Roulette World

One thousand five hundred and six different people have different prices

Facing this problem, Xia Lei gave an explanation.

"Ability resonance is the state. The state that the evolutionary can maintain at a certain moment. The second ability of the relic robe is brilliant. It will choose the state at a certain moment during the cooling time as the basis. When needed, let the evolutionary Give full play to the state bonus corresponding to the original life. For example, if this piece of equipment randomly selects the state of the evolutionary's full strength during the battle, then when needed, it will give full play to the ability of 100% of the original life to add .If you choose the state when the evolutionary sleeps, then you may get zero bonus."

The three bosses tasted the product carefully and understood what was going on.

It is nothing more than randomly selecting the state of the wearer for a moment, and seeing what percentage of the full state it is, and how much it is, so that the skill can increase the corresponding bonus of the original life.

This is a magic skill!

Who is the original life? Either the Nine-Winged Crow or King Kai, no matter who it is, they are all existences of level nine. Even if their abilities are one-tenth, it is enough to make the evolutionary extremely powerful.

"What I want to explain is that although the ability resonance of this piece of equipment increases the percentage of the original power, it is only a piece of equipment after all, and it is not of the seven-color level. Ability is attenuated, after our experiments, probably the original strength is only about one-third of what it was in life."

The three bosses didn't know how Yunding tested it, but they were convinced of this. Ye Zhongming could even manufacture such equipment, so it was clear that the energy contained in them was also normal.

One-third... They were slightly disappointed in their hearts, but they adjusted immediately. One-third of the ninth-level life, that's okay, this is a bonus, superimposed on top of their own strength, really To be selected in a 100% state, to be able to increase the ability of one-third of the ninth-level life above oneself, that is also terrifying, and it must be no problem to crush the same level.

After the amazement, the three bosses also sighed secretly. A random ability of this ability has reduced its value by at least half. There are countless "instants" within the ten-day cooldown period. Who knows which one it can be randomized to, and it cannot always Keep fighting.

So they gave this skill a definition, if it is selected to the full state, it is a magical skill, if it is selected to the zero state, it is a useless skill.

Heaven and hell are really on the line.

"Let's talk about the wave resonance mace." Xia Lei continued to talk about the third piece of equipment without giving the three bosses any more time to think.

"Wave Resonance Mace, Ability 1, Whiplash. After hitting the target, it will produce a whipping effect, the target will be repelled, and a state of confusion and fear will be generated. The effect and duration are determined according to the difference in mental power between each other."

"Ability 2, Illusion. When wielding the Wave Resonance Mace, the weapon will often enter the illusory state, causing displacement, thereby shortening the time to hit the target."

"Ability 3, air shock, when using the wave resonance mace, it will leave invisible marks in the air. When the user activates this ability, these marks will explode and cause damage to enemies within the range. Proportional to the number of signs."

"Ability 4, Sinister Strike. When needed, the user can launch the Sinister Strike skill. The Wave Resonance Mace launches a skill attack with an attack power equal to 200% of itself. It directly hits the target within a distance of ten meters. Within the distance, there is a half chance of hitting the target. The cooling time is 20 hours."

"Ability 5, wave attack, whenever the weapon is used for more than five minutes, it can launch an attack that causes several waves of damage, and the attack power of each time remains the same as the initial intensity. Depending on the intensity, the greater the intensity, the more waves. If the user does not activate the skill after five minutes, the wave attack will enter the next cycle, and the last attack will be stored. When activated, the two times will be superimposed. This skill stores up to three waves of attacks."

"Ability 6,

With one blow to cover the sky, the user can activate this ability once every 100 days. When activated, the Wave Resonance Mace will increase its size to several times its original size according to the user's evolution level and many other factors. When the user's ability is increased, the attack power of the multiplier will be increased, and a fatal blow will be launched. "

This purple equipment has six skills, not too many and not too few. But every ability can be said to be very good, the further back the better, the front increases the negative status, increases the attack speed, increases the attack power, and the latter directly uses multiples to increase the power, especially the last one, if the evolution is enough Powerful, making the weapon ten times larger, then when he launches a skill attack, he will have ten times the original attack power!

The three purple outfits each have their own merits, but they are undoubtedly top-notch items.

So the question is, how much will it cost?

Xia Lei knew what they were thinking, so she stated the price very simply.

"Zhong Ming said that we are all friends, so we will not engage in auctions or other things to increase the price. The price will be clearly marked, and no counter-offer will be made. Each person can only buy one piece. If someone jointly takes a fancy to one piece, then Only then will the method of the highest price be adopted, and if someone gives up, then the remaining one will also adopt the method of the highest price, of course, these are all above the low price."

While the three bosses were frowning, Xia Lei then announced a price.

"The price of equipment selected by Wanshou Manor is a bottle of eight-star evolution potion plus a nine-level magic crystal. The price of equipment selected by the Freedom Army is a bottle of eight-star evolution potion, two war fortress reactors, and two sets of green-level military equipment. Saint Cloth. Water Deacon’s choice of equipment is priced at two bottles of eight-star evolution medicine.”

Hearing this price, the three bosses collectively scolded their mothers in their hearts.

This is too expensive, directly use the eight-star evolution potion to mark the price?

"Even if everyone has evolved to the nine-star level, purple is still the main equipment level you use. The more expensive it gets later, you can choose to give it up, but Yunding will never lower the price."

After Xia Lei finished speaking, she looked at them leisurely.

The three looked at each other.

Is it expensive?

It's really expensive at this stage. But for the future, it is really not expensive.

If so, buy it!

The three of them avoided bidding with each other. After a little discussion, each ordered a piece of equipment, and then hurried back to raise money. There was no way, and the deadline given by Yunding was only five days.

Li Daqian is the easiest one. He has the eight-star evolution potion on hand, and he also has the nine-level magic crystal. Just go back and get it. The saddest one is Water Deacon. I went back and got another bottle.

The three bosses, who were full of equipment and eight-star evolution potions, overlooked one thing.

Ye Zhongming... where did he go?

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