Roulette World

1517 What kind of pit is this?

Vice President Yang doesn't feel very good.

It wasn't that he felt that he was going to fail, but that he always felt that the King of Genting on the opposite side hadn't tried his best.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but later he realized more and more that this guy seemed to be walking himself.

Vice President Yang didn't bring too many people with him when he came, and after adding the members of the previous Retail Chamber of Commerce team who stayed to guard Ye Zhongming and others, there were less than fifty people in total. Even if Ye Zhongming's meat pigs are not very good at fighting, they are still counted as heads, and the combined number is more than them.

But it took a while, especially after the call for help was sent out. Ye Zhongming led the people and began to retreat.

Vice President Yang felt that he would make the same choice when he encountered this situation, because the camp of the Zero Chamber of Commerce was not far from here, and he could only be killed by the reinforcements who came.

During the retreat, Vice President Yang discovered a problem.

A dozen or so evolutionaries who were obviously powerful in combat protected the pigs and retreated, while Ye Zhongming protected these dozen people to retreat.

At the beginning, I didn't feel abnormal, but then Vice President Yang found out that as long as Ye Zhongming wanted to, he could stop all of them.

Being able to have such strength, but not choosing to defeat one's side head-on, the suspicion in Vice President Yang's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

But no matter what he thought, he didn't realize that Ye Zhongming was using himself as a bait to leave so quickly, just to let Vice President Yang grasp his movements.

After beating away like this for an hour, Ye Zhongming clearly felt that in the direction he left before, a huge murderous aura was condensing and gradually taking shape, and then crazily rolled towards this direction.

Ye Zhongming observed the surrounding environment and found that this is a hilly area with many trees. For his plan, this is not a good place to release.

Now that he has taken the risk, he wants to get the maximum benefit.

The other party came much faster than he expected. It seems that whether it is the Retail Chamber of Commerce, the Pin Palace, or the Shentang, it is really inevitable for him to gather such a large army so quickly.

That kind of murderous aura can only be released when tens of millions of people gather together.

Ye Zhongming launched a fierce attack.

He killed five of the opponent's evolutionaries in one fell swoop, causing Vice President Yang to change his strategy. Instead of trembling forward, he followed behind, looking for opportunities to make a move, and contacted the latter more and more frequently.

Leaving aside a hill, Ye Zhongming saw that there were more than 500 meters between Vice President Yang's team and them, and immediately gathered everyone around him, and took out a simple map that he had drawn before.

"My people will take you away. Did you see that, just turn around the hill and walk from here, and then send you to Yunding Mountain Villa."

Those who escaped from service will fully implement his orders. Ye Zhongming is just explaining to Xiaohua, Wang Xiaorui and the others to reassure them. Ye Zhongming seems to have adopted their plan, but in fact it is just a part of his own plan. Now , the task of these people has ended, and what follows is Ye Zhongming's war alone.


"I'm not asking for your opinion." Ye Zhongming unceremoniously interrupted what Xiaohua was going to say, and then handed the map to the captain of the avoidance team.

"Boss, take care." The captain was very excited to carry out the mission with Ye Zhongming. Now that the boss asked him to leave, he would leave by himself. As for worry... really not.

In their hearts, Ye Zhongming is an undefeated existence.

After speaking, Ye Zhongming left with his subordinates and the women. Ye Zhongming turned around and returned to the hill. Vice President Yang, who was within 100 meters, stopped immediately.

Ye Zhongming's sudden attack just now really left a deep impression on them.

Seeing Ye Zhongming draw the knife, Vice President Yang and the others retreated subconsciously.

"You, you can't escape!"

A member of the Retail Chamber of Commerce yelled sternly.

In fact, they didn't want to chase at all, but they had no choice. Vice President Yang didn't give the order,

They can only follow.

"Our army is coming, those who know how to surrender quickly!"

This remark made Vice President Yang and the others feel embarrassed and cancerous.

Do you think this is acting in a movie? Do you think of yourself as a villain actor?

