Roulette World

1509th one sided battle

"Still Two in One"

Ye Zhongming was also the first time to see such a high-level animal and plant life with mutated life.

Yupo and her black cat are the most powerful accompanying life that Ye Zhongming has ever seen. Zombies and mutated animals are also considered different species, but the two existences should have been connected before they were alive, so they can form such a relationship.

So how did this sand fox and two sea buckthorn trees form?

This thought flashed by, Ye Zhongming shook his head, he had more contact with Sister Hong, and even his way of thinking about problems was affected.

The combined attack of the ghost-eyed sand fox and the mutated seabuckthorn tree is very powerful. The way to kill so many evolutionaries just now is clean and neat, but the movement of the mutated plant is very slow. Even if the two seabuckthorn trees can already become treants, every time they move, It also takes about three seconds, so even if they can move a distance of ten meters, it is still not enough to get rid of the following evolutionaries.

As a gardener, Ye Zhongming knew a lot about mutated plants, and he also had a genetic life laboratory. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, his understanding was even deeper.

He thought of the tree man in the laboratory. Although he is a human tree, some abilities are commonly possessed by mutant plants. One of them is the speed of action. It seems that activating a certain ability can increase in a short time of speed.

I don't know if these two mutated seabuckthorn trees have such abilities.

Captain Wang brought people with seven-star and six-star evolution levels to besiege the three mutated beings.

Normally, there are four seven-star evolutionists here, and nearly twenty six-star evolutionists. They can take down the ghost-eyed sand fox and the mutant sea-buckthorn tree with all their strength, but the battle is extremely anxious.

These people are not a team, so it is inevitable that they are a little cautious, and they all make sure that they are not injured as a priority. In this case, the results of the battle will naturally not appear immediately.

"Veterinarian Meng, let your war beast get involved!" Team Wang suddenly yelled at Veterinarian Meng, and everyone else agreed.

Veterinarian Meng's face was gloomy, and he knew what these people meant by involvement, it was sacrifice!

The seven-star evolutionary has no organizational power, and he is the best sacrifice target at this moment when he has his own ghosts and wants to achieve results.

Veterinarian Meng blew a whistle, and his three war beasts immediately attacked the three mutated beings from the side. The others were overjoyed when they saw it, but they didn't expect this guy to be quite right! They all keep an eye on their opponents, and once they find a flaw, they will attack with all their strength.

On such a rainy night, they also wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

But... Veterinarian Meng's three war beasts only attacked once, and they all had long-range abilities. After meeting their masters, they turned around and burrowed into the woods.

Dui Wang and the others were taken aback for a moment, and cursed out loud.

Without a seven-star evolutionary and three sixth-level war beasts, their pressure increased sharply.

The ghost-eyed sand fox also saw an opportunity at this time, and the eight eyes on its face suddenly lit up, and a seven-star evolutionary who was closest to it let out an ah, and then slashed and attacked the surroundings like crazy, regardless of the enemy. Friends, immediately a few unsuspecting six-star evolutionaries suffered and were killed directly.

The situation that was already closed suddenly collapsed because of Veterinarian Meng's departure and this man's madness.

Like a team of twins, the mutated seabuckthorn tree followed the attack of the ghost-eyed sand fox. Dozens of thorns flew out from the branches, enveloping all the surrounding evolutionaries.

People with high levels or strong defenses could barely resist, but those with poor defenses were hit one after another, and a few even struggled a few times and lost their breath.

But the human beings are not like this. The Wang team threw something and hit their tree while the mutated seabuckthorn tree was attacking. The liquid from this thing made the two seven-level trees tremble. The weapon in the hand of another seven-star evolutionary turned into a knife shadow, which instantly slashed at the waist of the ghost-eyed sand fox, and the beautiful fur immediately turned blood red.

After the shadow of the knife passed, the knife broke off immediately, and a brand new one appeared in the hand of the seven-star evolutionary. Obviously, the attack just now was some kind of ability of his.

The ghost-eyed sand fox fought back fiercely. With a sweep of its big furry tail, it spewed out dark pink poisonous gas, causing the evolutionaries to retreat one after another. Those who were a little bit contaminated all fell to the ground after a while and howled, watching helplessly. Bits of rot turned into pus.

