Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and ninety-one, do not retreat but advance

What Ye Zhongming was wearing was an earthen suit, plus bloody combat boots, which allowed him to engage in high-intensity battles without delay. !

And the black halo and the constantly refreshed black soil armor also made him not very concerned about the monster's attack, he only needed to protect the vital parts.

However, with Yan Wangshu as a motivator, Ye Zhongming had to allocate part of his energy to take care of her, which made him retreat faster than when he rushed forward.

Another bad news is that the commander hidden among the monsters should have mobilized high-level monsters to surround and kill Ye Zhongming. He obviously felt that the pressure around him was gradually increasing. The monster commander obviously wanted to surround and kill Ye Zhongming here.

But is Ye Zhongming so easy to kill?

The monsters may not want to repeat the mistake of dealing with the ghost vines just now. The monsters they downgraded are of high level. When there were not many monsters in the beginning, they just harassed Ye Zhongming and slowed him down. But when enough high-level companions came, they Then launched a crazy attack.

There were at least twenty seventh-level monsters and two eighth-level monsters who shot at Ye Zhongming together.

Ye Zhongming responded to them with attack for attack.

He raised the Wind and Thunder Twins, and then slammed it into the ground, and a huge energy wave began to center on the Holy Father's weapon, and rushed towards the surroundings.

Those monsters who were either in mid-air or on the ground were all overturned by the energy wave. Those with higher defenses were directly shattered with internal organs, and those who were still alive also left blood from various facial organs.

In this way, there are no monsters within 50 meters around Ye Zhongming.

This is not a new ability he learned, but developed from a piece of equipment that has never been used in detail after he became a top craftsman.

The hammer that was taken out by the red hair from the Blue Secret Realm.

In the past, Ye Zhongming had nothing to do with this metal hammer, which could survive the extremely high temperature of lava without any change. Apart from its hard texture and the fact that it was not afraid of collision with any weapon, it seemed useless.

But this time, when Ye Zhongming studied again after evolving to a top craftsman, he felt some inexplicable energy from his face.

During the intervals of making equipment, or when resting, Ye Zhongming's favorite thing now is to take this hammer in his hand and silently feel it, hoping to unlock its secrets.

Hard work pays off,

When Ye Zhongming was in excellent condition again and successfully produced a piece of golden equipment, he was extremely lucky to imprint his own energy on the surface of the hammer.

This kind of imprinting is not entry, but the traces left on the surface by his long-term energy probing of the hammer itself, like water dripping through a stone.

This discovery naturally made Ye Zhongming very happy, but he had no idea how to use it.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Zhongming used this hammer to forge some kind of weapon, but it failed.

But after gaining experience, he began to continuously attach more ah energy to the surface, and then experimented.

Finally, let Ye Zhongming find an example that can turn 'theory into practice'.

He found that when he used this weapon to temper the Wind and Thunder Twins, a temporary ability would be added to it, which was the one he used just now, which could make the weapon emit an energy wave, causing impact and damage to the surroundings.

The power is naturally very good. Whether it is the mysterious hammer or the twin wind and thunder, they are all top items in the Blue Secret Realm and even the earth. The combination of the two, even if it is only a temporary ability, is also powerful.

It's just that Ye Zhongming didn't expect that this thing could kill and injure eighth-level life early. Just look at the eighth-level monsters struggling to stand up at both ends.

He used this ability before, really just to break through.

After finally having such an opportunity, Ye Zhongming naturally wouldn't give up. He activated the space equipment, flickered again and again, and quickly rushed towards the battle formation on the top of the cloud.

At the same time, during the pause, he summoned the Roaring Mechanic and let it launch the last two range attack abilities, the Lightning Fort and the Light Blade Fort. Zhong Ming paved the way for retreat.

All this happened very quickly, so fast that Ye Zhongming was about to rush back to the Yunding camp like lightning, but suddenly, his body stopped.


Ye Zhongming was only a few tens of meters away from the battle formation at Genting. With his level and speed, he might be able to get out of trouble in a few seconds. What's more, the roaring mechanic and the long-range troops at Genting had basically cleared the area between him and his battle formation.

Many people don't understand why the old assembly stopped at this time.

It wasn't that the monster was repelled, it just didn't charge for the time being, Ye Zhongming turned around and looked back, he was already about to catch up with him.

If trapped again, no one can say what will happen.


Ye Zhongming suddenly threw the Yan Wangshu in his hand towards the battle formation in Yunding, some people caught it in a hurry, and then began to send it to the back. The unconscious Yan Wangshu should stay with Le Dayuan and Liu Zhenghong, there are powerful guardians there strength.

After that, Ye Zhongming turned around and continued to rush towards the deep pit.


"The bell is ringing!"

"What are you doing?"

"Are you crazy!?"

These questions came from the meritorious service medal one after another, and Xia Lei's voice was even a little distorted.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, you continue as planned."

Ye Zhongming replied simply, and killed in one direction.

Just now, when he was about to get out of trouble, he felt a breath.

This breath used to be faintly present in the group of monsters. Ye Zhongming tried to find and catch it when he was sniping, but all failed.

It was the breath of the monster commander.

When it issued an order, its aura would be stronger, which made Ye Zhongming feel it, but I don't know if it was because it was too good at hiding or because its mental power was too strong, the aura would only be revealed in a flash, leaving Ye Zhongming helpless.

But just now, this breath was too clear, and it was so clear that it was abnormal, so Ye Zhongming easily caught it and determined the location of the monster.

Even, through the gap between the monsters and his extraordinary eyesight, Ye Zhongming saw a red monster with a short stature more than two hundred meters away from the monster group, being protected by many high-level beings, using a kind of cold His eyes met Ye Zhongming's.

This is a trap, a trap that clearly tells Ye Zhongming that this is a trap, whether to jump or not is completely a choice.

If you jump in, you lose the chance to escape, but you may get the chance to kill the commander and make the monster army lose its level.

If you don't jump, you will lose the shortcut to make a final decision. You can only kill the monsters step by step and suffer a certain number of casualties.

Ye Zhongming chose to jump in.


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