Ye Zhongming smiled and swung a knife at them.

Vice President Yang and the others were so frightened that they stepped back tens of meters.

But Ye Zhongming's knife only drew a ditch where they originally stood.

"After crossing this realm, I will try my best to kill you."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the life of the undead emerge little by little from the knife mark drawn by the dead man Sha Yueren.

Vice President Yang's face was hot, and he felt that he was weak in front of Ye Zhongming, but he couldn't help it. The king of Yunding suddenly exerted his strength just now, and the fighting power shown was indeed a little higher than him.

Ye Zhongming didn't use much force in that knife, so the life level of the undead that crawled out was not high. When one came out, Vice President Yang led his men to kill one, and they were all chopped to pieces, as if they were Ye Zhongming.

The King of Cloud Top just looked at it like that, with a calm expression on his face, which disturbed the people of the Retail Chamber of Commerce, but he was actually thinking about his next plan.

You must stick to the plains, you must let as many people as possible enter the plains, then you must reach that position.

On the map in Ye Zhongming's mind, a point appeared.

Slightly glanced sideways, the refugee had already led the women around the hill and disappeared from sight. Ye Zhongming knew that the time was almost up, so he stood up and gestured to Vice President Yang Then ran down the hill.

Vice President Yang and the others looked at the knife mark and hesitated for a moment, but still gritted their teeth and walked over.

A chase begins again.

But when the team from the Retail Chamber of Commerce realized that Ye Zhongming was left with only himself, they passed the news back.

In the army that was rapidly spreading towards this side, a black double-bodied giant elephant with a height of ten meters was walking, and every step could cover a distance of nearly fifteen meters.

The giant elephant was covered with iron armor. Due to its huge size, it looked like a moving metal building after wearing the iron armor. The rumble made the ground tremble.

On the back of the giant elephant, an exquisite wooden pavilion was fixed on the iron armor, surrounded by light blue tulle, combined with the exquisite patterns and carvings on the wood, it made the pavilion look magnificent.

The evolutionists around looked here from time to time, showing yearning, envy, curiosity and many other expressions.

There is no way, this giant twin elephant is the first eighth-level life, and the people sitting in the pavilion on the back are all big brothers of the trilogy.

Wen Yan, Sister Bo, and Dr. Zi Che were all there to discuss matters in Pin Palace before, and there were several other people besides them.

Two of them are the most eye-catching, one is a thin man sitting in a corner with a mask, and the other is a middle-aged white and fat uncle with a red face and a smile on his face.

The thin man wearing a mask is special because there are three men and a woman sitting in front of him, plus a car, and the chair under his buttocks is also specially made.

These all indicate that this is the mysterious director of the temple.

It's surprising that the middle-aged man shows his face like that.

He is the president of the Retail Chamber of Commerce.

There is no pretending to be mysterious, no ruthlessness, and no sinister eyes, some are just an ordinary and even slightly stupid fat middle-aged man.

Just by looking at his appearance, it is difficult to associate him with a retailer who is inferior to a beast.

"The news came back from the front that the people Ye Zhongming led disappeared, and only he himself remained within our surveillance range."

The fat and fat president of the Retail Chamber of Commerce said with a smile.

"With his strength, he can defeat Lao Yang, but he didn't do that, but kept teasing my subordinates. It seems that it is indeed a trap, but the king of Yunding personally made the bait, so he really can't get out. "

"Then, are we going to get in?"

A person next to Mr. Wen said that he is the chief steward of Pingong, and he is also one of the only two eight-star evolutionists in Pingong besides Wen Yan.

Compared with the other two forces, the overall strength of Pingong is indeed widening the gap now. If it is not supported by the veteran eighth-level war beast, the eighth-level Millennium, Pingong Horror will be ranked in the next national comprehensive strength ranking It's about to drop out of the top ten.

It's not that he suddenly failed, but that others are improving too fast.

"Whether to drill or not, we can get the answer after analyzing it."

The voice of the mysterious director came slowly.