This time, the evolutionists couldn't even surround these three mutated beings, it was very difficult to block them.

The three mutated beings did not bother to fight, and fled towards the depths of the woods. The two treants endured the pain in their bodies, and their roots were tied together to form two wheel-shaped structures. The ghost-eyed sand fox jumped When they got behind them, the tree man ran fast, and soon he could only see a blurred shadow.

"Chasing, the mutated seabuckthorn planted my soul exorcising water, so I can't run far!"

Team Wang roared angrily. Two of his subordinates had already died in battle, and they were all six-stars. How to explain it after returning is a trivial matter. The situation can only be made up for by catching the ghost pupil sand fox!

"The Shahu also made me slash, and I'm sure I'll be seriously injured." The seven-star swordsman also said something, and chased after Team Wang.

The others paused for a moment, and then followed suit one after another.

Ye Zhongming also followed the large army, but his direction deviated after entering the woods, and the Bao team and others who formed a temporary team with him did not notice it at all.

After walking through the woods for a while, Ye Zhongming stopped silently. Standing behind a tree, he silently stared at a person about twenty meters ahead.

It was the woman who originally followed Team Bao and was snatched away by Captain Wang.

Dui Wang just wanted to chase the ghost-eyed sand fox, but he had already forgotten about this woman, so she ran out while in disorder.

But after running for a while, she stood here in a daze, looking around, as if she had lost her way.

"Hehe, girl, can't you find your way home?"

A voice suddenly appeared from the side, which made the woman tremble in fright.

Veterinarian Meng and his three war beasts slowly appeared in the woman's sight.

He didn't escape very far, but hid nearby.

"You, you..." The woman was too scared to speak.

"Hey, those fools think that the ghost-eyed sand fox is the only one that is valuable, but they don't know that you are the most valuable!"

Veterinarian Meng looked around twice at the woman's body, seeing the body of the opposite sex whose body was completely exposed due to the wet equipment, his eyes became hot.

"Accompany me to have a good time, and then exchange you for money!"

He patted the mutant wolf with his hand, one man and three beasts were about to pounce on it.


A blood hole suddenly appeared in the head of the tallest war beast next to it, and its huge body swayed and hit the ground with a bang.

The sudden change made the woman stunned, and Veterinary Meng was stunned for two seconds, and then let out a heart-piercing scream.

This is a war beast that he has worked so hard to cultivate for several years. It is now at level six, and it will evolve to level seven in a short time!

But now, it turned into a corpse.

After howling for a few seconds, Veterinarian Meng calmed down.

If he can instantly kill the existence of his sixth-level war beast, then it probably won't be too difficult to deal with him who is a seven-star.

The mutant wolf let out a deep growl in one direction, and the long gray hair all over its body stood up.


Ye Zhongming slowly walked out from behind the tree, holding his left hand, and pointing his index finger in the direction of Veterinarian Meng.

"It's you?!"

Veterinarian Meng couldn't believe it when he saw Ye Zhongming. It turned out to be the lonely evolutionary in the broken house just now.

He glanced at Ye Zhongming who was still indifferent, and his attention gradually fell on Ye Zhongming's raised hand.

There, wearing a pair of simple black gloves.

On the fingertip of the index finger of his left hand, the purple light just disappeared.

Purple equipment!

Doctor Meng's heart beat violently.

Even though he has a good evolutionary level, he has also cultivated war beasts well, but all the income he has earned in the past few years has been spent on these areas, and he has not invested much in equipment. The best pieces he has now are those he got when he turned the roulette. .

But he had never seen golden equipment, let alone purple equipment.

Everything is explained at this moment!

This guy's own strength is not strong, but he has purple equipment, a piece of purple equipment with super attack power, which can instantly kill six-level mutant life!

Veterinarian Meng's mood suddenly returned from hell to heaven.

Even if his other two war beasts died, as long as he got this purple equipment, it would be a big profit.

The glove in Ye Zhongming's hand is indeed a very powerful purple equipment, and this is the first time it has been used in actual combat.

Since he could make three purple outfits for others, how could he treat himself badly.

Using materials from the Nine-Winged Crow and King Kai's body, he made a total of seven purple suits and twelve gold suits.

