and I will rescue the Yama tree."

Just now, even if Ye Zhongming saw Yama was surrounded, he still had confidence in that guy.

Yan Wangshu can be regarded as an old eight-level existence on the earth. Among the clouds, only Ye Zhongming, Hongfayang, and Goss can be at the same level as it, and even Dihuangwan Xiabai is worse.

In particular, a natural ability is a great weapon against group enemies. This time,

Ye Zhongming counted the number of enemies killed by Yan Wangshu at about 200,000.

That's why he retreated with Brain Boy because he had confidence in Yan Wangshu and knew that Luo Shenshan, who dreamed of becoming a human, had the ability to get out of trouble.

However, Ye Zhongming received a message from Yanwangshu that it... is about to evolve.

The evolution of Yama tree is different from the evolution of Wangshui ghost vine, its evolution is to sleep!

To evolve to level nine at this critical moment, surrounded by massive monsters, is there anything more deceitful than this?

But Ye Zhongming had to save him. Yan Wangshu didn't say that he was not anyone's favorite, but both the people in Yunding and Yan Wangshu himself thought that he was a member of Yunding, and this guy was even still in Yunding. In the back of the mountain, an area was set aside for her, and Ye Zhongming asked Ye Zhongming to build her a beautiful forest cabin, saying that it was her home, and it was there when she was not in the laboratory.

Such a member, Ye Zhongming would definitely not give up.

Xia Lei put away her worries and began to issue orders one by one. She knew that the more monsters Yunding eliminated, the more pressure Ye Zhongming would be relieved.

Among them, more than half of the evolutionaries began to change formations and came to the forefront. What they held in their hands were long-range weapons.

These evolutionists are not long-distance professionals, they are just long-distance troops. About 30,000 of them hold magic crystal firearms in their hands, and the rest are ordinary firearms and crossbows.

Everyone's weapons and ammunition have been processed by Ye Zhongming. The grade may not be high. On average, the weapons are about silver, and the ammunition is lower, only white.

Those in the Mighty Natural Shooting Squadron are incomparable, but their missions are also different. The shooting squadron is dedicated to sniping and killing high-level monsters, and these long-range troops will form a firepower network to kill monsters in a wide range and organize their charge. Quantity wins.

Evolvers who hold magic crystal weapons have at least two hundred magic crystals in their pockets as spares, while those who use firearms and crossbows have ammunition next to them in boxes.

As Ye Zhongming brazenly charged into the group of monsters, one part of the monsters became stagnant and confused, but the group of monsters in other directions quickly overwhelmed Ye Zhongming, drowned the King of Cloud Top, and then attacked the battle formation Come.

After entering the shooting target, Yunding's long-range troops opened fire!

All of a sudden, the sound of various gunshots and bows and crossbows became the main theme of the battlefield.

Magic crystal energy, metal bullets, and various arrows seemed to form a huge hammer that could cover the cross-section of the battlefield. After swinging, it slammed into the army of monsters.

The tens of thousands of monsters rushing to the front line were directly crushed by this 'giant hammer', and their bodies exploded suddenly, staining the vision of all life with blood.

The direct collision between Yunding and the monster kicked off in such a way.

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