"What is certain is that Ye Zhongming used himself to design a trap in order to let us in, then injure me severely, and even... destroy us."

The director stood up and walked to the middle of the pavilion, with a restrained aura on his body. Obviously, after focusing on combat instead of research, this director also reached his peak state.

"Then what is the trap? I'll put forward a hypothesis now, and then everyone will add it. Finally, we will analyze it one by one to see if we can guess what the trap is!"

After the director finished speaking, he stretched out a finger: "Jedi."

Everyone knows that the Jedi mentioned by the director is not the kind of Jedi that fell from the sky, but the kind of situation such as harsh terrain or huge corpses.

Attract the army and let the danger in the Jedi kill the target.

"Traps, large-scale ones, such as magic crystal cannon positions, magic crystal mines and the like."

When Sister Bo spoke, she didn't know if it was because she was in front of the president, she spoke much more normally.

Others nodded, this is indeed possible.

"A lot of genetic life!"

Now that there is a magic crystal weapon, another special gene life in Yunding may naturally appear.

"Portal!" Wen Yan said: "A lot of information indicates that Yunding Mountain Villa has a variety of long-distance teleportation equipment, just like the U-shaped wormhole of the president of the General Assembly, which can teleport a large number of subordinates in a short period of time. We attack."

Everyone nodded.

"There are also weapons of mass destruction. I heard that a few years ago, Genting used a bomb that wiped out tens of thousands of zombies!"

The only woman among the three men and one woman in the hall spoke.

"Perhaps, the secret realm? What can Ye Zhongming do to send us all into the secret realm?"

"Will those aborigines in the secret land lie in ambush nearby and cooperate with Yunding's army?"

"Ye Zhongming and Deacon Shui have a good relationship. Wuhuan Qian didn't secretly take refuge in Yunding, did he? Or has a breakthrough in the training of beasts in Wanshou Manor, giving this guy the confidence to confront us head-on?"

"So, it is possible for Yao Shijun and Yunding in the resistance area to unite. After all, the Freedom Army was originally the S area!"


Everyone spoke one after another, imagining all the possibilities.

Ye Zhongming's plan, although he has already thought about how to do it in the end, but before the "final", how to attract the enemy to come to this place is a bit rough.

But there was no way, Ye Zhongming didn't have a good way, he couldn't think of anything other than using himself as a bait to bet that these people were willing to take risks.

Now, these people from Pingong Retail Chamber of Commerce and Shentang clearly saw through Ye Zhongming's intentions easily, but what they didn't know was which trap Ye Zhongming used and whether they could withstand it.

"Look, everyone, here is a map of the surrounding area."

The director of the hall had prepared for a long time, and asked someone to bring a map and put it on the table in the middle. Everyone gathered together and looked down at the map.

"After learning of Ye Zhongming's appearance, the President, Mr. Wen, and I contacted the strongholds in these places, and searched with flying beasts, but found nothing that could make our millions of evolutionaries fall into a trap. The Jedi who went in did not find any troops from Yunding or other forces ambushing nearby, that is to say, Ye Zhongming came here by himself."

Even though they guessed so, everyone still admired Ye Zhongming's courage.

"Hehe." The president of the assembly smiled, attracted everyone's attention, and said: "Wuhuanqian will not unite with Yunding, I know their nature of chaining with the ogre too well, they will never do it for Yunding For such a tree, give up the entire forest. As for the technical breakthrough of Wanshou Manor, it is even more impossible. They started with the equipment of the beast pool, and it is as difficult to upgrade that thing. They gained a level nine life benefit and were promoted to one level, but in a short period of time, they couldn't cultivate enough beasts to threaten us."

Wen Yan nodded, "Ye Zhongming's secret realm is actually the same as what we have mastered. He can open a door of time and space through the key of the secret realm. He can enter it by himself, but it is impossible to put us all in." Yes, this can also be ruled out.”

The three bosses analyzed one by one. In the end, there was only one possibility left, which was that Ye Zhongming sent the army from Yunding through the teleportation equipment.


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