Now he has four more purple outfits, not to mention that his whole body is equipped with this level of equipment, but most of them are already at the purple level.

"Gauntlets of Drenched Fear."

This is the name of this piece of equipment. It has six abilities, and Ye Zhongming used his ability just now - Dingjunzhi!

This is a long-range attack ability that can draw a certain percentage of one's own mental strength, physical strength, and stamina into a range within 50 meters, and the attack power will increase by 20% through equipment.

Just now, he only used 1% of his mental and physical stamina, which was enough to instantly kill a level 6 life.

Ye Zhongming's three aspects are all at the abnormal level, and one percent can already scare people to death.

And this ability has no cooling time, as long as you are willing to spend 100% of your mental strength, physical strength and endurance, you can use it all the time.

After calming down, Veterinarian Meng immediately started to attack. The two war beasts rushed forward first, and he hid behind his own war beasts, apparently also very afraid of purple equipment attacks.

But veterinarian Meng has a strong self-confidence. He feels that as long as he is allowed to get close to this person, he can be defeated in an instant.

Ye Zhongming still didn't hold any weapons. Watching the two war beasts approaching, he raised his hands forward, grabbed and squeezed, and the two war beasts immediately stopped charging with this movement, and their bodies floated from the ground into the air.

Their claws danced wildly in the air, as if they wanted to grab something on their necks, but because of the structure, they couldn't reach it anyway.

Veterinarian Meng snorted, and threw out a long whip, intending to use it to pull his war beast out of the air to see what happened.

It's just that before the whip was thrown out, he heard two light clicks, and the connection between his mind and the beast disappeared.

The corpses fell from the sky, whether it was a mutant wolf about the size of a human, or another war beast that was even bigger, their necks twisted strangely, and they died aggrieved.

Ye Zhongming waved his hand and whistled in satisfaction.

Another ability of Fist of Fear, Invisible Arm!

It can extend the arm by five meters, and it will not show a specific shape, and cannot be attacked. If you want to crack it, you can only let the user automatically give up or move the arm.

The invisible arm does not have its own attack ability, but its effect is no less than that of any offensive skill. Even if it limits the ability to use weapons, it can still make Ye Zhongming's enemies hard to guard against and get caught directly.

With Ye Zhongming's perverted strength, once he catches a mutant life that is two levels behind himself, it can be solved with a little force.

"you you!"

Doctor Meng finally found out that something was wrong. Even if it was purple equipment, it would not be possible to exert such power, right?

"After telling me to get out, is it so easy to continue living?"

This lone traveler in the end of the world finally knew that he had kicked an iron board. Veterinarian Meng suddenly knelt down and said with a pitiful face: "I have eyes but don't know Taishan, I have eyes but no eyes, I offended my brother, please have a lot of adults, come around me!" Once, I know the rules, I will give you everything I have, as long as you let me go."

In order to survive, any man who has gold under his knees is worth nothing.

"Then I need you to tell me some information." Ye Zhongming stared at Doctor Meng Jun and said.

This one was also straightforward, and immediately told everything he knew. Ye Zhongming knew exactly what was going on today.

He nodded, facing the pleading eyes of veterinarian Meng, Ye Zhongming said something lightly.

"After telling me to get out, is it so easy to continue living?"

Following the words, he clapped his right palm down.

At the same time, Veterinarian Meng also moved, several dark objects rolled out of his body, and at the same time he jumped backwards.


The body had just jumped more than ten centimeters, and Veterinarian Meng was slapped by a giant illusory palm, and was directly pushed back to the ground. Through the transparent palm, it could be clearly seen that this seven-star evolutionary had turned into a puddle of flesh. .

Puff puff puff puff, those black balls exploded under the shadow of the giant palm, and with the shadow of the palm disappearing, a lot of black smoke filled the air.

Ye Zhongming used the third ability of the Misty Fear Gauntlet, Falling Mountain Palm.

Three abilities, killed four lives, in less than a minute!

He moved his body, not too fast, but appeared in another direction, blocking the way of the woman who was quietly trying to slip away.

"It's not good to leave without saying goodbye." Ye Zhongming asked with a smile.

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